He must not have Come

"Your love stole me that I am not the same me that I used to be."

Riddhima held his palms and he pulled her closer to him nearer ample that they may want to experience each other's heart beat. The lights got lower back for a few minutes.

Finally, they got a chance to meet. Riddhima once more moved the shirt from his shoulder aside and kissed that area again.

But when she saw the different shoulder not having that kiss with the aid of that purple lipstick she asked, "Did you get rid of it?"

He replied, "Yes so that you will kiss again."

Riddhima stated, "Oh! This is a first-rate way to let me kiss you."

He said, "Yeah, maybe."

She moved ahead and kissed his shoulder. As she just kissed him, Vansh placed his hands on her ribs and at the same time, many soap bubbles in the heart shape spread throughout the room looking extremely beautiful. He held her hands and stated, "I never thought that such fire of love will also break out into me."