4. A vow to not to be broken


I woke up in a total dark and cold cell, there was dried blood on my body, dead animals were on the floor and I was tied on the middle of a bloody pentagram in a dungeon. I was scared, I could see rats and bugs crawling around it was disgusting and scary. I wanted to go home or be in Jesses arms feeling protected…but I knew that wasn't close to happen.

-"Jesse, he's dead" I muttered

My eyes started to sting, soon they were full of tears rolling down my cheeks and dying on my lips. I wanted time to go back so I can just tell him we had to just run instead of stopping to defend ourselves or beg him the night before to not stay and rest in the cave, to just head to Grivya even if we were tired. I kept crying silently wishing for a first time this was a nightmare hoping to soon wake up in his arms, hear his gentle voice call my name or even tease me, I would totally love his laugh to sweeten my hearing at the moment, all I could hear now was rats and bugs doing weird noises.

-"well look who woke up" I heard the voice of the very man who was at fault of Jesses death.

-"please release me, I'm not from here let me go I beg you" I said

-"well I can let you go if you give me your repelling powers, do we have a deal?" he asked, his voice sounded sinister, almost scary.

-"I don't have any power" I said sobbing

-"oh…dear me how did I think we would have a nice deal at the first try?" he said and then rubbed his hand on his face and sighed sounding exhausted.

I looked at him entering the cell I was locked in, he crouched in front of me and smirked, for the first time I noticed some weird symbols on his handsome face. He softly touched my face, my eyes shut in fear I didn't want him to be gentle when I knew he was a ruthless human being, so why buy it?

-"just kill me" I looked into his deep dark eyes "please set me free I don't want to live locked in someone's basement cell to be exploited nor abused" my lower lip trembled and I began to sob and cry again

"well that can't be done, I still need you to give me your magic immunity so we can kill Jasper and Arthrus, after that you will be your own person and as free as a bird" he said while wiping my tears "if you want to be out of the cell you have to promise me that you will not try to escape and do a blood promise with me" he said as he took his knife from his boot and cut the ropes that had my hands and feet tied

-"no, no contracts…no promises" I shook my head then opened my eyes wide "wait…you said a blood promise?" I asked him and sat quickly "you're a necromancer or a Satanist…I kind of vote more for the first one though you look emo but not have any anti religion shit on you plus those sub dermal tattoos might be your contract with the weird translucent woman" I said as I rubbed my chin analyzing him "a demon perhaps? Correct me if I'm wrong." He laughed really loud

-"well I will give it to you, you're smart and almost correct but she's no demon, she's a ghost attached to me, but I do have a demon and yes these sub dermal tattoos are my contract" he sat on the floor in front of me looking very interested "how do you know about my kind?" he asked then motioned me to speak looking interested

-"well, we humans have a thing called books, other thing called Google and the last but not least history" I smiled softly looking down "I kind of was very interested in stories that included necromancers, demons or any fantasy creature, I kind of always wished to be a writer so I've always done a good research of most of the themes that people was interested in. I never thought I would meet one though" I locked my eyes on his but his glare weighed so much on me that I had to look away

-"you look beautiful when you smile" he said softly taking me by surprise for the comment

-"well you're handsome, but scary" I said looking up to him slightly blushed, I heard him sigh kind of looking disappointed on how I added the last two words

-"well kid, I will leave you to think about your decision, just call and my ghost will tell me" he said as he got up and started walking away.

