Truth Hurts part 2


Am curious to know how did they find out what store I was at?

Joana: Do you guys usually hang out on Sundays?

I said probing for answers

Arthur: No, He called saying "he wanted to check something" We came here to see you and homeboy

I looked at him

Joana: Were you tracking me?

Andrew: I paired our phone so if something happen am the first to know

Arthur: Haha yall funny

Joana: We will talk about it at home

Andrew: Naw, I told you how I am you understood that. Plus when my wife die I didn't find out the next day, I didn't even say good bye,

So if your going to be my woman I need to know how to reach you at all time you never know when that word might be "goodbye."

I was mad but how do you express anger after him saying that? I relax up a bit without saying anything. We finish our lunch. I wanted to check on Derin so bad. He always took my word for it. Why would I lie?

Andrew: Lunch is done, You want to head to the house?

Joana: No, I gotta check on the delivery

Andrew: I can come

Joana: It's delivering to Derin house.

Andrew: Joana?

Joana: What?

Andrew: We just talked about this

Joana: Let me finish what I started

Arthur standing there seing his cousin balling up his fist decided to step in

Arthur: You owe me a movie let's go

Andrew: "Let's" catch a movie let's go

He said smilling grqbing my arm

Joana: I just told you..

I could feel his grip getting uncomfortably tight around my arm. He was hurting me.

Arthur: Cousin!

Andrew: Alright

He said smilling letting me go.

Was he abusive?

Andrew: Alright take this, pin 2343

Joana: What is it?

He hand me his debit card. Why would I need it?

Joana: I don't want it.

Andrew: Babe that mattress wasn't it. Maybe you were worried of the price take this if you need something you'll get it.

Joana: I don't live beyond my means Thank you.

I said walking away. I came with Derin I don't have a car. I went back inside. I kept calling Derin he wasn't picking up.

Keisha: What's up?

Joana: Come get me please?

Keisha: Sure where you at?

Joana: The mall

Keisha: Alright

I picked some bedding sheets for Derin. He needed new carpet, Soap. After I was done I headed to Derin place with Keisha. The cleaners were finishing. Me and Keisha got inside. The place looks spotless. Me and her change the sheets, Replace the carpet. I didn't hear when Derin came back in his room where I was changing his bed covers.

Derin: What are you doing here?

Keisha: Hey don't be rude, She's trying to help you.

Joana: You don't want me here?

I said standing up with my hands on my hips.

Derin: You don't need to be here am a grown man I could handle "me"

Joana: For the sake of our kids, Your not going to go insane on me.

Derin: Kids you say?

He knows that's something I don't want to tell Keisha unless am sure I was pregnant for Andrew.

Derin: Whatever, am changing the lock anyways

Keisha: Derin stop your doing to much.

Joana: You know what? I don't know why I keep picking your ugly ass

Derin: Am ugly now joana?

I was so upset, At my marriage, my boyfriend, my life..

Joana: I took time to look after you the least you can do is say "thank you." I don't have to be here

Derin: Than why are you here?

"Why was I here? Well because we have kids together that's the only reason." I lied to myself

Derin: You think He will be better right, Go to him Joana.

"Why would he say that?"

Joana: Okay

I said grabing my keys leaving his key on the table.

Joana: Keisha can you finish up here please I'll catch a taxi

Keisha: Alright


Me and Joana haven't talk for 2 weeks now. Am sure she should know if she's pregnant by now. She let me take full custody of the kids until further notice. Keisha said she had to figure some things out. I was more than happy. I picked the kids at Keisha house. My kids always made me feel better..


It's been 2 weeks my period refuse to come on. I hope am not pregnant for that Jerk. I let the kids go with Derin so he wouldn't fall apart. I couldn't be there to help him like I wanted. I hated my relationship with Andrew he was a *ssh*le I couldn't get a compliment from a guy without him wanting to fuck me rough. Am sore all over, When I refuse sex he gets mad. He had anger issues. We were talking one time and I mention Derin, His whole character change. I felt a sting on my face, Upon realizing he hit me without thinking I jump on him Punching and kicking. It's been like that alot. We would fight than fuck, am exhausting, My hair falling out, My weight up and down, Derin can't see me like that, I didn't want him to think the problem was me. Tonight is the weekend, I don't think am going to go over his house today. I want to go to my empty house and rest. I've been at his house this past 2 weeks I need a break..

"Knock, knock"

Arthur: Hey

Joana: Hey

He said coming into my office.

Arthur: Um, as your boss I have to say something but feel free to tell me "everything is okay with you."

Joana: Am leaving for the day, Say what you need?

Arthur: Your a strong and capable woman. Are you getting abuse?

Joana: Why would you ask?

Arthur: For one, You have one black eye and your lips is busted

Joana: Extremely clumsy. Is that why I have no cases?

Arthur: Um

Joana: Alright

"Knock, knock"

Andrew: Hey babe ready to go home? I figured we can get some things for the baby

Joana: Am going home tonight I'll see you tomorrow

Andrew: Oh I understand

He said smilling

Arthur: I know my Cousin can be overwhelming when he cares... If his too much just let me know I'll calm him down

Joana: Nothing I can't handle, Thank you

I got my things to head to my car. I could here the tires hissing air out. What the? Who would pierce my tires? What the fuck man.. Derin showed me how to change a tire but why would someone do that? I didn't take any cases from them because Arthur have been purposely not giving me any cases. I got my spare tires out ready to change it. There Goes Andrew strolling up.

