The only one


Meeting lawford at the airport, Sigh he and I don't get along but it's business. I hailed a cab to dropt me at the airport. Pulling up at the airport I seen Jerry's car? That's a coincidence. Me and Lawford checked in.

Lawford: Keep it professional, I know how you operate

This guy still have evidence of drool on the side of his mouth. Ew why would I ever? His a horrible lawyer? Get out of here!

Joana: How do I operate?

Lawford: Am not interested in Arthur And Andrew seconds

Joana: You understand the only one am dating is Andrew right ignorant pig?

Lawford: Than why is Arthur is always kissing your ass

Joana: You think so? because I haven't gotten a worthy case in forever

Lawford: Haha that's true hahah

Joana: Shut up!

I said laying back on my seat. They finally allowed us to get on the plane. I ended up sitting by Cecilia, What the?? She sat In the middle of me and Lawford. Oh for the love of God let's just enjoy this flight with no words.

Cecilia: Joana can I say something?

"Your obviously on a trip with Derin good for you." I thought

Joana: Ahem. yes?

Cecilia: The night you threw out your husband because you thought we had a affair, We didn't

Joana: Um thanks for letting me know.

I said turning around looking straight ahead

Cecilia: He blames me for messing up ya'll happy home. He thinks he will fix it somehow.

Joana: Um

Cecilia: Does he have a chance with you again? Because I mean, if you don't want him please let him go and stop giving him hope.

Joana: Um

Cecilia: I see he bought you a new ring?

Joana: Cecilia am actually on a business trip with a employee who doesn't really like me....

Cecilia: Me too, Derin is my marketing team.

Joana: So if we can just you know shhh I would love that.

Cecilia: I really do love him Joana, I know we haven't had a chance to talk woman to woman..

Joana: Okay am going to go to the bathroom for the rest of the trip. Okay great

I said getting up walking towards the bathroom. Ugh I hate how Ohio is so dam small. Am so moving when my kids reach eighteen. I am not mad at her it's just; another time, another place. I sat on the toilet seat looking over document, So far I think I got a description of what she might look like.

"Knock, Knock"

Joana: Occupied

Lawford: Were here let's go.

Joana: Oh dam 3 hours pass by already?

Lawford: Yeah

I collected all the paper work and walked outside. We hailed a cab, rented two rooms at a hotel by the beach close to our anonymous caller beach house. The place was super fancy, Red diamond design carpet on the floor, valet, bell boy haha this gotta be an 5 star hotel. Arthur gave us the company credit card to spend on what we need. I order my dinner in my room. The room had the same carpet floor, A humongous bed, Walk in closet, Wine cooler, The shower is amazing, They had a huge bathtub, Then a walking shower, With different water temperature. I turn the shower head to massage. The water dripped hard but relaxing. After a long relaxing bath I got in bed looking over document of the case. The next morning I receive several calls from Lawford saying his on the beach and to meet him there. I got dress to go. Walking in the hot sun I thought he found who we have been looking for.

Lawford: Beautiful day isn't it?

He said as I took a seat next to Him at the restaurant by the beach. They sell almost everything sea food why is he here?

Joana: Why did you call me out here lawford?

Lawford: Actually is Christ

Joana: Did you spot our caller?

Lawford: No

Joana: Bye, call me when it's job related

Lawford: You don't want breakfast?

Joana: They have free breakfast at the hotel?

Lawford: It's not everyday we get the company business card I say let's spoil ourselves

Joana: Your an idiot. Stay focus please. The sooner we find her the sooner I get to go home

Lawford: I guess

I went back to my room for more research about the case.


I wish this lady would pick a venue already. She's planning on doing a fashion show close by the beach and the sooner she is done am going home. I know I successfully completed my part of the deal.

Cecilia: You know

Derin: What?

We were checking out this place to see if it's big enough to host her fashion line. She keep trying to bring up conversations not related to work and I ain't on that. Joana is in Florida too what a coincidence.

I didn't realize my lips curved up showing a bright smile haha "my baby." I thought.


I believe that's her. She was a naturally brown hair woman, Its 7 am she's jogging at the beach. I figured she was pretty active, For someone who have 3 kids and no body fat.

Joana: Can I talk to you please?

Woman: No, am not talking, Just jogging

Joana: Than I'll jog along.

Woman: What are you? PI, Officers, what?

Joana: Lawyer for Mr. Savo

woman: Who?

Joana: The one you called the police for that night

Woman: I.... don't know what your talking about

Joana: I know your scared, But if you don't want to testify against Mr. Earl than give me the tape, I see the camera across the street

Woman: If my husband found out what I've done. He will call me a Black people lover, I'll get kicked out the community.

Joana: What community?

Woman: The pure community of course. God there are so many blacks victims, I couldn't take it anymore

Joana: Am sorry what black?

Woman: The children in the basements

Was she saying they kidnaping kids too.

Woman: I've said too much I gotta go

Joana: What do they do to the kids

Woman: They don't hurt them I think. They would take them into the basement, make them watch films

Joana: Films of what?

Woman: I've said too much I gotta go.

She ran off, What the fuckity fuck Earl! I should call Arthur and report this.

Arthur: Hey?

Joana: There doing something to black kids in the neighborhood

Arthur: What?

Joana: Dam it. The lady said they don't hurt them but make them watch some sort of video tape

Arthur: Without parents permission?

