
Joana: Baby am in the mood can we after school?

Derin: Yeah

I kissed her as the bell rung for lunch to be over. She had her hair in two pony tail. Wearing these mini skirts. Leopard print was her thing in high schools. I calculated her period for her cause she never cared to do so. I wanted her to be this amazing lawyer, We were surpose to be this power couple. She's always doing things, I was greatful that she always made time for me. I've never ask for a release for her to say no. We weren't using protection so I made sure to not get her pregnant. I loved everything about her. As she walked away, the school lunch room turn to the boys locker room. Her touching her chest in disbelief

Joana: How do you do this to me? Do it to anyone not me!

I remember the decipointment in her eyes. I had no excuse.

Joana: Tell me what didn't I do?

She said hitting my chest pushing me back.

Joana: If it's something I didn't do. I'll forgive you we will try again. TELL ME!

With Every tear drop that fell on the ground I wanted to catch and put in a jar.

Joana: You're dead to me.

She said walking away from our hopes and dreams.

~~End of dream~~

Derin: Am sorry Joana! Ah! it's just a dream.

I held unto my pillow. The only girl who it broke me to hurt, The only one I wish I could rewind time for, She was perfect. I walked to the bathroom wiping my eyes. "I should take a shower."


Joana: Momy come on we don't want to be late. Fè vit(hurry)

Joana Mom: Talè. kisa ou gen la?(Hold on. What's wrong with you?)

Joana: You can't miss this appointment mom. We waited a Whole month.

I roll her in the car. Day by Day her strength was fading away, I couldn't tell myself "the small child who's used to seeing her mother strong and capable," That her mom needed everyone to do daily activities for her. She couldn't bathe by herself. She would start eating then the utensils would fall out her hands.

Joana Mom: Why not sleep my child. Your dad could take me

Joana: No, I got it mom.

Joana mom: You work two jobs Teacher by day, then waitress at night. Saturday is the only time you are off.

Joana: Je t'en prie maman (I beg you mom) please I got it. That's why am here.

It was a quiet drive she fell asleep in the car. Lately it seems thats all she has been doing. How I wish I can go after that company that did this to her. If I didn't have to quit school to take care of mom's I would of been a actual lawyer now. I could sue That nuclear company that damage my mother. Just thinking about it makes my blood boil. She didn't know but I've been saving up to get a actual qualified lawyer. Those morons won't know what hit them. I've been having Doctors do tests on my mother to show proof that their chemical stuff is what damage my mother nerves. Them not having proper equipment and not caring for the well being of their employees.

Joana: Maman lêve non (mom wake up)

Joana mom: Oh okay, We here?

I got out first to get the wheel chair from the trunk of the car, There was some nearby nurses, They came over me to assist. Her appointment was on the 3rd floor with Dr. Frank We rode the elevator making it to his office. I check in of course. Waited for them to call us.

Dr. Frank: Hello come in, Good morning.

I roll her over to the examination room. He did the usual. Checked her breathing, Hear her heart. I was concern with the result of the test she did last visit. I wanted to know was it cancer?

Dr. Frank: So the test result came in. It seems there is some disturbance in her anatomy but not cancerous. She may have come in contact with something from her previous job that is becoming a virus to her body. I have this specialist. Here is the number

He hand me the referral letter.

Joana: What is this specialist going to do?

Dr. Frank: He is well equipped in medicine. He may be able to prescribed something that will help her fight against this intruder.

Joana: Will he give me the paper I need for me to hire a lawyer for my mom?

Dr. Frank: Yes. I've talked to him personally, He even agree to be a witness if you need it.

Joana: This made me soo happy.

After wards he talk about other drug my mother can take to keep her immune system from shutting down. We went to alot of doctors. Before we found a good one. His doctor visit was $1,500 At a discounted rate, my mother had no insurance. I've decided to get actual insurance through the school am going to add her in it. So coming here won't be so pricey.

