6. A Queen to be protected


I was pacing around mentally looking for a way to get her back to her world, Arthrus had told me how dangerous it was for her to be here now that Killian had knowledge about what she could do. She was his weakness and his power. She could destroy him or if he ever turns her against our kingdom she could destroy us. I wasn't worried about what she could do to us, she seems very into us at the moment and it makes me happy since it's the first woman I've felt attracted to, it's been a long time Since I don't feel like this and I might finally feel prepared to try and give the correct steps.

-"Master we need to do something while we think, we need to keep Miss Rose protected, I'm afraid Killian might try some of his nasty tricks" I hear Arthrus behind me

-"Don't you think I'm already thinking about it?" I looked at him "he can just sneak his stupid demon in and she can just get taken captive at any time again" I pinched my nose bridge in frustration.

-"How about I protect her 24/7?" I heard Khaizer's suggestion.

-"It would not be a bad idea if we take out the fact that at any moment you would try to jump under her skirt" I said as my teeth gritted

-"Master, with all due respect I believe Khaizer is the most capable for this task, I can give very exact orders if you would like to keep him out of her skirt" Arthrus intervene

-"Very well, please take good care of her and stop marking humans out of a whim" I growl at Khaizers face totally upset for him marking our beautiful Rose

Yes, ours...my brother as well marked her but I'm not upset about it. In fact I feel just fine however the demon is not to be trusted at all, he will only be loyal to its contract master so he might just force himself on her and that's what I'm afraid of.

-"Jesse?" I heard her shy voice calling my name and softly knocking on my door

-"You can come in" I said as I looked at Arthrus and Khaizer "you both are dismissed, make sure everything is fully prepared by today midnight" I said as they bowed to me

-"Yes my King" I heard Arthrus reply

-"Whatever" I heard Khaizer say

As soon as they turned around Rose entered the room, I stayed in my place just staring at her beautiful features, she was wearing a dress that I requested specifically for her. It was vibrant blue, short to her knees, tight on her waist hugging her curvy figure, the fabric was the most highest of the quality that we have of lace, under the lace it was a thin velvet fabric to cover up for the things the lace would leave to be seen. The dress was sleeveless, it only had two thin strings that held the dress to her shoulders. Her collar bones were beautifully showing off being highlighted by a cute small necklace that surprisingly matched her dress.

-"You look ravishing" I manage to say out loud

I notice her cheeks and ears adopt a beautiful red color, she was embarrassed of being appraised. I slowly walked to her and smiled when she looked at me from head to toe. I was wearing Givyas military king uniform but what caught me off guard was what she commented about.

-"You are wearing shoes!" She gasped as if it was the most shocking thing in the world

-"Well yes, everyone in this world does. Why are you so surprised?" I asked curiously

-"Well, all the times I've seen you...you are barefoot" she said tilting her head to a side looking like a confused puppy which made me laugh "hey what are you laughing at?" she pouted

-"Ah sorry it's just, you looked so cute like a confused puppy" I comment and see her cheeks burning crimson

-"Enough teasing brother" I heard Jasper walking in, his military boots sounding loud against the wooden floor "We have a matter that is urgent on our hands" he said as he stood right next to Rose

-"And what is so urgent that you almost barged into the studio?" I ask and motion him to speak "report?" I ask a little commanding running out of patience

-"Earlier this morning an intruder was seen coming from the forest named The Jungle which us from south west. Our eye witness states it was an elf but we have not found anyone yet. I have the scouts searching the perimeter, in the mean time we need to put Rose in high protection in case it might actually be one of Killian's goons" he said in his soldier voice

-"Well you are the Commander Jasper who do you believe should protect our beautiful Rose from being taken off our garden?" I ask while staring at him, as always he's hiding his red eye behind an eye patch

-"With all due respect my good King I believe I should personally protect her, however without me my men won't work smoothly. In that case I will recommend Arthrus and his demon Khaizer" Jasper said respectfully

-"Very well, give them the instructions and tell them this "you must protect your kings claim no matter what, no matter how, if any harm comes to her I will seek to do the same harm to the one who let her get hurt" got the message?" I looked at him

-"Yes sir message clear and will be delivered" he quickly says positioning his palm on his heart, back completely straight and boots completely together, his other hand was on his back. His soldier way of acting was a great example for our army to follow but he needed to lose a little more stiffness. We are family after all however he respects the uniform 100% and I respect his way of thinking.

As my brother turned around and left Rose stayed and still in front of me, she was starring and I could see in her insistent eyes that she had a question she didn't want to release. I stared at her back into her eyes and smirked when she looked away and her cheeks quickly lit up in a beautiful red.

-"A Grivy for your thoughts?" I quickly asked

-"A what?" She looked confused

-"Oh right you come from human world, I believe in human world its said "a penny for your thoughts" so I said a Grivy for your thoughts because that's how our money is called" I quickly explained

-"Ah got it" she smiled and shook her head "well I was thinking...why being brothers he treats you just like a king?" She asks shyly looking down

-"He just respects his uniform and my rank on Job matters, while we are out of our uniforms we are full family" I shrug and walk to my desk, I hear her small steps following me

-"how old are you Jesse?" She shyly asks

-"I'm 27, how about you my beautiful lady?" I ask and lean on my desk now facing her, playfully I wink at her and she giggles shyly

-"I recently turned 18, in December 9" she quickly answers

-"Oh so you are legal to marry huh?" I said looking at her deep in thought

-"W...what? In my world is at 21" I hear her

-"In here is at 18, however the maiden must accept the claim and the man who claimed her, in very rare cases they accept the youngest one in marrying here was 19 and that was my mother, the one and only person in Grivya marrying at that age" I smiled at the memory of my mother

-"Oh? Now that you mention it...where are your parents? Aren't you too young to be a king?" She asks interested on the theme

I was not interested in mentioning what has happened to my parents and where they were however she makes me feel like I can show my weak side, like I can open up and be my true self, be careless and happy...at least that's how she makes me feel.

-"Maybe I will tell you at another time, it is a story I do not feel prepared to share with you yet" I answer with all the honesty I've got and she smiles warmly

-"It's ok, whenever you feel prepared to open up you can tell me and I will happily listen" she said

I softly smiled and closed the gap that was between us, only three steps and she was facing my chest, I looked down to her and softly caressed her cheeks, she tilted her head back to look into my eyes and softly closed her eyes while leaning more into my palms caressing her cheeks. I smiled at her reaction then slightly started to bend down ready to kiss those pink and plump lips...