-"wait…what's your name? I asked

-"rule number one on dark magic little cutie, never give your name" he turned around and smirked "but since Jesse is dead and you are now my possession I guess I can at least give you that" he shrugged and smirked "my name is Killian, king of Astendalle" he said then snapped his fingers and a black shadow surrounded his body and then he suddenly disappeared as well as the shadow

-"someone likes to do disappearing acts" I said and rolled my eyes


It's been days that felt like months, someone moved me from the cell that was full of dead animals to a more clean the day after Killian spoke to me. Food was brought to me daily and sheets were on the cold hard floor, there was a big cube in my new cell which was recently brought by soldiers, it was full of clean water, I looked around and made sure nobody was coming and quickly took off my bloodied dress and entered into it, I quickly washed my hair and body the better I could, there was no soap or anything to make me feel cleaner but at least I was no longer bathed in animal blood. As soon as I got up from the cube I looked up and noticed Killian on the hallway staring at my naked body, a loud scream came out of me as I desperately tried to cover my naked body.

-"why are you staring at my body turn around you pervert!" I yelled at him

-"well I guess you don't want clean clothes then" he said as he turned around and started to walk away

-"wait! I do want the clean clothes p…please" I said looking down completely ashamed

He turned around and walked into the cell, he was looking at my naked body as if he was grocery shopping, wondering what to purchase. He walked around me then I felt the tip of his thin fingers tracing my spine, shivers ran all over my body as I started to tremble in fear, he had me naked in front of him, a man…an evil one to start with. Who knows what he will try…

-"we are under attack!" I suddenly heard a loud noise and commotion outside "it's the Grivyan army!" another yell came through the corridor

-"fuck!" Killian exclaimed and walked out of my cell to then lock it and walk away

I was left alone in my cell the clothes that once were in Killian's hands were now on the floor, I hurriedly took them and started getting dressed as quick as possible while hoping someone would come and release me at any moment

-"I promised the king I wouldn't pounce on you, but your beauty appears to want me to break my vows" I heard to my back a very soft and sensual purr

I yelped surprised and turned around. A handsome man with only pants was in front of me, his face was very manly, sharp jaw, tall and proud nose, high cheek bones enhancing his beauty, his lips were thin but decent looking, his raven hair was in a tall pony tail which its end was a little more under his butt, gray eyes almost could look like they were white. On his head he had two big spiral horns, on his arm a sleeve of what it looked like armor, spikes coming out of his shoulders, one hand was human looking and the other one was monstrous, beastly looking but the monstrous details on him didn't ugly him…it made him more interesting and wildly hot looking.

-"who are you?" I asked backing away when I saw he had taken out a pair or dual blades "please don't kill me" I quickly added

-"I would definitely kill you… yes" he said eying me hungrily "I would kill you with pleasure but I am a good little demon as you can see, my master serves King Jesse and I was ordered to bring you back safe and sound you see, Jesse made me make a vow to not put a hand on you unnecessarily and I do not break my vows like other demons do" he smirked

-"Jesse is dead" I said looking down "you're lying" I said slightly trembling at the image of his dead body on the floor before I was knocked out

-"well, plan B I guess" the man sighed with impatience " he's alive and kicking now let me take you out of this shitty place, no such beauty should be held captive in such a nasty dungeon" he said and offered his hand to me but I didn't take it "don't make this shit harder, ugh fuck it" apparently he lost the little bit of patience he had left

He growled then next thing I knew I was thrown over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, I yelped believing the spikes in his shoulders would stab me but they never did, they suddenly moved to his back then suddenly black mist was surrounding us, he walked some steps and I closed my eyes thinking it was not his. Next thing I heard made me jump off his shoulder out of happiness.

-"Rose" it was him, his sweet melodic voice, he was alive as the demon said

-"Jesse!" I yelled his name and ran to him, I hugged him tightly and started crying in his arms "I thought you were dead" I said between sobs

-"I'm alive thanks to you" he said as he cleaned my tears away from my cheeks then smiled and looked to his side "I want to present you to Arthrus and Khaizer" he said smiling "he is a necromancer" said pointing at Arthrus "and he is a demon" he said pointing at my handsome short tempered savior

-"and I would love to know what are you doing in this world" I heard a voice that sounded familiar but could not locate at all

When I was turning around to see the owner of the voice I felt my self-falling and everything was suddenly black.