We drove back home. I was over the moon. "Finally when I know my mother is okay I can go back to school and finish my lawyer degree."

Joana: Here we are mom, Do you want to wait in the car while I go pick up the medicine for you?

She nodded. I went inside picked up the medicine, Thanks to that guy last night I had some extra money for groceries.

Joana: Am back.

I seen her sitting there still. Hmm I guess she fell asleep. I drove home. I rolled her inside when we got to her bedroom my dad help me put her on the bed. I gave her, her medicine.

Joana Mom: Bon, Mwen pa janm tande'w pale de Derin? (Wait, I never hear you talk about Derin anymore)

Joana: Ma

Dad: What ever happen to that boy?

Joana: Thought you hated him Dad?

Dad: Yes in high school now your grown. Kounya nou ka marye( now you can get married)

My little sister prepared meals since I took my mother to the hospital. She came upstairs in my mom room handing us our plate of food. We have been eating at my mom room alot since she has gotten sick.

Joslyn: Hope you guys like it.

Dad: Oh! for my baby girl to cook for me for me not to like it.

She smiled as she fed my mom her food. It was white rice and black beans with fried chicken, My Dad favorite.

Joana: Joslyn how is school?

Joslyn: Okay I have Bs in most of my classes.

Joana: What do you mean by most?

Joslyn: I had A in the other ones.

Joana: Oh, mwen te pral di (I was going to say) that's your only Job.

Dad: talè (Wait) you didn't answer us Joana?

Joana: Dadi mwen fini ak misye, (Dad am done with him)

Mom: Chonje li te pran lot fi sou li. (Remember he had cheated on her with a girl)

Dad: Ayy pou ti sa? ( for that little thing?) Baby girl you need to forgive, I bet he regretted. Litsen your dad was a true player

Mom: Oh God here we go.

Dad: When I got with your mother, I had three girlfriends. Located in different areas. I was chelbè (Well dress) there was not a woman who could resist me. I went to a bal (ball) right, I met this sexy young thing she was red boned, Curly hair. All the brothers at the place was fixed on her But I know she was going home with me. Man I ask her to dance. She gave me this dance if our body language was televised it would say "She going home with me tonight" She leaned in and kiss me.

Mom: He didn't know I was coming to the ball that night.

Dad: Man you know your mom gen bèl fòm (have a nice shape)

Mom: I remember I was wearing this I love Haiti crop shirt with Booty short. I spray painted the back saying "love life"

Dad: Oh man everyone was drooling. She had fish net leggings. I know if her dad knew he would never let her go out like that. She got ready at her friends house.

Mom: My dad was really strict, but he trusted my friend Stacy, Stacy was a bad influence in some ways.

Dad: She walked up to us. I thought I was wining. When I seen her I realize how much I have lost. She cursed me out saying I was dead to her.

Mom: Hahaha I was furious

Dad: She meant it. I felt someone shoot me right in the heart everytime her booty would go up and down.

Mom: I didn't talk to him for a long time

Dad: My home boys told me I just need to get close to her dad. Man I became the dad's right hand man. Whatever he needs am there.

Mom: He was really stupid

Dad: It worked didn't it.

He got up from his seat taking the plate from my sister and started to feed mother. I figured they were too old to be blushing like that.

Dad: Moral to the story is Guys are stupid!! We need at least 3 tries. What click to females naturally it takes us time to get. I bet that boy never cheat again. Reach out to him.

Joana: Good night love birds.

I got up and went to my room, the room wasn't big but it was mine. My mother had a house they foreclosed on cause she fall behind on her payments. Now we're renting, am sure as soon as we sue them she will get back on her feet of course.

Joslyn: Hey.

Joana: Hey

She said holding a math book in her hands standing infront of my door.

Joana: What is it?

Joslyn: I need some help understanding this equation. I went to ask mom and Dad but they are making out.

Joana: What is wrong with these granmoun (Grown up) Sure come in I'll help you.