Can't let go part 4


I grab a couple of things to go to Andrew house. I gotta stay focus on my goals, Its a miracle Ms. Maurice came in that day; ugh I was going insane out of boredom. The judge had to redirect their judgement, Seing that my client was Dragged inside the house. Tomorow I'll swing by his house, Savo should be release home by tonight. Making my way inside I couldn't help but smile at the rose pedals on the floor.

Andrew: Arthur said you had a long day at work today?

"Ugh am not in mood for rough sex tonight." I thought to myself

Andrew: (Kiss) let me get your purse, And your briefcase, Dinner is waiting.

He took off the vest I had on top of my pearl tightly fitted dress. Kissing me on my neck haha he trying to get into something tonight?

Andrew: I am going to feed you than am going to make sweet love to you the whole night through.

Hmm after going against Arthur huh?

Joana: Am not in the mood for rough sex Andrew

Andrew: No, am done with that. I want to celebrate your individuality, You felt strongly about something you went for it. My therapist said "I have to see you, And appreciate who and what you bring to the table.

Joana: I like that therapist

I smiled kicking off my heels to get some food. It smells so good.

Andrew: So the old lady..

Joana: She was like a secondary mom to me

Andrew: Oh, Babe it doesn't seem like a strong case.

Joana: Well future husband, You know me. Justice will be serve

Andrew: Hmm that's true.

Joana: Am more than a prety face with a fat ass you know

Andrew: I know, I told Arthur to fall back and let you handle it. If you need anything let me know.

Joana: Thank you babe

Andrew: Now that your full

Joana: Let me take a shower

Andrew: Good idea I'll joined

Joana: Haha babe

I said knowing he is not going to let me shower properly. I ran upstairs hoping to lock the door before he came in haha, How slow have I gotten?

Andrew: Ah your getting slow

He said taking off my clothes in the bathroom. I turn on the water, Before the water can get warm he started to kiss me all over. His starting to know my points. We were going strong for a good hour until he started to loose stamina sigh come on man. We finish taking a shower. We went to our bed, The whole time Am thinking "good job" He already had me climaxing one time I wanted to feel exhausted by climaxing over and over again.

Andrew: F*ck baby this ass.

He said turning me around grabing hands full of cheeks As he got deeper.

Joana: Am almost there don't stop.

Andrew: Ugh f*ck your soo...

Joana: Don't think about my ass or my shape just...

Andrew: Ughhhhhhh! Dam! I couldn't hold it anymore..

Joana: Thats fine, Can you.. Empty him out and come back in?

I said while kissing him

Andrew: Oh my God! shit feels so good. You got my head itching. Give me 20 minutes and we can go again.

Before I could say something else He fell asleep Leaving me wanting more, I wasn't Sexually satisfied, don't get me wrong He got some moves but things don't start feeling great until the first climax. I took a shower again. Put some leggins on with tank top to go for a run, I had to "run" away my frustration. He was so handsome. To some woman one hour and thirty minute is plenty but am so spoiled. I've been having sex then going for a 2 hour run. Haha guess it'll be something I'll have to get use to. After I work up a good sweat I went back home took another shower, Went to another massive room in his mini mansion so I could look over my case.

Andrew: Babe?

Haha did I fall asleep here last night?

Andrew: Umm you look so pretty in the morning

I had the laptop with folders next to me on the bed. "Andrew come on don't start this babe I can't go running this morning."

Andrew: You didn't wake me up after twenty minute?

Joana: Haha you looked exhausted

Andrew: I know your stamina is off the chart but I want to get you there too.

Joana: Babe your good

Andrew: I love you so much, I want to make sure I knock you out too.

Joana: Hmm

He got on top spreading my legs haha man he smell so fresh, did he take a shower already?

Joana: Babe morning breath

Andrew: You drink water in the middle of the night; your breathe isn't that bad in the morning, Your perfect.

How do I get out of this? He started to kiss my neck, Grabing my back. Fuck why does he feels so good? He took off my silk pajamas, eating my whole plate. Something about how pink and full his mouth was made me instantly moist.

