Embarrassed part 2


Here we are in our room arguing about what I don't know? She looks upset am not sure how I upset her?

Joana: It's been months? If your not getting it from me than your getting it from somebody else. I know your hormone levels.

I couldn't help but stare at her questioning her sanity. All I ever tried to do is stay faithful, I Remember how she looked that night when she found out I cheated. Now she is assuming am doing the same thing again..

Derin: Why am I even trying?

Joana: Are you sleeping with that slut?

I knew who she was referring to. What does Cecilia have to do with it?

Joana: Have you gotten intimate with Cecilia Derin. Did you make love to her like you use to do to me?

I felt my heart shattered as she ask me these questions one should never ask the one they "So called" Love. I gather my thoughts turn around facing her, She looked like she was ready for war. I was already wounded.

Derin: Me and Cecilia have gotten intimate.

She rushed at me. I could feel her hitting me as I blocked her hits, It was nothing compare to what she was doing to my heart.

Joana: I gave you 6 years, You fucking *ssh*le and this is how you repay me? You are so stupid, This...

She said pointing at her ring

Joana: This means nothing... We mean nothing! Am not Even sure you ever loved me.

I gasp as tears came out my eyes. She didn't want me? She has been trying so hard to get out of this relationship. It wasn't fair of me to hold on to something only I want. She took off her ring and threw it at me.. Screaming she wants me out of the house. Don't contact her unless is relating the kids. She sat back on the bed softly weeping. She didn't want me to explain anything? Funy how forever don't last as long as it used too. I got ready and went for a jog. I was breaking up a sweat until my phone started ringing off the hook.

Jerry: Hey let's go for a drink?

Derin: Am jogging right now.

Jerry: That's fine.

I told him my location he came to pick me up. I wonder whats that about? the whole car ride his staring at me not knowing how to start a conversation. I ordered brown liquor at the bar. I needed it. Now that my marriage is over

Jerry: So you cheated?

Derin: Hahaha

Jerry: With Cecilia no less.

Derin: Actually I said I gotten intimate with her.

Jerry: Intimacy has different definition, What do you mean?

Derin: She was burning herself in the shower, I stop her telling her she was valuable to someone And stayed with her, She cried herself to sleep. I felt bad so I waited till she was asleep and left.

Jerry: Wait, yall didn't have sex?

Derin: Haha are you crazy joana would kill me.

Jerry: I gotta go.

Derin: What?

Jerry: Yeah like right now.

Derin: Can you do me a favor?

Jerry: Yeah sure buddy

He started relaxing his shoulders

Derin: Can you get my clothes for me? I'll text you the address where to bring it.

Jerry: Your not going home?

Derin: No, I won't step foot at that place again. She slapped me twice. Am not welcomed there.

I said smilling realizing that's the end of our story.

Jerry: I like yall as a couple. I hope yall fix it.

Derin: Thanks for the drink. Can you bring me to get my car.

Jerry: Sure

He drove me home. From afar I could hear loud compa playing. "Oh God" I thought.

Jerry: Is that your wife? What is she doing?

Our neighbors was outside. I've lived here for 5 years now I have never seen any of my neighbors. It was a quiet neighborhood. Cecilia was outside. Everyone in the neighborhood was infront of their house. Ridiculing me.

Joana: Get your shit. Hopefully that hoe takes you in. You sorry excuse for a man!

I stepped out the car. I didn't argue back. I just grab my clothes she was throwing over board. Keisha was outside, She didn't say anything when she saw me. Am guessing she felt her best friend was doing too much.

Joana: Get them now cause tomorrow they are going to be burn or bleached.

Cecilia husband came outside checking to see what's the commotion outside, He walked towards me and helped me out by putting my clothes in the trunk of Jerry's car. Do you know how embarrassing that is. Haha wow. While picking up my clothes quietly, I felt this sharp pain in my heart. I felt something warm running down my face. I looked down to see my keys on the door. I touch my forehead I was bleeding, Did she hit me with my own keys?

Jerry: You might need stitches.

Roberto: What did you do?

Jerry: Fights.

I guess he didn't want to tell him it was about his wife who he adore. Soon Cecilia came.

