I was not With You

"Love is a killer whether it is with the aid of the individual you love, by means of the character who cheats or by using the character whom you prefer to be loved."

It seemed like there was a birthday party going to be held in the real Mansion for which Riddhima was baking the cake and Vansh went there.

But Riddhima did not see them both because they had not appeared in front of her yet.

The replica said, "Don't go, first let me discuss it with her."

Vansh said, "Let me go first. Have you forgotten the promise you requested to make?"

She replied, "Of course, I remember."

He stated, "Then let me go and so that I ought to tell her that I don't choose to continue to be with her anymore due to the fact I am in love with anyone else."

She asked, "Do you mean what you are speaking?"

He replied, "Yes, very well."