All for you


Joana: I've miss you soo much

Derin: I thought you was mad at me so I didn't reach out. What was surpose to be romantic turn horrible.

He talk so much thats not what I meant. I leaned in and kiss him. He understood now. He smiled and kept kissing me I took off his t shirt

Derin: Babe I don't know, your huge! Won't I hurt you?

Joana: It's fine, You could hurt me!

I help him took of his shirt he was soo hesitant. I wasn't taking no as a answer. I started to kiss his neck. He finally hold me by the waist. He was ready as always, he had alot of juice on his pole already, maybe Im not the only one who wanted this? When he finally stop being hesitant and got inside. I instantly remember Why I love him so much. He knew my body. I never tense up when we made love. I love having my senses caress by him. I love his strokes. I love his inches. The way his hands hold my waist or When He looks to ask me "am I okay?" Showing he cares so much. I wanted him to hit everything, To feel everything; because he was my everything

Derin: Oh wow how horny were you? Thats alot of water. Haha you miss Daddy huh?

I felt such a sharp pain. My Stomach kept hurting.

Derin: Babe you okay?

Joana: Hospital now!

He looked like he was running like a chicken with his head cut off. I find a sundress, threw it on and ask him to bring me to his doctor, his my provider.

Derin: Right!

Joana: Sexy am trying to keep calm but you have to move.

Derin: Yeah

I never mind him, he just stood in my room saying "right" I grab his keys and drove myself there he was in the passenger seat like. "It's happening? oh God you think it's because of me?"

Am pretty sure my contractions was far apart. I made it to his personal clinic. The doctor called the ambulance and explain we are having the baby in my nearest hospital but he will deliver it. We Got to this fancy hospital everything seems organized. We got to a spacy room. It had three couches, own bathroom. He took a seat

Derin: Baby do you think the baby is okay?

Joana: Yes, baby you did great

He smiled that seems to calm him down. I called my parents along with Keisha informing them am at the hospital. My water broke but my contractions was slowing down. He was sitting there like a idiot constantly asking me "am I okay?" I had half a mind to scream "Do I look okay Derin?" But I know it's his first child soo I'll cut em some slack. My mom came and had me walking back and forth to help the baby come down.

Doctor: Can I have a minute with patient please.

He said walking in the room.

Everyone agreed and left the room.

Doctor: How are you feeling?

Joana: I want these babies out

Doctor: So you have a few option to induce labor. You can have sex here to relax and let it come down, I can give you meds to help the process. If you like I can do a C section and get the babies out.

Joana: Sex are you sure?

Doctor: Study shows that may induce labor, The natural way

Derin: No, what if I hit one of their heads?

Doctor: Their heads are extremely soft so I can reshape it.

Joana: Um okay thank you.

He smiled and left the room. What type of Doctor would suggest something like that? But nevertheless I'll try it.

Joana: Babe?

Derin: nuh uh

Joana: Come here, You scared of me?

Derin: Baby I don't feel comfortable with this

He said getting up from his chair walking to me.

Joana: Are you refusing me husband?

I couldn't help but smile at the thought of him being my future husband

Derin: No, Its just that I won't be able to perform seeing you this way. You got a catheter on baby

I laugh. I decided to go with drugs to induce the labor. I called back the doctor to let him know of our decision. After several dosage the contractions started up again. I got a epidural because I couldn't handle it, call me dramatic but nope not today. I felt like I was pushing forever, Was these kids playing hide and seek?

Doctor: Come on push for me I could see the head.

Derin: Oh thank God baby. Push!

Joana mom: Uh huh come from there Derin trust me you don't want to see that.

Joana Dad: I fainted when I seen Joana come out of there like a little alien.

Derin: Hahaha alright I won't look.

Joana dad: Trust me.

When the babies came out they did not look like what I expected. I honestly thought something was wrong. But the doctor reassure me thats how they look coming out the womb. They hand me them to breast feed; it went horrible. I was mentally tired, They were fed up with me cause they were not comfortable. They did not Lach on right. Ugh! I was greateful to my mother for bringing bottles. She said I did not breast feed either.

Derin: Thank you soo much Nana I can't wait to change your last name.

He said kissing my forehead. Getting one of the kids from me. This was the best day of my life. My babies looked scary but Derin was over the moon with them.