Their Anniversary

"I was selfless in our love, and you have been selfless only for your love."

Maybe, Riddhima used to be threatened by means of her own duplicate, obviously not her dupliate however anyone else with her face but Riddhima by no means asks due to the fact she is aware of her one query can break all the reasons of happiness in her life.

In reply to her declaration while her replica was passing her compliments Riddhima said, "It was not my fault that I was late that night and being late does not usually say that a person is lazy, and I am not a looser because I always try. But how could you know that trying something for love is not easy."

She was insulting Riddhima once more and again, "So, for how tons lengthy you may maintain trying until your love will be received by using anyone else?"

Riddhima said, "This is a game between me and my love. Why are you so concerned?" And even you grew to become your personal format upon me."

She replied, "Love simply desires concerning. More is the concerning, the greater you are nearer to your love and I comprehend it was once all my plan, but it is also true that your own laziness and cowardliness, let the time surpassed and insisted me to hand over all my plans on you."

Riddhima said, "Which love are you talking about? Once again I am telling you I am not coward and lazy. Vansh was not letting me go out. What was my fault in this that you deceived me?"

She heard the horn of Vansh's car. After listening to it a number of instances she said, "Vansh is calling me. Please let me go."

The duplicate said, "He just called you to stay with him and see how his love called you. Bravo! Riddhima and maybe Vansh knew everything that is why he didn't let you go."

Riddhima also stated, "His love called me five years ago, not now. Now tell me the purpose of your coming here."

She replied, "It is not as such very...leave that, I don't want to waste my time as you can see it's already very late and I don't want get late like you."

Riddhima was irritated with her taunting continuously over the same thing, "Come to the point before I will get late like you are getting late."

She just said, "Riddhima, game number 1 is over and the game number 2 is started. Get ready for it because the ending of game 1 will also be adjusted with this new game, game number 2."

Suddenly, the door opened. Riddhima discovered Vansh standing in top notch anger and the rest of the household participants were there too but Vansh came inside and requested all of us to stay out till he calls.

He requested after closing the door, "Where is your so-called duplicate?"

She answered, "What?"

He questioned, "Whom you were talking proper now simply earlier than I came."

Riddhima stated,"I think you are misunderstood. There was no duplicate of mine, I was alone waiting for you."

He asked, "What can she do if you may tell me?"

"The time our love took place, took us to a time where no love takes place."

She remained quiet. During this, she observed any individual hiding below the bed. She guessed that there was once Ishaani, "Ishaani, Vansh has asked you to stay out then what are you doing here?"

Vansh asked, "Where is Ishaani?"

At the same time, she felt as if any person put his/her palms on her shoulder for a support. She seemed back, but there was once no one.

She answered, "She is under the bed."

Vansh said, "There is no one. Come out with me. I am so damage to know this that you are unknown of a very important day."

They came outside, and the Mansion was once adorned as shopping malls and different places like Valentine's Day. Riddhima then reminded herself that it was once their anniversary as the clock struck 12.

The door of their room opened and all of us wished them as they have been interior and Vansh already knew it. Riddhima and Vansh have been searching every different and Vash hugged her. He also wished, "Happiest 1st Anniversary, my lifeline, my most of everything. I hope this night time would be a memorable one."

She said to herself in a low voice,"From now each and every night time will be."

He asked, "Yes?"

She stated, "It will be like our unforgettable love and care for each different in the course of we were far."

Aangray said, "Literally, Riddhima used to be resolute to make your life challenging and see, she is still with you in your lifestyles with the real willpower of love."

Vansh said, "Aangray, thank you for reminding me that it is additionally a topic we have not discussed yet however we will talk about it from the begin to quit however for now, lets' move ahead towards a stunning night time to spend. Shall we, Riddhima?"

She was thinking something and made an expression as if she was actually being threatened and the most dangerous danger she was avoiding, has come to her. She was so busy that she didn't reply.

At this, Vansh again said, "Riddhima! Stop imagining because this night is more beautiful than your imagination."

She asked, "Why? I mean...ummm...."

Ishaani said, "Don't be so unromantic. I know your love has many enemies but it is all because your love is an enemy of others' love too. Sorry, sorry. I don't why I said this. Well! You both enjoy this night and make it as beautiful as you have never ever imagined though."

Before she stated anything wrong, Vansh stated to her, "Okay. Then, goodnight

Ishaani. May you dream the goals you by no means imagined, though."

Ishaani left and Riddhima noticed him with full love to see the way he stood for her defence. Vansh kissed on her head, however Riddhima's scar used to be growing extra and extra in her heart.

They went to their room. It was embellished by rose petals spread everywhere, candles, heart balloons, fairy lights, their photo frames of their wedding, even there used to be a ring container on a table.

It once more captured Riddhima's eyes and heart, "How these people have accomplished this so fast?"

Vansh lovingly replied, "Just the identical as love takes no time to attain the hearts."

Riddhima complimented, "It is not less than that of a dream."