World Fallen part 6


I made it home and wash up.

Ring ring

It was a text from Andrew

Andrew: Good night

Joana: Night 🌙

That was unexpected. The next few weeks we've been focusing on Nailling the racist judge. Months past until we had something solid that can hold in court. From Time to I would get hit on by Arthur when we are alone but I Didn't really get anything from Andrew?

Arthur: Okay Lawford I want you to file these motion for me.

Lawford: Yes boss

Arthur: Joana, How is our witness?

Joana: I am not sure I haven't check

Arthur: No, make sure their comfortable, we can't afford for them to back up. Andrew assist her please I need this to go smoothly.

Andrew: Sure

We Drove in my car since I had the address. He kept his silence, I didn't mind we pull up to the little orange and black house of Devon am sure his with his boys. I didn't mind the ghetto I was raised in it. Andrew kept his silence. There was boys clearly dealing in the corners, Crack heads scratching passing along. Gang members checking your vibe soon as you walk in.

Devon Was sitting outside playing domino's.

Devon: Yooo!

Joana: Yo!

He got up slaping my hands as a greeting haha his breath smell like heavy liquor, Golds in his mouth, Tall buff black guy with prety brown eyes.

Devon: Yo that's the one I was telling yall about, Thats a ass no Brazilian lift my boi

Joana: Yall was sitting around talking about my ass?

Devon: They ain't want to believe God make Girls with pillow bootys no more.

Joana: Yall a mess. Yo you straight

Devon: Yeah I said I got you, All my boys on board we got to help the community

Joana: Good looking out.

Andrew: Um am her partner

Devon: Um who's he?

Joana: Haha don't disrespect my fine man like that, Where's your wife? she cook?

Devon: Haha yeah that'll be ten dollars.

Joana: Stop playing with me. Melanie!

Devon: She went to the store It'll be ready at 8 pick up a plate for you and pretty boy here

Joana: I could do that.

Devon: Dam boy you don't know what you pushing!

Joana: Haha that's my partner at the job shut up

Devon: Oh its a secret thing alright, bet

I took my leave With every intention to come back at 8. His lying to me. On the way to the car Andrew had something to say

Andrew: You know our relationship is inappropriate. I had your case transfer. You won't be my patient no more.

Joana: Okay cool

I said paying little attention to what he was telling me. I decided to drive around the block were his wife was walking with groceries.

Andrew: I dont think we should Date.

He finally said.

Joana: Um okay

Why was she carrying all this by herself? I saw this black car slowly pulling up behind her. She looked worried. So I did a illegal turn to reach her rolling down my windows.

Joana: Melani girl why you carrying this all by yourself

I said getting out the car. It was two white man it doesn't seem like there was any back seat in the back. They would of kidnap her to make him not testify.

Melanie: They're following me

Joana: I know get in the car

I whisper helping her put the groceries in the car. Seing that I saw the black GMC suv following her they left. I drove her home to find none other than the judge sitting there playing domino's with Devon. Devon didn't look convince he could hurt him. Andrew stayed with Melanie in the car.

Joana: I got next. I got 100 I gotta flip it.

Devon who knows, he told one of his boys to get up.

Judge: Sometimes you think your invincible but your not

Devon: Making threats now are we?

Judge: Promises are not the same thing. A little warning shot.

I had my phone set on recording from that point on.

Judge: You should really rethink testifying against me.

Devon: Why you think I would testify against you?

Judge: All their other witness vanish, I just want to know if I can count on you to not say shit?

Devon: Your impressioning my kind how is that okay?

Judge: Their hooligans no future what so ever

Devon: How can they have a future when you don't give them a chance?

Judge: Oh don't whine I never target your family, well as long as we we're partners.

Devon: You mean when you paid me to make evidence go away?

Judge: Alright I'll tell you straight up You should not testify against me. Because I have something you want

He got up looking at me.

Judge: How much?

Joana: Depends on what your looking for?

Judge: I like your shape

He said looking and smilling at me.

Joana: Yeah I know. Devon can I talk to you?

Judge: Got it, you have to discuss it with your pimp. I won't be cheap! when I like it I spend money on it.

I got up turning around, There was a sting on my ass.

Judge: Yeah, Thats born and raised

Joana: Did you just slapped my booty?

Judge: Yes, Devon I want her.

Devon followed me to my car.

Joana: Get inside the car

Melanie: Baby some guys almost picked me up in a black SUV

Devon: That sneaky ass Judge.

Joana: His so disrespectful

Andrew: What happen?

