5. Marked


When I woke up I was surprised to be on an unknown bed, Jesse was sleeping on a chair with my hand being held on his, he looked very peaceful when sleeping. I slightly moved and by accident moved his hand, his eyes snapped open and his sight immediately reflected worry, he gently sat close to me on the bed and helped me to sit, quickly he fixed some pillows behind my back and smiled gently at me.

-"how are you feeling?" he asked in his sweet velvety voice

-"I feel great now that I can see you're actually alive and I wasn’t imagining weird things" I gently placed my hand on his cheek and caressed it "I was very scared, Killian didn’t hurt me…in fact he was nice to me but I needed to know you were alive, I had the hope that you would come to find me no matter what…and you did" I said happily as a tear slid down my cheek

-"I fact he didn’t do shit but I will take that as a thank you…human" I heard a very rough voice to my other side which made me yelp in surprise

When I looked to the other side there was a black mist slowly taking form of a very built body, after the body walked off the mist and sat next to me I noticed it was the guy that took me off the enemy's hands. He smirked as he noticed me eying his very sexy features. This guy apparently didn’t know what a shirt was, he was only wearing pants that looked three sizes bigger than his actual size, they were hung on his waist and held by a very thin chord.

-"thank you" my voice suddenly came out as if I was breathless

-"so I do have an effect in you huh?" he said smirking then seductively got very close to my face and softly brushed my bangs away from my eyes, I was suddenly getting closer to his face, feeling the need to kiss him

-"Khaizer stop that, I know what you're doing so stop using that stupid spell" I heard Jesse growl next to me which as if it were magic I jumped back and the desire to kiss the handsome demon at my right disappeared

-"w…what did you do to me?" I asked completely blushed and wanting to disappear due to the embarrassment

-"well I just intensified your desires to see what you thought about me" he smirked "I can see we both feel the same physical attraction" he said to then place a kiss on my forehead

-"you fucking asshole" I heard Jesse cursing at him while getting up

I was confused, I didn’t know what was happening and why Jesse was cursing at Khaizer, I looked at Khaizer who was laughing really loud while Jesse started to walk around the bed to reach him, as soon as Jesse was in front and about to punch his face the bedroom door opened revealing two men and a woman.

-"why are you guys fighting in front of my patient?" I hear the very short woman yelling at them "out now!" she yelled again and pushed them out of the room then she came to the bed looking at me with pity "oh my dear, I hope you don’t mind those two idiots" she said and softly sat next to me

-"no, it's ok. I don’t even know why they were about to fight"

"Oh? You don’t know?" she asked surprised and looked at Arthrus and the other man who was by his side. He looked oddly familiar to me but I just couldn’t locate where I saw that man before. One of his eyes had an eye patch but that didn’t make him look ugly at all…it actually made him seem very intriguing.

-"I will have to fix this nonsense, she has been marked twice already" said the man that was presented to me as Arthrus previously to then sigh and look at the woman next to me, he made a motion for her to follow him then walked away leaving me alone with the guy on the eye patch.

-"have we meet before?" I asked at him "you seem oddly familiar" I quickly add

-"well, I'm the reason why you're here" he said while looking at me "you found the chest in my classroom while I was away and traced the portal to perfection so you activated it….plus you already had magical things on you as I can see, that’s why it let you through" he said then sighed

-"I still can't locate you I'm so sorry" I said and looked down

-"well…maybe this will refresh your memory" he said as I looked up to him curiously, he was gently removing his eye patch letting me see a very bright red eye, it almost looked like it was shining

-"the handsome teacher with heterochromia" I said as I pointed at him totally surprised "wow, they are so beautiful" I said as I stared into his eyes which apparently made him uncomfortable and made him look away while quickly putting his eye patch back on "oh I'm so sorry I'm so rude" I looked down "they were just so beautiful that I couldn’t help it" I explained

-"it's ok, I understand they are odd and you find them gorgeous but…for me they're a curse" he said as he sat down next to me "you will understand on its due time" he softly smiled and held my hand "I really am happy and grateful that you find them beautiful" he gently ruffled my hair "I will try to appreciate them more from now on" he promised

-"thank you, I really appreciate that you will do an effort" I said smiling shyly as my cheeks burned in crimson "I would really enjoy to see them daily, not hidden by a patch" I smiled widely and held his hand "but for now I will gladly accept the small step you're taking for me" I said as I patted his big hand

-"for our Queen I would do anything" he said and gently placed a soft kiss on my forehead then he knelt down on the side of the bed looking like a royal knight from old times movies

