The only one part 2

##Joana ##

Drawing out bad attention as an marketing executive that's not good. I paid for his drink, brought him to his room, took off his shoes to lay him on the bed.

Derin: Nana!

Joana: Yes

Derin: Your the one that got away, I could find someone else sure but they won't be as amazing as you

Joana: Okay bud relax and sleep okay.

Paying very little attention to his words. His words didn't mean anything, His actions is what counts. Although it's the first time he express his feelings like this.

Derin: I hope he breaks your heart.

Joana: Why is that Derin?

Why would he say something like that?

Derin: I wanted you to tell me you found heartbreak and misery, so you can let me shelter you with my love again. I miss you so much

Sigh "Derin your too drunk to be taking seriously" I thought.

Cecilia: Why am I not surprised

She said coming out his bathroom in a tight purple silk robe.

Cecilia: He went to you... God even when you guys are apart he only talks about how "Your the truest family he ever had."

Joana: It's really not what it seems

Cecilia: (Crying) I can love him with his flaws and all, What I would do to gain that love from him. He never once told me he loved me led along he can't live without me. His a good man, Joana please just let him go so he could find his better. Am his better Joana, Me!

Was this chick serious?

Joana: First off I don't like you telling my business on planes full of people and two any woman who would compromise homes with children in it will never be better than me. I got a man am good. He just gotta sign the papers

Cecilia: So

Joana: Yeah, I have a fiance.

I said walking out pist off. On my way to my room I seen lawford with another young lady, Sitting in the lobby conversating, I'll tell him how the meeting went with our anonymous caller tomorrow, we should leave, there was nothing left to do here.

The next day while getting ready to depart.

"Knock, knock"

I walked over to the door sure it was Lawford.

Derin: Hey

Joana: Hello?

He had a brown folder in his hands does that mean?

Derin: I wanted to thank you for last night, Am sorry I thought you fought Rachel out of jealousy but last night I realize you only fight for what's yours. I heard everything between you and Cecilia, You really want to get a separation from me, You don't want me I get it. As far as the saying goes Nana, am yours and will always be yours; I wanted you to know that.

Handing me the divorce papers in a brown folder walking away. "I smiled" What else can you do when your heart is breaking to a million pieces. Hoping I find heartbrake and misery was mutual. I didn't want him to find better than me either, I wanted him to see what he have; I guess what he had. These documents never felt so heavy. Cecilia telling me I never escape his mind or soul made me confuse.


I should never hope someone breaks her heart, She deserves better I see that now. We caught the same plane again to go home. Cecilia was a mess, apologizing to me wanting to start over, When I ask her what did she even miss about us it was all Sexually related. We got to our home state. I bid Cecilia good day and let Jerry drove her home. I hailed a cab

##Joana ##

Ever since I told Andrew about Derin signing the papers his been going on nonstop about the wedding. After much digging we found out Earl and his clan have been brainwashing children to thinking the color of their skin is the reason why they will never amount to nothing. We were charging the judge, Earl, and the officers for several crimes. I had a meeting with my client today he finally woke up. I decided to head to the hospital first. Ms. Maurice greeted me at the front door of the hospital in order to show me his room. Savo was up and alert with his smilling wife next to him.

Joana: Good morning

Savo wife: We will not move forward with you, I hired another lawyer

Joana: Am sorry what?

Savo: For the misunderstanding they will pay 250 thousands dollars, Thats the highest I'll get since am a black man living in America

Did they brain wash him?

Savo wife: It's been months yet you came up with nothing

His wife is being very rude right now.

Joana: look I know the money sounds good Savo but..

Savo Wife: No, you litsend, I will be able to put some money away for college for our children you have done nothing

Savo: Am a black man In America, I have no right. The white folks did good by me to allow me to live.

Joana: To live is a God giving right.

Savo: Not in America

He said looking at me twitching

Ms. Maurice: Savo what's your name?

Savo: Black man

Ms. Maurice: Where are you from?

Savo: America

Savo was born in Okap haiti; Something isn't right. I called his nurse to get a shrink in here. After several hours, They found out he was under a illusion, One that tells him who his ever going to be. The wife was greedy, she didn't care about his well being, They place that two hundred and fifty thousand infront of her, She threw out all reason. They schedule a hypnotist to see him tomorrow! this is crazy! I gather my things and went to the office. Arthur was in my office growing inpatient.

Joana: Am sorry am late

Arthur: I know it's for a good reason

Joana: That day When they arrested him they hypnotized my client to saying am a black man in America who can't amount to nothing.

Arthur: We got court in two hours

Joana: Yes, I know that.


