Truth Hurts part 4


Joana comes running downstairs Cursing Keisha out. Keisha trying to curse me out like am crazy enough to put my hands on Joana, Joana got them hands why would I even try?

Keisha: So if it's not Derin, who did that to you?

Jerry: Babe calm down what happend?

Keisha: She finally got up after enjoying Derin

Joana: Again me and Derin didn't do anything last night I went to sleep

Keisha: She went to the bathroom to get ready, I had to pee, So without warning I got in to pee, She couldn't even scrub herself Derin, Her body is all bruised up.. (Crying) We have fought plenty of people before but her bruises have never look this bad.

Joana: She's exaggerating

Jerry: Where did she get all these bruises from?

Derin: Not from me

Keisha: (Gasp) Joana is he hitting you?

This was the worst visit ever. Joana kept getting mad but not responding. Was this guy putting his hands on joana? If he was why did she stay?

Keisha: Let me get his number?

Jerry: Why?

Keisha: So I could tell him when I see him it's on site.

Jerry: Babe his a man..

Keisha: And?

Jerry: Your not doing that, Joana?

She didn't say anything she walked back upstairs. My dad didn't say anything at all, He kept combing his bear withhis hands, He does that when ever he is evaluating something ugh I don't need him to tell me how much I messed up, I already know that. I know In his mind this is my fault. If I didn't start messing with Cecilia than she would have no reason to go search for love else where. The kids finally came downstairs rubbing the sleep in their eye.

Keisha: Ouhh

Keisha clearly upset, everyone else was deflating. Joana in a abusive relationship there is no way.

Jerry: Shouldn't you go check on her?

Derin: Why?

Dad: Excuse me.

He said heading upstairs. Was he going to talk to her himself?

Joane: Oh Keisha is here that's why all the noise.

Keisha: Lil girl not now. Go upstairs and get ready for the day, Your grandfather say we are going camping we will need to buy stuff for fishing.

Joane: I love shoping

Keisha: I could tell, go, take your brother make a list or something.

Us adult decided to head upstairs in Joana and I room. When we walked in she was sitting on her bed on her phone.

Joana: I fell on a stair case, Bled my life out and the next day I was here.

Keisha: Why were you bleeding

Derin: She was expecting

Jerry: Am sorry

Keisha: Mama how hard did you fall? Those bruises look more of a fight then some stairs.

She didn't say anything else she kept swiping on her phone. Sigh am glad Is not what we thought. The kids came back with everything that was wrong with going camping.

Joane: We are ready

Derin Jr: I find a game that can run on batteries.

Am glad Joana was laughing. Something tell me that isn't the whole truth, She hasn't looked at any of us in the eye. If I know Joana she'll tell you half the truth if she feels like she can get away with it. Sigh I'll talk to her in private.

"Ring, Ring"

Joana: Hello? Hey yeah we getting settled in.. haha yeah no everyone is here.. you know Keisha Loud and wrong. Yeah babe, um hold on ill find a spot to video chat.

She got up cheerfully leaving us with out thoughts

Keisha: She's hiding something

Jerry: Babe She clearly just told you why the bruises now let it go let's enjoy this vacation

Derin: Where is your daughter?

Keisha: Your mom refuse to give her back

Derin: Haha that old lady been keeping the kids since she retired.

Keisha: For real.


Andrew: Is he keeping his hands off you?

Joana: Are saying something indirectly?

Andrew: No, Dam bae you still mad at me?

Joana: I have marks on me that I have to lie to my friends and family about, Do you think am over The moon?

Andrew: Baby we won't fist bump. Your not the only one who got bruised, I couldn't taste salt for a week after our fight.

Joana: How did we get so far off track?

Andrew: We will get back to sweet, We just gotta wave the sour. Oh and babe I'm taking therapy so we can work. I am the problem I know that so am fixing it.

Joana: Your on your last chance

Andrew: Deep down I know that.

Joana: Am going camping with the kids tomorow

Andrew: Oh

Joana: Haha it's my first time

Andrew: When you get back do you want to have another baby?

Joana: No, We will need to be married

Andrew: I can't unless you agree to give Derin a divorce

Joana: I'll discuss it with him

Andrew: You know there is ways...

Joana: Am not screwing him over Andrew. I will talk to him. Bye.

Sigh I should discuss it with Derin to know what we're doing? I walk back in the room. I figured it'll be the best distraction to Keisha assumptions

Joana: Derin?

I said sitting on the bed next to him.

Joana: Hey have you thought about us as far as divorce?

Derin took a while to respond but Jerry an crying mess, A grown man shouldn't cry that much. I need to talk about it with Derin so I can tell Andrew it's a "no" Am sure it's going to be a "no" His name legaly is what I have he wouldn't take that from me.

Joana: You don't have to... Umm

Derin: Does he make you happy Joana?

Joana: Um

"No, Hell no"

Derin: Sure draw it up I'll sign it. I get you want to start your new family right? Your a good girl you won't have kids unless your married. I know you won't draw up anything unfair, you won't take what doesn't belong to you.

He smiled, got up and left Sigh I was sure he would of said "no." I didn't see him for the rest of the day, Every instinct tell me he went to hang out with Rachel.. I really didn't like Rachel, She had a nice little shape pretty hazel eye, Nice caramel skin, I hate her. I waited for him, hours past and he didn't come back. Keisha and Jerry kept their mouth quiet that's a first. I went to sleep without him tonight. I didn't eat because I didn't feel hungry, I've been unhappy lately. Why didn't he tell me No?

