Will there be Closness?

"I reflect on the consideration of your love, but the hassle is I don't think about love anymore because it has broken me and I do not prefer this hassle to be in my life anymore."

If Riddhima considered him to be Vihaan then it means that the character who is near to her is being considered Vansh by Riddhima whilst Vihaan walked backward and did not come close to her.

Riddhima instantly moved apart Vansh's shirt from the shoulder and kissed her there whispering, "You are my Vansh, right?"

He replied, "Yes, my love."

While Vihaan then considered Riddhima wrong, "Wrong, Riddhima. Alas! You still can't understand me, Vansh."

Riddhima then moved the shirt apart from his different shoulder and whispered this time, "Don't take away this from your shoulder."

He asked, "What?" but she then commenced replying to Vihaan.

Riddhima stated, "You are Vihaan, okay? I am aware that you are playing with me."