-"w…what are you doing?" I asked not knowing what he was just doing at the moment

-"I, Jasper Grivya first born of the royal ruling family of Grivya also the Commander and gate keeper of this kingdom, would like to offer you my life and full time services. Any request will be taken as an order and when needed I will shield you from any wrongdoing or life-threatening situation" he said a vow and then looked at my eyes "please accept me or I will grieve the rest of my life" his eye was begging me to accept

-"w…what do I have to do to accept? I shyly asked not knowing at all how was the acceptance procedure "do I have to do like in movies that they do a weird thing with a sword?" I was nervous

-"what?" he suddenly started laughing very loudly "no, no you just have to say you accept and the temporary bind will be done" he said as he shook his head still smiling

-"well, Jasper Grivya I accept your vow and my full trust will be placed in your hands so please take good care of it as if were your own" I smiled and held out my hand "get up now and never kneel for me, I am no royalty so treat me as an equal" he softly took my hand and got up without any effort

-"thank you my lady, you have no idea how happy I am" he gently kissed my hand then pulled me into a soft hug "I'm glad you're alive and safe" I heard him say as my face is right on his pectorals

His chin was resting on the top of my head. My body suddenly relaxed so much that I suddenly left a sob out of my mouth, he softly separated from me to see my face and noticed I was crying and looked at me very worried.

-"hey, hey no what's wrong?" he started inspecting me for any additional injure "are you feeling bad? Is there any injure that was unattended?" he asked softly while wiping my tears off my cheeks

-"no I just" I sobbed and placed my face on his chest again "I was so scared and now with you and Jesse…and even Khaizer I feel so safe I just couldn’t help it" I shyly explained "my tears just suddenly came out, I'm so sorry if its uncomfortable" I shyly explained

-"nonsense on apologizing my lady, I am very happy that you feel safe with me around, it swells my chest with pride and happiness you wouldn’t imagine how much" he said while hugging me tightly in his well-formed muscled arms, his chest became my pillow to cry on and his hands rubbing my back became my best comfort

It's something I couldn’t explain but for some reason I feel wrapped in a sense of protection just because they are around. Jesses gentle being, Khaizers craziness and Jaspers gentlemanly and knight in shining armor way of being. I loved the difference between them and in their own way they made me feel safe. Jesse due to the fight he gave just to protect me when he could have just turned his back. Khaizer had "danger" written in neon letters on his forehead but his dangerousness and what made him look scary was a comfort for me, his powers as well were a great part of the deal. Jasper's vow was a true comfort because it made me feel like he would be 100% there for me no matter what…

-"I see you're better now Lady Rose" I heard a voice coming from my back

As I turned around I was met with a pair of beautiful alejandria syndrome eyes, they almost looked like they were glowing purple. His hair was long waist length and as white as snow. He was all dressed in white almost looking like an angel but the sight of sub dermal tattoos told me he wasn’t. A demon contract so this must be Khaizer's master.

-"Arthrus I believe it was?" I shyly asked

-"I am honored you remember my name madam" he said and smiled softly

-"oh well I would never forget such beautiful and unique name" I smiled

-"it is my pleasure that my name is appealing for you madam, now if I may ask…are you feeling better?" he asked looking at me

-"oh yes I am feeling better, I was just telling Jasper how glad I am to be here. I feel so safe…while I was held captive I could barely sleep and without counting that it's been days that I haven't been able to leave this world and wake up in mine…perhaps is there any clue of why is that happening now?" I shyly asked hoping for information

-"oh, well master Jesse, Khaizer and master Jasper have temporarily marked you. Technically this world is starting to register you as theirs" I heard him calmly say

-"marked me? How?" I asked confused

-"it could be by intimate physical contact…perhaps a kiss can work as good as the physical contact my lady" he mentioned nicely "you have been kissed by them and you have unconsciously accepted their markings by feeling safe with them so there is no way back on it" he said and shrugged slightly

-"but that’s impossible Arthrus, I have absolutely no magic inside me" Jasper said completely surprised

-"well master Jasper, in that case we will have to do something in her regards so she can go back home. I will speak to master Jesse regards the situation and I will come back with a plan, if needed I will have Khaizer teleport her and watch for her in the human realm" said Arthrus

Not that I missed to be home, in fact I loved to be here but knowing my family…probably they have already even gone to the police and that would be a huge mess. It would be better to just magically disappear my whole existence from the human realm and completely be part of this world who seems less fake, less shitty and more caring…lovely…should I just do that small request?