Cecilia: Are you okay?

Derin: Never better why you ask?

Cecilia: I got a couple of suitcase you can borrow. Do you have a place to go?

Derin: But of course, am a man with many options

Roberto: Haha thats what got you in trouble now.

He chuckled. He should know having seven wife.

Cecilia: Um the ones in my husband trunk could stay until you get a place. Let me know if there is something I could do.

Derin: Sure sure.

Keisha was inside now, the clothes stopped coming. I got in my car. I went to a storage to put my clothes. I called the real estate agent. She informed me the couple that rented my place only had two days left. I agreed to let them stay. I ask her to take it off rent. I'll be needing the property. I went to this hotel. It's been a while since I rented a hotel room I chuckled to myself. I took a shower as if it was going to wash the whole day away.


Keisha: Why you got these white folks looking at you crazy?

Joana: He slept with her Keisha

Keisha: Well what proof do you have ma

Joana: What? you out of people all people know.

Keisha: I talk to Derin at the hospital he explained. I hope he wasn't lying.

Joana: I ask him, he said he got intimate with her.

Keisha: Oh, am sorry.

She said brushing my hair back. As I cried on her chest.

Joana: We meant nothing

Keisha: Poor baby.

Jerry came back looking highly upset

Jerry: Are you satisfied?

Joana: Am not in the mood to spare your feelings right now Jerry

Keisha: Babe we will talk about this tomorrow.

Jerry: Fine am going home.

Keisha: I'll stay here tonight

Jerry: Stupid, just stupid!

Why was he talking about?


Waking up I had a massive headache. Looking in the mirror I seen the scar the key left. I decided to go to my doctor. Than off too work. Doctors was pretty quick. the stich me up with a special ointment to prevent scaring, Walking inside the job Jerry was waiting infront of the building. I wonder why?

Jerry: How are you feeling

Derin: Alive, why you ask Haha

Jerry: I am sorry about last night?

Derin: That had nothing to do with you bud. That's between me and Joana.

Jerry: The rest of your clothes was burned or bleached so

Derin: Sounds like Joana

Jerry: Why are you so calmed about this.

Derin: Well accepting that we are over Helps.

Jerry: You don't think...

Derin: If a woman wants you she will show it, if she doesn't don't fool yourself, take it for what it is.


Boss: How are you?

Joana: Not great

Boss: You have been doing soo good. That I want you to take a trip.

Joana: Haha where?

Boss: It's a boat trip to Hawaii. I know you've been getting fed up with me Soo I wanted us to keep a healthy work relationship.

Joana: Yeah you've been getting on my nerves.

Boss: Haha yes. I've been trying to give it to you since last week but you haven't report to work saying you're dealing with family issues.

Joana: Yeah.

Boss: It leaves tomorrow. I would get my stuff ready if I was you.

Joana: Thats just what I need.

Boss: It's a week long.

I was so excited to be leaving work early. I got my stuff and left. I haven't talk to Derin for about two weeks now. We had nothing to talk about. He haven't stopped by the house. Now that am going out the country I should tell him. On my way to my car. I called him.

Joana: Don't talk I don't want to hear your voice.

I said soon as he picked up

Joana: Am taking a trip. I'll be gone for about a week. Your kids have been asking for you. Am not sure where you staying at. Go see them They will be with Mariah, going over my parents for the weekends. They have to stay at the house cause they go to school. I walk them to the bus stop. Bus pass at 7:30.

He didn't hang up so I think he heard me. After not talking for a while he hung up. He couldn't even apologize for betraying my trust?


Ugh I had to get up early now. But it's for my babies. I rolled out of bed. I was back at my old place. I Missed this house. It seemed empty now. I didn't want to admit it. But I was heart broken. I barely ate. I drove to Joana house, I park along side the street; it was legal here. I seen my beautiful daughter waiting outside. It was the first time I seen them going to school. I miss their first day of school. Joana called this morning, I didn't feel like I had to answer.

Joane: See I told you Dady would come.

She rush to me. Hugging me soo tight.

Derin: Lets go.

It was 7:15 I was early.. Joane told me how she met some new friends at the school. Derin jr looked sad. He kept sniffing and wiping his eyes.

