Unwanted Photoshoot

"I admit that all was not so easy, however I assume, that as it was not then why leaving me for you was easy....."

She was very double-minded and extraordinarily frightened not because she was to be going but due to the fact of the danger she was feeling coming near to her. She once more refused, "I don't choose to go."

Then Siya knocked and came in their room and was looking quite mature and prettier saying, "Come on you both. It is getting late and congratulations, Riddhima! We all are without a doubt proud of you and don't comprehend how to admire you."

Riddhima reacted to her the same, "I do not be aware of what I have finished that has resulted in this."

Vansh interrupted, "Isn't the time wasting now? Siya, go and inform everyone that we are leaving and can be late at night time too."

She said, "Okay."

He held her hands and moved out. The map, appearance, and by every point the Mansion was definitely changed as if they bought a new one, however it was old but didn't look as their old one in any aspect. They interior decoration captured her heart.

The chandeliers, tiles, textiles, wallpapers every and the entire was looking more royal that her eyes have been shifting here and there. Then she greeted all the family membere after a long time.

Everyone was changed just like Siya and it was hard for Riddhima to believe all this so while leaving she again asked, "Vansh, are we in the Mansion?"

He again replied, "Yes, with our family."

She asked, "Then where have been we that day and wherr were all the family members that day?"

He responded , "In the Mansion."

Her questions continued, "Then how can the entirety exchange so fast? And I advised you that it was the rental it really is why the box was fake."

His reply surprised her, "I know that."

She wondered then, "Were you mendacity with me?"

He said, "I'll talk to you later."

Riddhima took a deep breath of relief to know that he didn't know what she knows. He was on call through his earpods but be ended the call and said, "I was on an urgent call. Tell what were you talking about."

"Love." He smiled when she said, however she also stated after it, "The thriller of love."

He answered, "Then lets solve this love mystery together."

Before she said anything, she noticed that they both have reached their destination. A huge crowd was waiting for them including, news reporters, bloggers, photographers etc.

One of them asked, "How are you feeling now? We heard you have no longer been good."

Any other requested giving her no time to answer, "From where did you get the idea of writing this book? Your love story seems not to be such bad."

She responded and didn't reply them whilst Vansh carried on, "Get a side please."

As she was going inside, a man asked, "Mam, can I get a photograph of you?"

Riddhima used to be attempting to understand him as she was once feeling that she has additionally considered him before. She was sure that she noticed him somewhere however could not remind where?

"I am not considering any of my desires because all my needs just desire you."

He was also smiling by looking at her as if he also knows her well. She didn't want to be photographed but still she said, "Sure."

After her several photographs, she kept on waiting for Vansh inside. An employee came and informed, "Vansh has left for home. He has asked you to come in the driver's car that he has sent."

Riddhima asked, "Why he didn't inform me? I was waiting for him."

He replied, "I don't know. I was just said to convey his message to you."

She said, "Okay, thanks."

She went outdoor and there was no one. The car was already there for her, and so she went home, and she could not call him as her cellphone was taken by Vansh for some work and did not return her. When she went inside there was no family member as she checked all their rooms too.

She called their names loudly, "Vansh, Siya, Ishaani...."

She heard only silence in response. Furthermore, she went out due to the fact she has got that all used to be a game. But the Mansion's most important gate used to be locked that used to be all below the guards, but there had been no guards.

She has to went inside as there was no way to get out and decided to wait for Vansh that maybe he has not reached home yet. She thoughg to go through the trapdoor inside the box that was in the washroom. She went to her room.

There was entire darkness. The door closed itself and was locked from outside. This scary scenario made the rate of her heart beat fast. This scenario acquired greater scared when she saw any person conserving a candle in his/her palmsr like a spirit.

She courageously said though after complete silence for a while, "Who are you?"

A single light opened however still it was once tough for Riddhima to understand him/her. She ran towards the change board and turned on all the lights and when she seemed at the identical position, there was no one.

She was kept looking here and there and suddenly a knife was coming towards her itself but didn't harm her as she took a side and it fell on the floor. She again asked, "It would be better to discuss rather than harming each other over something that is not discussed. Come in front of me."

She heard someone clapping and she was her own duplicate. She asked, "What was this all? Listen, it would be dangerous for both of us if someone would come."

Her duplicate replied, "Nobody can come now."

Riddhima got anxious that everyone should be safe and she did not want to risk their lives because of her. She asked, "Why? What have you done with them?"

Her duplicate asked her, "Don't you know? So, sad. Riddhima, I found you a looser in all ways whether in love or in struggle or in game of love and not only looser but lazy too."