Joane: Mom let's go

She said shaking my body on the bed. I look to my right, It don't seem like Derin came in last night. Everyone was preping up to go on that camping trip. I wasnt prepare as usual. The pain killers was making me drowsy so I decided not to take them on this trip. My dad haven't said anything am greateful. Keisha rented a RV haha She totally got camping wrong. No tent but a whole RV? Haha

Joana: Good morning

I said getting next to him by the table fixing sandwiches for the twins for the road downstairs.

Derin: Hi

Joana: Are you mad at me?

Derin: No

Joana: Why didn't you come to bed last night

Derin: I crash downstairs, I don't think I should be...

Joana: I don't care where we are at Derin if we're sharing a bed you come to bed..

I snapped at him, I didn't know how upset it made me for not wanting to sleep next to me. I miss him so much I couldn't get what I wanted from him but He could at least amuse me with the thought that we're sharing the same bed again.

Derin: I wasn't sure that's what you want?

Joana: Sigh just come to bed please, don't crash any where.

I said walking outside where the RV was wrongfully park on the grass.

Keisha: Kids get inside we're leaving soon.

Joana: Pitit (Child) Do you know how to drive that?

Keisha: It's like a big car right

Joana: Haha no it's a RV..

Her husband comes handing me the keys.

Jerry: Parking it here was extremely difficult I cannot take this baby on the road.

Joana: Hahaha oh my God I finally see it

Keisha: See what?

Joana: You both are idiots. Joseph can you drive these two clueless people that don't know how to drive a RV but who bought a RV please

Joseph: Alright, we can take one vehicle.

Haha The RV was white with gray line design, It had 3 bedroom. Im still in pain so I decided to crash in one of the bed. My babies came with me. The whole inside was with gray funitures, Gray couch, Chairs, table, it was very luxurious, two bathrooms, the rooms have 4 twin size bunk beds in total. In no time at all sleep came.

Derin: Joana why are you always sleeping?

I woke up to him next to me looking concern. My babies who slept in the same room as me went outside to enjoy the camping experience.

Joana: Pain and fatigue why you ask?

Derin: We are grilling Fish come let's go eat something

Joana: Am not really hungry

Derin: I haven't seen you eat much on this trip. Happiness can cause that but still force yourself to eat one fish at least.

Joana: Okay

Happiness haha funny

Derin: Let's go

He help me up, my sleeve showed an little, I could see the sadness that filled his eyes as he look at my purple and blue arms under my sleeve.

Derin: Take off your clothes I want to see something?

Joana: What?

My heart kept racing "no I can't show him the bruises." Nope. Plus I mean it's Derin haha it's not a good idea.

Derin: Joana come on before Keisha come in here.

Joana: I don't want you to judge me

Derin: Your my best friend. How can I?

I agree to take the dress off staying in just brah and panties. Ugh I hate how I can't deny him anything.

Derin: Alright, You said you fell?

Joana: Yeah, on his staircase

Derin: What happend?

Joana: He was trying to convice me to stay with him, I wanted to go home I was exhausted,

Derin: Okay, your getting emotional. let's go get some food huh? We will talk about it another time. I forgot about those pregnancy hormones.

He said smilling at me. I nodded, I put my clothes back on and followed him outside. Everyone was enjoying a nice bond fire.

Joseph(Derin Dad): Haha boys I thought yall wasn't coming?

I turn to see 2 white guy with a black curvy woman. All coming with beer and adult beverages.

Joseph: Haha we here!

Derin: Oh no

Jerry: Who are these people?

Jerry looking genuinely concern. My daughter was eating them grilled fish haha, My son usually calm and collective

Derin: My aunts and uncles, oh lord

Jerry: Oh, Thats why they all look the same as your dad? Same green eyes with white facial hair.

Derin: Uncle Tommy and his wife Brandy, With uncle Floyd birth name Jerry

Jerry: Wait, we got the same name

Derin: Yeah, but don't mention he change his name to Floyd for business purposes.

They had muddy boots on over tan skin, Floyd had red ginger hair, I remembered Joseph hair was dark brown? were they redneck.

Tommy: Derin all grown up

Brandy: To a handsome young man no less.

Her demeanor was so flirtatious am not jealous obviously thats his aunt but why was she walking like she's the shit?

Joseph: This here is his wife Joana, My two grandbabies Joane, Derin Jr. These two are their couple friends but they loud

Keisha: Loud and wrong Joana would call me.

I went over handshaking them with Derin and the rest of the group

Tommy: Nephew you got yourself a thickums, You wouldn't notice when shes sitting down cause her top is so small but the bottom is fully grown

Derin: Thats inappropriate

Floyd: Yeah bro we got kids here

Tommy: Haha my bad. Kids bed time

Joseph: Haha what's the schedule for tomorow?

Floyd: Let's built a boat and go fishing?

Did they say built a boat?

Brandy: It's been a while since babe built anything

Tommy: Haha sun's too hot.

Brandy: All I want is a little spot I can make feminine in our house.

Tommy: Good God woman appreciate what I bring to the table (burp)

After taking one sip of his beer

Tommy: Want one?

Joseph: Am good

Floyd: Yeah remember since he found out his having grandkids he quit drinking.

Tommy: Quiting is for loosers

Brandy: You might want to think about quiting too. Your belly getting huge

Tommy: Yeah

He said grabbing his wife placing her on top of him. They were so old but still full of love. She put her feet to the side to sit more properly hands on her lap watching the rest of us.

Keisha: How long ya'll been together?

Brandy: Dealing with his ass for about 40 years now.

Tommy: Dealing with me?

Brandy: You guys?

Tommy: I've been handling my woman for 40 years 9 months and 16 days stop playing with greatness

Everyone laugh, She smiled looking admiring his words, I want that so much, can it be like that for me and Andrew? for him to count the days we been together?

Joane: So this where you meet mom?

She said looking excited at her questions