Love Me

"My eyes did not see you, it seemed it was another person that these eyes wanted to see but not the one I expected."

Vansh had no other option. He simply desired to get off there and specifically after understanding that the replica knew it, he had to say that he was ready.

He desired to go out just to meet Riddhima and kill that character with her and one of the motives used to be the duplicate's stressful statements.

Was it a top choice because one small selection in love can open a hundred approaches to huge obstacles.

He agreed, "Alright however to be sincere I can just try."

The replica said, "Yeah, I know how sincere you are. What if I tell you to love me the way you love Riddhima."

Vansh questioned, "So, do you love me?"

She answered, "What do you think?"

He spoke, "I can't be inside your mind to be aware of what you think. I do not know."

She stated, "But you have a one-of-a-kind area in my heart."