2. A handsome stranger


I opened my eyes and scanned my surroundings, I see dried leaves and as well I notice I'm lying on the ground, I'm no longer in the detention classroom but the woods. The trees were thin and barely had leaves, most of them had fallen and were piled on the ground. The chilly wind was blowing and the leaves danced around me, I wrapped my arms around myself because I felt kind of cold. I looked down and noticed for the first time, my shoes were missing but not only that caught my attention. I was wearing a long dress that was up toes, the dress was strapless and looked very delicate, I didn't know where I was so I just began to walk, hoping to find a way out of the woods. Out of know where I started to feel very hot. I don't know where I am, there was a dessert right before me and behind me were the woods I came from, I had to find a way home somehow so I kept walking. Every step I took, I could feel my feet burning by the infernally hot sand, the sun totally angry on my back and shoulders was at its highest point of shining. I was dehydrated and weak but I kept walking hoping to get away from the sun. in the distance I could see a little old house, I forced my steps to be faster until I was right in front of the door. I started knocking on it but nobody opened the door or answered.

-"hello? Is anybody here?" I asked but had no answer

I pushed the door it was opened, I quietly entered to the house I noticed by the state of its insides that it was an abandoned house, there was nothing that could prove someone was living in here, very dusty and worn furniture probably due to so much time without being used. The ceiling was a bit broken, I noticed when the infernal sun shined down on me again. I walked out of the house through the back door and noticed it was now snowing, when I looked back at the insides of the house it looked completely different, very messy, stuff broken and everything was out of where it was when I entered, this is very weird. When I came in here I didn't see anything wrong just the ceiling…I swear I'm not crazy, am I? I looked again at the snow then looked again to the inside of the house and once again I saw everything destroyed, the ceiling looking worse than before. The snow of the outside was covering everything inside, I had no refuge so I made my way towards the snow path. I don't know why, I just kept walking. My previously burnt feet are now freezing. The wind was very strong it felt like a snow storm, I can't see anything before me only while. It's so cold I can now barely feel my toes, fingers, ears, nose and cheeks. I don't think I will be able to keep going. I hear something behind me, as if someone just ran pass me, I stopped and looked back but nobody was behind. I resumed my walking until I saw a cave.

-"I can rest there" I said while walking faster

As I rushed my legs to keep walking they decided they had enough, I fell…it's so cold that I can't move, my voice won't come out to scream for help, I can't even breath. I'm scared, I might die here and I don't even know where I am. As I closed my eyes and waited for everything to stop…and it did!


I felt warmth surrounding me, it was cozy and I really liked its feel against my body…I felt safe.

-"Wait, am I dead?" I asked out loud my voice sounded raspy almost irrecognizable, I opened my eyes slowly and see the ceiling of a cave. "how did I get here?" I looked to my right and see a campfire "is that what's keeping me warm?" then looked at my left and opened my eyes widely while screamed to the top of my lungs.

There was a man lying next to me, well only if he was next to me…he was hugging me, I shouted so loud that it woke him up. As he woke up I sat straight a little away from him looking cautious, he stood up.

-"who are you?" I asked softly as I looked into his eyes, slanted bright blue eyes, they almost seemed as if they were a glowing sea

-"please don't be scared, I have no intentions of hurting you" I heard a very sweet and soothing voice coming out of his mouth

He slightly moved some steps forward but I slightly scooted backwards trying to maintain a safe distance. For some reason I kind of wanted to walk to him but the fear of the moment didn't let me move at all, only back. The man had black straight hair about an inch and half under his chin. His skin was pale white but not as white as a sheet, his lips were full and a beautiful pale glossy pink, it kind of made him look very cute. He wore a long sleeve blue sweater that looked black compared to his eyes, on his shoulders there was a fur cloak that seemed very warm and his pants were black completely plain, when I looked down he was not wearing shoes.

-"my name is Jesse" he answered my previous question but I still needed more information

-"how did I get here?" I softly asked

-"I saw you go through the barrier so I followed your scent. I knew you were lost and was on my way to help you but you passed out before I got to you" he said while slowly sitting on the floor facing me as if not wanting to scare me with any sudden movement

-"what barrier?" I asked confused tilting my head slightly to the side

-"the one that protects our kingdom from intruders, you somehow were able to go through it which means you're no threat" he quickly explained

-"um, what are you?" a freezing breeze from the outside hurried in and embraced me making me shiver, I wrapped my arms around myself hoping for some self-warmth.

-"here" he said while taking off his warm looking cloak to then wrap it on my shoulders gently, he quickly sat next to me and I immediately blushed at the feel of his closeness

-"so, what barrier?" I asked going back to the probing questions

-"the barrier is supposed to confuse you. You were supposed to get lost in the dessert and die of dehydration"

-"why would" my question was cut by a shiver

-"come closer to the fire" he said and slightly moved dangerously close to the fire and gently pulled me into his arms cocooning me into his warmth "our kingdom has enemies, we only want to live in peace and happiness so I ordered a magical barrier, so it can protect my people. But I guess it isn't perfect at all its not supposed to let anyone in, no matter how harmless it is" I stayed quiet, still very confused. I don't even know yet where am I… "where do you come from?" I heard him ask

-"ah, I" then it hits me, I wasn't home. That drawing dragged me in here, what am I supposed to tell him? "I'm not from here" I shyly answered

-"I know, that's what I'm asking" he said while looking down at me

-"what I mean is, I'm not sure at all where I came from" I frowned

-"oh, you probably have amnesia… do you at least remember your name?" he softly asked

-"my name is Rosalie Matthews, but everyone calls me Rose or Rosie" I smiled at him slightly

-"a beautiful name for a beautiful lady" he said as he smiled softly making me notice dimples on each cheek, my cheeks were flushed, it's not often that I get a boy say that about my name. actually he's the first one saying that to me. " it will be dusk soon, we're going to stay here for the night, it's a long way back to Grivya, we will take our leave in the morning so rest well" he gently held me closer to him

I nodded as response, this guy was very handsome by all the means of the word. I can feel he has a firm trained muscled body, and his eyes…they were like two little vivid oceans, they looked calm but dangerous, oh the beauty of the danger of this man was somehow making me feel safer in the cocoon of his solid embrace, the warmth of his body and the calmness of his beautiful gem like eyes.


The sun finally disappeared in the horizon but the snow kept falling without seize, we were both holding each other for body heat beside the fire. He had fallen asleep already but I couldn't sleep just yet. He looks so beautiful, frail and inoffensive. I don't know if he's inoffensive yet I know he's being kind enough to help me and I'm very thankful for that. My eyes started closing themselves little by little and finally I was asleep against the comfort of his solid chest.