Derin: Derin jr what's wrong?

Derin Jr: Why aren't you home?

Derin: My job sent me to do a project.

Joane: See told you Dady didn't leave us.

I couldn't hold my tears back anymore. Why did they think I abandoned them?

Derin: No matter what I will always love you guys. I promise.

Rat dog came waging its tail to our direction. Cecilia was walking to us. I didn't want to talk right now.

Joane: Doggie!!

Derin: When do you guys get here

Dering Jr: 2:15

Derin: I'll be here promise.

I waived to them as the bus approaches. I couldn't cry infront of Cecilia. She was standing next to me saying nothing

Cecilia: Why do you look so skinny?

Derin: Well I was getting fat so I put myself on a diet.

I said walking away. She looked so worried. She caught up to me without saying anything until I got in my car, I had today off. I figured I will need to be back at 2 and wait on the babies. I love them soo much. Nothing will ever change that.


On this boat wanting to forget everything. This was God sent. I took Keisha with me. She was such a bummer. Trying to get me to talk about the cheater they call my ex husband.

Keisha: How are you feeling?

Joana: Peachy why you ask?

Keisha: Checking on you.

Joana: Am so horny am soo getting laid on this trip.

Keisha: I don't think sleeping with a stranger will do you any good

Joana: On my huge bed at home I reach for him. I can't miss him. He didn't think of me when he slept with Cecilia. Honestly was it the color for him?

Keisha: I don't know.

Joana: I have never slept with anyone other than him But he had several partners. I am not bound to only him.

Keisha: Um

Joana: Be my wing woman tonight. I am on my 3rd day I had 2 days left I want to know what another penis feels like.

Keisha: You should work it out with Derin first, see where ya'll at?

Joana: We are done. Plus I slapped him twice. We are definitely over.

Keisha: Have he tried to reach out to you?

Joana: Who that coward? No

Keisha: Sigh. I don't think your in your right mind.

Joana: Tonight dress sexy.

I went to my cabin I had my own room. I scope through my clothes I wanted to get laid tonight. Keisha was still on the balcony enjoying a nice and relaxing time. I miss my kids but am sure they're with their fathers they are fine. The hotel here was soo nice, Everything was authentic in Hawaii.

Keisha: Ready?

Joana: Yes.

I wore a thin yellow dress. It ties behind my neck. We made our way in the entertaining area. Soon as I walked in I saw him. He was well dress, He looked to be looking for a good time But unsatisfied. Nice face feature, black and lovely. Nice square jaw, nice muscles but not excessive. We locked eyes as he approached.

Guy: What are you drinking?

Joana: Henesy

Guy: My favorite drink.

Our conversation was lite. His name was Arthur. I didn't ask what he do. That wasn't my goal tonight. I don't care if he cuts grass. I just need him to know how to stroke.

After several rounds of drinks.

Guy: So the evening is coming to a closing.

Joana: You sound relieved

Guy: Decipointed actually

Joana: Room number 334

Keisha been left. She wanted to check on her husband. I smiled as I left the bar. He was licking his lips. Watching my ass. I went upstairs took a shower. Throw on a T-Shirt hoping he comes. I heard a knock. I walk to the door. It was Keisha

Keisha: Girl we need to talk.

Joana: About what?

keisha: Derin

I didn't let her in. I might have company

Joana: Is the babies okay?

Keisha: Yeah they are fine.

Joana: Than it can wait.

Before she could say something else Arthur walked up behind her.

Joana: Keisha

I tilt my head to his direction.

Keisha: Let me say what I have to say. Before you do this.

I grab Arthur's hand and close the door in Keisha face. She was always trying to mess up the mood.

Arthur smilled so hard. He leaned in and kissed me. It's been a while. My body was feening like he was my drug and I need it. As he got closer I could feel the heat coming from his pants. He lift me up and Carried me to the bed. He was soo strong. I helped him take off his clothes. He wasn't as long or big as Derin but he was definitely thick. He leaned and helped me with my shirt

Authur: Dam

Joana: Are you gonna stand there all night?

I giggled.


