Everything Changed in a Night

"It seemed like my love, but my love in no way looks like it is my love."

Riddhima has though met Vansh, but the still unsolved mysteries will make it difficult for each of them to solve the upcoming mysteries. All is about a mystery of true love that is checking out them until they succeed.

Riddhima opened the box, and it was crammed with black roses. She was taking them aside as if she was looking out for something and said to herself, "Where is that door?"

"Which door, Riddhima?" Vansh asked standing at the door.

Vansh quietly came in the room. He knew very well about her mean side, so he cleverly came which made Riddhima as afraid as she is caught red-handed of stealing.

She took a deep breath and said, "Nothing."

He saw at the box and received to know that there is maybe a trapdoor that all the three are connecting everywhere and inerfaring in everyone's life but whom the three refers to?

He reacted calmly, but it additionally created a doubt in Riddhima, "Okay. Well, as you are already standing in the washroom, kindly wash your hands and then eat."

As she was washing her hands, he kept on staring at the box. Riddhima noted this too. Vansh went out and as Riddhima was additionally going out, a flash of vibrant red eye touched her eyes and then the whole thing then got black for her.

When she opened her eyes, she located herself sitting in front of a big mirror. She looked herself definitely from up to down and from down to up as her outfit and even everything, appeared to be a little changed. She wore a fancy crimson and white dress, the same as she once requested Vansh to present her.

Her gorgeous applied make -up changed her look completely. She used to be looking even greater stunning than it was on her wedding. She heard Vansh saying, "Close your eyes, the make-up has not executed yet."

She asked, "Why are you doing it? How have you learned this and when? Are you doing my makeup?"

He answered, "Don't you understand why am I doing it? Love teaches everything, and it teaches good, gaining knowledge of will become easy then. Yes, I have made you ready."

Riddhima was still not understanding what was occurring as if she got here in any other world. She asked, "Where are we going and where are we?"

He replied, "We are going for a photoshoot. We are now models, I told you final night time due to most favored and cherished book, we have been presented for wonderful promotions and plenty more. In different words, our life is definitely going to be changed just because of you. Thank you, Riddhima."

She asked, "When did you inform me?"

He stated, "I suppose you have misplaced your reminiscence simply as I used to when you have been taking part in with me."

She once more asked, "Played with you? My memory is not lost. I understand I was in the washroom and that flash of red light..."

She didn't say anything after it so Vansh continued, "Yes, then what?"

She said, "I don't know what happened next. Also you were not allowing me to go out of that apartment. So, where are we now?"

He replied, "We were and are in the Mansion and not in any apartment getting geared up to go for the photoshoot. Understood or need more explanations?"

"I see your face in each and every face but by no means finds all of us like you with me in every phase."

Riddhima said, "Wow!"

She was looking here and there as if something attracted her a lot. The reason was the room which was looking very royal, spacious, entirely lighted, well-furnished, and it was even beyond her dreams and she never notion of sitting in such a remarkable place.

She then asked, "We are in the Mansion, right? Is it our room? It is fantabulous. I love it."

He smiled and responded, "Yes, we are in the Mansion. It is our room, our upgraded room. Go out and see the whole Mansion, its simply due to the fact of your book."

She pretended as, or maybe she did now not without a doubt comprehend about it, "Which book and additionally my question is, how can this all change in one night? What took place after I was unconscious?"

He replied, "It's a lengthy story. If you are asking, that it was your book and why weren't you informed of promotions, then let me inform you that I attended your call while you were unconscious, and they informed me and gave me all the important points and I signed them on behalf of you as

"Did you get a contract? What is the date today? Oh! No. You must have asked me. I do not prefer this photoshoot etc." She mentioned all at once.

Vansh bought annoyed however nonetheless remained polite, "What has came about now? Yes, I received a contract and signed it too as I told. Now what?"

She questioned, "Why didn't you ask me?"

Vansh also countered a question, "Don't you trustbme?"

She said, "First reply my question."

He said, "You had been unconscious and, and they have been not believing this and had been saying that I am making excuses. You must no longer omit this grand chance to make your existence etc."

She in return asked, "And you thought that it is a good chance and a good decision to make your life, am I right?"

His confusion made Riddhima think that he was cheating her and to urge him to tell what has taken place in the night, she also stated, "So, was it your plan to made me unconscious so that you could apply your plans to me?"

Vansh replied, "Wrong. Totally incorrect. Don't guess anything if you don't know."

It seemed that she again missed something very important as she said in extremely low voice, "It was the only chance I had left. What shall I do now?"

Vansh asked, "Now, stand up before it gets late."

She said, "Wait, the eye liner is left."

(After applying) "How am I looking?"

Vansh replied, "My Royal Princess."