Andrew: I want you to be satisfied

Joana: Come up

I said in between moans. He felt so good, he cheated this morning, the glow in his pants gave him a extra 30. The deeper he got the louder I scream for him not to stop. I was so close until..

Joana: Babe?

Andrew: Don't move am so sensitive.

Joana: Are you done?

Andrew: Yeah Haha good morning.

Joana: You came inside?

Andrew: No, I have a condom on. But bae when can I start?

Joana: After our I do's

Andrew: Fair point.

This man came to my room just to rise my hormones? Ugh am tired of sparing his feelings. I took a shower in the guest bathroom. When I got downstairs he had breakfast ready, Pancakes, fruits. He such a good man though, Yet my heart refuse to love him. I wanted to so bad. I got some cantaloupe then head to Savo my client address. As I drove further I realize this was a very bad neighborhood. I never mind the environment, I was never the type to judge. I grab the documents to meet with my client. Arriving on the 3rd floor, Police were trying to force themselves inside the apartment, poor Ms. Maurice trying to block, I was shock how they were pushing her out the way.

Joana: Am his lawyer, who's your superior?

It was three different white officer, One came introducing himself as the main head to this operation

Phil: We have an warrant for his arrest

Joana: Thats impossible, I cleared it up with judge Faunt

Phill: It came in the station this morning ma'am

Joana: What are the charges?

Phill: Breaking and entering

Joana: Are you kidding me.

Phill: No joke here ma'am

Joana: Ms. Maurice let him go with the officer I'll go speak to the judge again

Phill: With all due respect, you going after Earl Blank is not a good idea.

Joana: And Why is that?

Phill: If I were you, I'll leave it alone.

Joana: Right, Good day officer.

Ms. Maurice: No not my young boy! You got the wrong one, His a good kid.

Dam it! I didn't say anything I went to the court house. Walking into Faunt office without knocking thinking this is bullshit..

Joana: So you went ahead with the charges?

Faunt: Mrs Phanor, Mr Earl made a strong argument

Joana: Why wasn't I aware of this argument as Savo lawyer?

Faunt: Mrs Phanor he wants to go ahead with the charges.

Joana: Really, I never heard of private meeting for a public case. Without settlement?

Faunt: Becareful Mrs. Phanor, Mr Earl is a good Samaritan he was in the military, he have people behind him

Joana: That exclude him from the law? That was Attempted murder you know it. Mater a fact let's add that to the charges

Faunt: Am sorry what?

Joana: Yes, Attempted murder, Racial profiling

Faunt: Are you serious?

Why the fuck are they protecting this son of a bitch? I went to my office. Walking in I called my assistant. Telling her what I need filed.

"knock, Knock"

Joana: Yes

Ms. Maurice: What's going on


Joana: They are charging him.

Ms. Maurice: Oh my son.

Joana: Am handling it, Trust me I'll get to the bottom of it.

Ms. Maurice: What's your mom phone number?

I wrote the number on a piece of paper. She thanked me and left.

"knock, knock"

Assistance: Mam the court is on the line

Joana: Sure

Guess Earl lawyer saw the charges I was putting against him. They called to offer another deal.

"Talking about two years and 5 years of probation" Before I respond Arthur came in

Arthur: Hung up the phone

I didn't argue I hung up the phone.

Arthur: Joana dropt the case, They are flooding our office with useless information. This maybe too much for you too handle.

Joana: You too?

Arthur: You know Am for the community

Joana: They shot him walking on the sidewalk, Than drag him inside to bleed to death. If it wasn't for some anonymous call he would of died just by being black.

Arthur: No, Thats not in the report.

Joana: That fucking Faunt!

I showed him the pictures of Earl pressure cleaning the side walk.

Arthur: Why wasn't it marked with police tape?

Joana: It's too much information missing. Everyone is acting like Earl is a force to be rekon with

Arthur: Hmm I see.