I spend the afternoon with the kids, After picking them up we would go to the park or the movies sometime bowling. I wanted to hang out with them. When Joana comes we will need to discuss visiting hours. Some night they sleep at the house. Joana coming tomorrow.


Arthur: Will I see you tonight?

Joana: I don't think thats how one night stand surpose to work.

Arthur: Haha am pretty sure we are right.

He said walking out my hotel room.

We been enjoying eachother Since the night before. Am leaving tomorrow. He was soo good in bed. Sigh yet he couldn't make me cum as much as Derin. I doubt I will ever sleep with him again. I haven't heard from Keisha I hope she wasn't mad about me closing the door in her face. I decided to walk to her hotel room. I knocked. She opened the door looking soo bitter

Joana: Am sorry about the other night. But did you see him? His soo fine

Keisha: Right.

Joana: Please don't be mad.

I said hugging and shaking her.

Keisha: Did you enjoy yourself?

Joana: Yeah, numerous times.

Keisha: Am glad..

She didn't sound happy. She walked back to her sofa and kept watching shows. I followed her.

Joana: What did you wanted to talk about?

Keisha: Derin never cheated

Joana: Wait what?

Keisha: He found Cecilia burning herself in the bathroom, he did see her naked but he got her out the bathroom. Stayed with her while she cried herself to sleep. Oh and he was telling her she would be valuable to someone someday.

My heart dropt. The rims of my eye started to fill with tears.

Joana: Thats why he never apologized?

Keisha: Yup. He never betray his vows.

Joana: Keisha this is bad.

Keisha: You did this whole commotion. I doubt he would ever step foot in that house after that embarrassing display you did.

I got up holding my head in disbelief but Keisha never looked at me once.


Joane: Daddy I like your house.

Derin: Ha you do

Joane: Yup. Do you think your job will let us stay together again?

Derin: I'll see

My poor heart. We heard a knock on the door.

Derin Jr: The door dad!

He said Still playing game in the living room. I walked to the door to find Joana infront of the door.

Joana: Is the kids with you?

Derin: Yeah

Joane came and grab her mother's arm causing her to come in.

Derin Jr: Hey ma

Joana: A game system?

Derin: I thought he could play in the weekends. It's educational games of course

Joana: It's okay. Can we talk?

Derin: Yeah, I know we need to discuss visitation hours.

I led her to our old bedroom to talk away from the kids.

Joana: How have you been?

Derin: Been better

Joana: Jerry told Keisha and Keisha told me

Derin: Told you what?

Joana: You didn't cheat on me

Derin: Joana why are you here?

Joana: To apologize for my actions. And out of anger I slept with someone else on the trip. Well not once, alot.

Was she seriously smirking about another guy right now?

She kept talking about how she found out later. Like that makes me feel better.

Derin: Stop, stop you don't need to tell me about what you do outside of our kids. Your free to do whomever or what ever you want.

I left the room, Why would I sit here and litsend to this? What I look like "A idiot" I went to check on the kids.

Derin Jr: You promise to face me next round Dad

Derin: You ready. Who we looking for now?

Derin jr: Letter D

Derin: You finish A through c or you skip?

Derin jr: Relax I always finish what I started.

Derin: Haha

Joana came out wiping her eyes. To sleep with someone must mean she cares for this person greatly. It happens. It was getting dark the kids was going to they grandparents for the weekend. Joana mom kept calling me. Telling me to bring her grand kids.

Joana: I will bring the kids over to my mom. Do you want me to come by later?

Derin: No, thank you.

She look so sad?

Joana: Are we ever going to go back to us?

I didn't respond to her she knew the answer. She took the kids and left. I lock the door behind her.

The next day bright and early I heard a knock on the door. Who could that be soo early?

I rolled out of bed and open the door too see Cecilia.

Cecilia: Your wife told me where to find you to give you Your clothes.

I looked outside to see her husband truck parked in my drive way

Derin: Yeah, sorry I'll take them.

I went outside and started to grab my clothes bringing them inside.

Cecilia: I like your new place.

Derin: Yeah

Cecilia: The white and red are very sexy. I might redecorated my place.

Derin: That would be good the baby blue was killing me.

I teased. She pushed my shoulders playfully.