Devon explain everything to Andrew, He didn't seem happy but he didn't say anything. I told him to get his stuff right now. Like a idiot The Judge was waiting there fore

me with a bonner

Judge: Your back?

Joana: Not for you, I don't do white man

Judge: You whores are always the same, you always want a big dick you can't even handle. I got a nice medium dick right here.

I was greateful when Devon came with a small suitcase locking his door.

Devon: Boys let's ride out we got business

Judge: What about the hoe?

Devon: This one is not on the market.

Judge: Dam how good are you to make him not put you for a price.

We ignore him and went to my car.

Devon: Dude had a bonner watching that ass

Andrew: Hmm

Was all he said. We drove back to the office. Arthur decided to handle getting protective custody for them personally. I went to my office.

Andrew: Why are you so okay with guys complimenting your body?

I got up closing the door behind him. Why is he so loud?

Joana: What?

Andrew: First that Devon guy than his boy, Now this disgusting Judge

Joana: Um I've always gotten compliments since I was a child I don't mind it anymore.

Andrew: I mean do you like it or not?

Joana: Wait didn't you broke up with me today?

Andrew: No, I said I don't think it's a good idea for us to have a relationship

Joana: Thats breaking up

Andrew: You...

Joana: I don't have time I have a couple of things to do I'll swing by later.

Andrew: Are you in the mood?

Joana: No

I said sharply returning to my work. He kept getting tongue tied with me. After work I went home to my babies, They were eating 2 hours before bed time.

Keisha: Hello?

She said picking my phone call

Joana: Hey am going over my boyfriend tonight can you keep an eye on the twins for me.

Keisha: Sure, Hey how do I get my daughter from your mom

Joana: Haha what is been 2 weeks

Keisha: Yes I miss her like crazy

Joana: I'll go with you tomorow to get her.

Keisha: Thank you

I got in my car soon as I saw Keisha getting inside the house. Walking to his place his door was Crack open I guess he waited for me..

Andrew: I'll be right down

Joana: Sure

I said clossing the door behind me. I went to sit on the couch where I know his going to ask me questions. He came downstairs in a t-shirt and sweats pants he so fine, Perfect teeth, Nice shade black, curly hair, And His intelligent

Andrew: So

Joana: Yeah, why are you so jealous? you don't want to be with me remember

Andrew: I do its just babe I got issues, I think too much, Second guess myself on going for what I want. Plus I don't want you to feel embarrassed

Jonathan: Am not. Your cool I like you.

Andrew: Am extremely jealous.

Joana: I had a feeling. We haven't talk in months yet we seen eachother 5 days out the week.

Andrew: Sorry I've been in the mood since that night, I didn't know how to ask without it sounding disrespectful

Joana: Haha just say your in the mood. Haha that's easy

Andrew: Am in the mood.

Joana: Alright come on

I led him to his bedroom. Wait was that a new mattress?

Andrew: Yeah you completely soaked my last mattress

Joana: Haha sorry

Andrew: Don't be, I liked it.

He said picking me up putting me on his bed haha.


Everyone is a happy couple, I really hate that Andrew guy, making my girl feels special. I've never seen Joana happy like that, Was I the problem? Watching from the sideline sucks.. Guess she really wanted to be enough for someone. it's going on a year now, I haven't seen her anger maybe am the problem.


Oh shoot its 6:00 I gotta go. The kids will be awake at 7:30 for school. I need to see my babies off. I gently remove his hands around me as I get up to find my clothes

Andrew: Don't leave

Joana: Haha sorry did I wake you?

Andrew: Stay, am a great guess in the morning

Joana: Better than Night after office hours?

Andrew: I swear

He said laying on his side using his hands to support his face. His body is addictive. It's been 8 months now, He would just say mood and ill understand. He is understanding, Very jealous, Its true I would swing by but I wouldn't sleep over. Sleeping over would mean were getting serious. I don't know how am going to introduce him to my kids?

Andrew: Babe your panty is downstairs

Joana: Haha okay

Andrew: You can start leaving clothes here if you want?

Joana: Haha are we ready for that?

Andrew: I know what I want

Joana: Haha okay um yeah I sleep over this weekend and I'll leave some clothes than.

I said kissing him and leaving. Oh God am so late. When I arrived at the house Derin was there picking them up about to walk I thought I should join.

Derin: Good morning

Joana: Ahem morning.

Derin: Had a blast at work?

Haha I had a spectacular time haha

Joana: Um Yeah sure. Hey um Kids

Joane: Work is taking too much time mom, I no longer see you after school, you don't play with me anymore

Joana: Baby you don't play anything.

Joane: Well Draw, you don't draw with me anymore.