Joana: They created a pure community

Arthur: Thats racist

Joana: I know that's why I decided to call you.

Arthur: Okay try to get more information out of her. I'll do some digging here. Where is Lawford?

Joana: It's pretty early so bed I think I don't know?

Arthur: He better not be useless on this trip

Joana: Yall figure that out.

I said hanging up. Man this is coming from bad to worst, My client is still in comma because of those officers if they think am not going to charge them they got another thing coming.


Cecilia: We got the place, We should celebrate tonight

She's looking at me, Hoping I talk with the other head, She wasn't as attracted as I thought before. She can't even say she's sorry, I don't want to be with anyone like that. She found this stage on the beach, She customized it of course. It's announced on the radio station, Television, Ads on social media platforms. She spend alot on this I hope it works out.


It's been a couple of days trying to persuade her. So far I got a copy of Savo, The kids they bribe coming in with cookies or lemonade. Earl's wife is the weirdest. Honestly your a mom. So far the tape shows them walking with small children inside the house, hours later the kids come out looking confuse. What were they doing? She agreed to meet me at the fashion show tonight to tell me more. The fashion show start at 8 it was 7:30, I should check on Lawford to see if his ready. our room was right next to eachother, I forgot to knock, What I saw I hope I did Knock. He had a black woman on top of him as he climaxed he called my name "Oh Good lord!"

Lawford: It's not what it looks like. Her name is Joana

Of course the woman corrected him saying "It's cheryl" Out of embarrassment he replied "Shut up you paid to pleasure not talk" Did he use the company card to hire prostitutes? What Is wrong with this guy? This guy had weird fantasies about me? haha Your too short to ride this ride. I didn't say anything I went to get ready for the party tonight, eight thirty came around I put on a indigo long gala dress on, Exposing my shoulders, it split in between my breast, revealing my beautiful curve and beachball booty. Lawford waited for me infront of the hotel. He looked so embarrassed haha The place was well decorated, TV station, Radio personalities, Even some celebrities was there. I went to a local bar where me and the woman plan to meet. I sat by the bar waiting on her. Three hours pass by when she finally came in. She spot me and came right over

Woman: I've told you everything I can. My husband is here I can't talk to you anymore.

She ordered adult beverages At the bar, her husband seems clearly happy to see his wife. Ugh!

Lawford: Ahem Joana?

Joana: I never saw you use your company card on hookers Lawford let it go please.


Man this was bigger than I expected. I was a little tipsy but not fully drunk. I went back to the hotel to sleep it off. I didn't bother taking off my clothes to sleep, Tiredness convinced me to sleep. There was something wrong with my bed why was it so lumpy?

Cecilia: I've been waiting on you

Derin: Um your um naked in my bed

Cecilia: Yeah, I want you in so many ways

Derin: Cecilia go to your room am tired

Cecilia: Come on look at it, it missed you so much, Come on baby make me feel good. I want to bust on your face again.

I forgot how good she looks without clothes on. Her "love me" tattoo by her belly, Nice caramel smooth skin, piercing.. my secondary head wasn't listening to me anymore. She pulled me on top of her, kissing Me, Showing her tongue down my throat. Grabing on my manhood. I had to think quick before I do this

Derin: I have no condoms

Cecilia: Oh its fine..

Derin: It's not, I'll be right back.

I rushed out that room. "She's an hazard oh no" I thought. I want Joana not the Brazilian princess. I made my way back to the bar. I know bad decisions. I took a seat telling the bartender to give me the strongest drink he had and keep them coming.

Bartender: I'll have to cut you off

He said after several rounds

Derin: Why am not driving

Bartender: You can't fully open your eyes, Your missing your mouth.

Derin: Mind your business. I am drinking because am grown and I can.

##Joana ##

At the bar on the beach Derin came Sitting next to me, he so drunk he don't even realize am sitting next to him.

Derin: Tell me Bartender have you ever been in love man?

The Bartender seem to be loosing his cool. Roughly drying the glassware.

Bartender: What about it?

Derin: I love one woman!

He said smacking the table. I've never seen him this drunk before

Lawford wasn't anywhere to be seen probably somewhere with hookers haha this guy had issues. Frankly I didn't care.

Derin: She's my one true love, I fucked up, I got this beautiful woman in my bed naked wanting me to make endless love to her. I didn't. I am in a bar realizing my wife is never coming back..

Was he crying?

Derin: I love her so much, We are so good together, She completes me, now she hates my guts, our children is so beautiful man, that's how I know we can make beautiful things if she ride the bad waves with me.

Bartender: Sure man, maybe you should head home

Derin: Nothing feels right without her, My house feels empty, I've been going to her annoying friend house just to see her everyday, Sigh an man is taking my woman and I can't do anything about it.

Joana: Derin go home

I said with an hint of pitty

Derin: Here She is in the flesh! Bartender I may gotten a little too much to drink.

Joana: Your screaming

Derin: Isn't she lovely folks, your wonderful Joana. Am sorry it took me so long to learn how you should be treated. I took therapy for you. I would do anything for you. Your my one Joana.

Joana: Your just drunk.

Derin: Am honest. I love you. I left Cecilia in my bed. Speaking to the manager about who let her in my room. Am getting a night off for that.

Joana: Haha still cheap haha come on let's go