Joana: His lawyer called offering 2 years behind bars and 5 years probation

Arthur: If Earl is not at fault why lighten the sentence?

Joana: Am accusing Earl with Racial profiling, And attempted murder,

Arthur: All that?

Joana: Thats what it is

Arthur: I'll look into it. Haha this girl here, Nothing is simple for you is it?

Joana: Do you think they will arrest Earl?

Arthur: I'll check tomorow. You just focus on getting your client out of jail.

Joana: Alright.

I left the office and headed to the jail cell. I ask for the bail they told me twenty thousand. This judge is really starting to pist me off.

I paid his bail. The officer told me to wait he will get him.. Savo stumbled out, eyes bleed shut, swollen jaw. That is not how they arrested him this morning.

Joana: What happend to my client?

Officer: Resisting arrest

Savo: No, I didn't!

Joana: Come on I'll take you home.

I helped him in the car. Man they beat him up badly. While in the car his clothes started to fill up with blood. Dam it they open his stitches he Got from Earl. I made a U-turn to the hospital. He past out on the way there. I took pictures of course, when they arrest him this morning he didn't have these bruises, I saw when he went willingly. Upon arrival They alerted the right code to get him to a doctor right away. Waiting in the waiting room I figured I should call his mom. The mom was in the middle of prayer she gave me his wife number. The wife said she will be right there? After a few I saw a woman with a rain coat with a long wide dress, With sandals haha haitian for sure haha

Silvia: Hi am Silvia the wife of Savo Can you fill me in

Joana: I am not sure his condition since you are family they might talk to you.

Silvia: Okay thank you.


I hate this therapist!

Therapist: Alright, all am saying is Your punishing Joana for what your mom did, You leave them before they leave you.

Derin: Sigh

Therapist: I think you should talk to your mom

Derin: Absolutely not

Therapist: Yes, You will understand why you chase good woman away from you?

Derin: I didn't chase her away

Therapist: She agreed to stick around, Can you imagine the damage that it did to her heart watching you leave her and everything she bought to your life.

Derin: Don't say it like that

Therapist: Thats what you did! than Florida confirms everything to her

Derin: Your surpose to help me fix it.

Therapist: If she doesn't take you back Derin

Derin: Don't even say that, I mess up I get it but there is nothing we can't fix, She's the one she has to fix it with me. I know she's mad now and she needs her space but you can't tell me she doesn't love me?

Therapist: There is a chance the guy may treat her better than you. Any woman would prefer peace than headache

Derin: Sigh, I need to fix it.

Therapist: You gotta go to the root of the problem

Derin: Why do you think it have something to do with mom?

Therapist: She's your first love and she left you

Derin: Ugh why do you keep saying that? Joana is the first woman I've ever love.

Therapist: On the contrary Your mom showed you how love is surpose to go, She left! you start something great with someone, then the issues your unhappy about comes up in the relationship, you.. leave.. That's your mothers trait.

Derin: Wow, I don't feel like your listening to me at all.

Therapist: Why do you assume she fought some random girl because of jealousy?

Derin: Well because she's a fighter that's who she is.

Therapist: No, From your stories it seems like the only person she truly fight for is you, she wants to be the one you pick

Derin: I don't see how you see that but okay

Therapist: Derin?

Derin: What?

Therapist: Deep down you know that

Derin: Yeah I know.

Therapist: Thats all for today. See you next week

Derin: Well I gotta be honest Doc this will be my last session. I think your full of belony. So um yeah, you have a great day.

Therapist: I know today session was a bit pushy, Go on lick your wounds; when you are ready give the office a call.

Derin: Uh huh whatever you say doc.

This lady is crazy how I've been coming to her for so many months and this is what she came up with? Am done wasting my money. I rush to work ready to the new project with this new client. I was a little late but am sure the boss along with Jerry are making a great example

Boss: Oh God we are horrible at this

Am loosing my edge.

He said walking into my office as I put down my belongings

Derin: Am sure is not that bad

Boss: She took a lunch at 11am

Derin: Haha show me the product let's see.

Boss: Okay