She said looking highly upset. She looked so cute at 9 years old. My son didn't say anything. Sigh my babies miss me.

Joana: Okay how about we all go to the beach

Joane: Ice cream included

Joana: Haha yes ice cream included. Oh and I have a friend you guys might like

Derin: A clown?

Derin said firing warning shot. Before I could respond the bus was here and they huried along.

Joana: If it bothers you I won't bring him around the kids. He ask me to bring some of my things over to his place, to sleep over am a little nervous; I've never been

Derin: In another relationship Yeah I know. Um sure you could bring him. I mean I bought Cecilia

Joana: Yeah, why did you do that.. haha that was a horrible idea

Derin: I thought we would of been undetectable

Joana: Haha really? Haha Your wife taking care of your children, while you flirted with a sexy Latina Haha yeah supper undetectable


She kept smilling and laughing, She use to be like that when we're done making love, Guess boy was good around the bedroom, she's glowing without a care in the world. God I miss her so much. We parted ways and I went to work. Jerry kept bothering me about therapy what is wrong with this boy? after I told him no. Today is Friday so I guess I should prep myself for Saturday. Today seem to go by in one hour. I packed up going home. I haven't talk that much unless it's in meetings. I felt like my choices made me loose everything. Am hurting yet the world keep spinning


It's Friday afternoon I can't wait to be in his arms. His stamina wasn't as long as Derin but I climax 3 times haha sometimes I'll stay naked to motivate him to go again but he takes forever to go again. He was a nice guy so I guess I should settle, Derin had alot of practice in his lifetime. I do miss him but I know we are better not being together. I was done but bae taking forever. I still had to go grocery shopping to cook him dinner. I gather my things proceedings to his office. I knock of course I didn't know if he had a Patient in there.

"Knock, knock"

Andrew: Come in

I open the door to find this black plump female sitting on his sofa haha guess he was in a session. She had her legs close both hands over her thighs, red rosed lips and finger nails painted the same shade.

Andrew: Oh um hey what's up?

Joana: Hey can I speak with you in private

He nodded and followed me back outside in the hallway.

Andrew: What's up?

Joana: I need your house keys

Andrew: Wait what Why?

Joana: I gotta get dinner started, Plus I gotta get all these clothes in your closet.

Andrew: Haha alright fair enough. here

He said handing me his whole key

Joana: I just need your house keys.

Andrew: I don't know which one it is haha I usually keep trying till one fit

Joana: Disorganized, don't you have one in a rock or under your carpet or something?

Andrew: Sure if you want to be lazy

Joana: Or we can say smart.

I let him get back to his session. I picked up the groceries I needed, Keys was under the welcome home mat. I walked in locking the door behind me. I brought a few shorts and tank top, Some dresses nothing too big. Diner was almost ready when he got home. I did some roasted garlic chicken breast with steam vegetables accompanied with wine. I heard him come inside dropping his suitcase on the floor. I quickly finish putting up the clothes and rushed downstairs. He was in the guest bathroom downstairs washing his hands. His kitchen is so pretty, it's white marble with gray designed. I started to put his plate out I seen him lossening his tie? what's wrong with him.

Andrew: Alright let's hear it.

Joana: Hear what?

I said placing the plates on the table pouring the wine.

Andrew: You seen the girl, Door close I know you have questions.

Joana: No not really

Andrew: I know it looks like I was stepping out on you but I wasn't

Joana: Oh you think am the over jealous type? haha

I smiled bringing the gravy and bread roll to the table.

Joana: If I did nothing wrong and you cheated on me Andrew than you never wanted me, I was merely a fantasy, I don't go around looking for clues to support gut feelings. I am a firm believer that the truth revealed itself without any assistance, When you assist the truth you hurt people

Andrew: Oh so.. we're okay?

Joana: Yes, Now sit down I've been waiting on you.

I sat on my chair and he sat on his. He kept looking at me, Does he think I'll poison the food?

I took a bite first gigling. It was scrumptious haha I out do myself today, He notice me enjoying my food, he relax a bit and started to eat his.

Andrew: Haha this is very good, I didn't know you could cook?

Joana: Haha I'm haitian that's how you get your birth certificate.

We both laughed, Once we were done he help me wash and dry the dishes, Made our way upstairs. Sitting on his bed Was comforting, His silky smooth sheet.. He came out the bathroom naked but dry haha guess his in the mood?

Andrew: Hey tomorrow morning would you like to have breakfast with me

He said getting under the covers

Joana: Yeah sure, are we going out?

Andrew: Yeah I might have some company join us am not sure yet

Joana: Sure

He turn around holding my waist as we both stared at eachother.