Andrew: Hey babe need a lift?

Joana: I don't know who would that?

Andrew: Leave it here I'll have my guy look at it. Your too pretty to be changing tires. I'll give you a lift home.

Joana: Haha thanks, am so tired

I want to sleep.

Andrew: My house have a bed

Joana: Haha I need some me time

Andrew: Take a bed room

Joana: Babe! Seriously bring me straight to my house.

I got my things out the car to get in his car, Still thinking about who would do that? I dose off a little in the car, When I open my eyes I seen I was in Andrew house. This guy must not understand English. I decided I needed a full break. I grab my things putting them in garbage bags, dialed a cab to get home. While I got out the bedroom I heard.

Andrew: Babe your up?

Joana: And leaving, I told you I want to go home.

Andrew: Come on am cooking dinner

Joana: Am not fighting tonight, I don't have it in me today.

Andrew: Hold on, honey put your bags backs and come eat

He said smilling creepy, standing at the bottom of the stairs. I ignore him going downstairs step by step. What happen next was a bit of an blur. He walked up the stairs trying to take the bags from me, Tugging and pulling I felt me doing spirals like a washing machine. I landed on my butt Instantly hearing my back crack, blood started gushing out of me following sharp pain.

Andrew: Oh shit!

He said rushing downstairsTo help me up

Joana: Don't fucking touch me!

I hallard at him

Andrew: Babe I was trying to

Joana: I don't care!

I manage to get up to use the guest bathroom next to the front door. Ugh this is so painful. Was I having a miscarriage? I bled the whole night through. The next day. I took a cab and went home. He was still upstairs. The whole night he begged to come inside the bathroom. Why would I want him in their with me when I was heavily bleeding like this? I miss my house. I went upstairs, take a shower, Put a pad on. I called Arthur letting him know I Won't be at work. Also reporting the incident yesterday. than I fell asleep..

Joane: Mommy?

Derin Jr: Momy!

They were here? how come? where was Derin?

Derin: Alright, Its the weekend you got the game?

He said walking inside smilling, Soon as he saw me he frowned.

Derin: Sorry, I didn't know you were here?

Joana: Yeah.

Derin Jr: Dad let's play here so mom can play

Joana: Haha it's okay, Hang out with daddy it's okay.

Joane: Mom can we get our nails done? am 9 now it's time

Joana: Is it now?

Joane: I miss you, I want to spend some time with you.

Joana: Alright go head. Let me get ready

I waited for them to leave so I can get out of bed. My whole body hurts so bad. I put some make up, a big dress on with sunglasses. You might think am trying to be boujee but am only trying to cover my bruises from fighting Andrew all the dam time. Afterwards I went downstairs to get some juice.

Keisha: Oh oh Joana! I don't see you anymore.

Joana: Haha sorry

Keisha: Dam hubby kicked everyone out your life. How are yall?

She said getting grapes out my fridge

Joana: Were fine.


Where was her car, Guess if they both drive? I can't believe she would carry his baby? I thought she would be mine no matter what the storm brings; now she's carrying somebody else a baby?

Derin Jr: Alright Dad your turn

Look at my babies their growing up so fast. I thought me and Joana was going to accomplish so much together, I wanted her to give me 3 more kids. My life fallen apart while she's doing big things.

Joana: Let's go babe

She scream from downstairs. Joane happily got up to go do girly stuff. I seen the huge bonus that got deposit in the account after the judge case. She didn't need me, I would flex on Dick but dude seems to handle her pretty well. I wonder if she twerk on him too? Sigh


Derin didn't look at me twice. I needed a friend right now. If I tell Keisha what's going on with me, she will go over there and start a fight. Haha She's crazy. Me and Joane went to my usual place. The Chinese lady was very happy to see me, I haven't been here for a little while. I've been so ashamed of my busted lip I've been staying in the house, Andrew loved that. I don't know what am going to do? I didn't want to brake up with him his a good guy just alot of trust issues.

Joane: Mom

Joana: This is the color I want

She got gray sparkle haha such a kid. I had them do a clean and paint nothing major. The little place was small but they were very clean.

"Ring, ring"

Joana: Hello

Andrew: Babe

Joana: Am with my daughter make it quick

Andrew: Is our baby okay?

Joana: If I was, It's dead, Stair cases you know

Andrew: Babe.. I...

I hung up, why he keep ringing my phone can't he see I need some time? I smiled at my daughter, Letting her know everything is okay. She shared she wants to joins the cheerleaders Haha this girl

Joana: Don't you need to know how to do a split to join?

Joane: Yeah dad have been trying to show me

Joana: Hahahaha Derin?

Joane: Yeah, He can't go lower than me, But he said you use to dance you can do a split..

Joana: Haha that's why you wanted to hang out?

Joane: Yes

Joana: Sure I'll show you

Joane: Yes we are starting today

I was so sore I can't today.

Joana: Haha sure

We finish, I paid and we left. Upon entry at my house I heard my mom getting aggrevated With Derin

Mom: Derin that's your dad

Derin: I am not sending my beautiful babies to visit my dad.

They were going back and forth in my red wooden kitchen. My Daughter had the biggest smile on her face guess she wants to go.