I can't believe Me and Joana ending here, She is the most important person to me in the world, She didn't want me anymore; my stupidity got in the way. The next day Cecilia wrote a generous check to our marketing team.. All from what she received that night, The few millions she spend was nothing compared to what she made, From connects to contract, Celebrities wanted them to design their clothes for the red carpet. Boss was happy, Jerry, and I got paid as well but it didn't feel like a win. Cecilia had her first client in another state she flew out later today. Days felt like weeks to me in my mind.

##Joana ##

Walking inside Andrew house felt strange. Court went okay, me and Arthur have been going to court, Social media clicked on the case like white on rice. I went upstairs to get some much needed rest.

Andrew: Long week huh?

He said sitting on his bed with a towel.

Joana: Not really, rough couple of months.

Andrew: You always get the life changing cases

Joana: God seen I have been patient.

He smirked at my comment. Took off his towel placing it on his sofa bed.

Andrew: How was Miami?

Joana: Fine

Andrew: You were there for almost two months and no phone call?

Joana: You know me when I get in that zone.

Andrew: Uh huh right

Why was his answers so slow? was he accusing me of something

Andrew: I know you said He signed the papers?

Joana: Yes he did

Andrew: Have you filed it because on the public website it shows happily married?

Joana: Babe I've been supper busy with this case

Andrew: Okay, than give it to me I'll do it

Joana: Why are you being like this?

Andrew: I want to marry you is that so wrong?

He walked over to my briefcase and got the brown folder.

Joana: Honey, that's my responsibility not yours

He didn't say anything, He finish putting on his clothes, I got the folder from him he left. Our marriage was in three days I know, I should file the paper work but it's been alot on my plate, plus Deep down I didn't want to. I went to take a shower. The steam felt amazing after a long day. Lately me and Arthur have been pulling all nighters, I told him I have to get some rest today to stay sharp. He agreed thus why am at Andrew house this early and not at work. Sleep took over me in no time. Shit! What time is it? 2pm why didn't anyone call me? I quickly put on a dress, With heels; proceed to the office, I kept looking for my divorce papers I didn't see it? Walking inside my office, My partner in crimes wanted to chat haha

Lawford: Can I come in?

Joana: Um sure.

He close the door behind him.

Lawford: I appreciate you not telling Arthur about the way I spent the credit card

Joana: I mind my business

Lawford: Thanks for not going to HR about you know

Joana: Nope, I don't know, Dont... tell me or remind me

He smiled at my coolness

Lawford: Andrew wanted to know about the trip

Joana: Okay

Lawford: I told him everything relating the girl crying asking for your forgiveness,

Joana: Uh huh

Lawford: I also told him about the night you and Derin had a couple drink.

Joana: At the bar haha that's fine thats your report

Lawford: Joana?

He said getting closer seizing my hand

Lawford: It was off the record. He looked pretty pist, Is he abusive Joana?

Joana: No

Lawford: Joana if your going to go see him you should bring an friend

Joana: Thats my man I can handle him. Now sir remove your hands

He smiled and remove his hands from mine. I looked at the door, He left. I resumed my work aligning the evidence

Arthur: Man you working hard?

Joana: Haha When did you get in here?

Arthur: About 15 minutes ago

Joana: What?

Arthur: I gotta admire your passion

Joana: Oh haha

Arthur: Am sorry I didn't give you any cases

Joana: Right, Well Jesus always got me.

Arthur: Are we pulling an all nighter?

Joana: No, I think babe is mad, I just gotta go clear some things up

Arthur: I think you should let me order some Chinese and...

Joana: Boy, I gotta man I have to make sure we straight

Arthur: Um Joana?

Joana: Yeah

I said packing up my belongings

Arthur: If he put his hands on you again don't hesitate to call or text me. I know you and your family had a fall out because of him

Joana: No, he promise we would use our words.

Arthur: I'll let you go if your sure

Joana: We are going to talk than make love, am going to fall asleep on his beautiful chest

Arthur: Haha alright good night.

I grab my stuff, head to Andrew house. The house was a little dark but so much candles light up haha this is romantic.

Andrew: Hey

I turn on the kitchen light to better see him. He was sitting there chest all out, Getting me hot!

Joana: I like the candles. Why surrounding the house?

Andrew: It seemed romantic

I put my suitcase on the red couch to join him for dinner.

Andrew: You are the lowest of the lowest

Joana: Am sorry?

Andrew: Your divorce papers are a fake

Joana: I was looking for them this morning

Andrew: These

He had them in his hands under the table, He threw it at me. Looking over these documents it seems like it's evidence for my case. If that's here than the papers are in my office.

Andrew: You fucked him For Two months that's why you didn't call me.

Joana: Have you been drinking?

Andrew: Nope.

Joana: You obviously need to calm down, I'll leave

Andrew: Where, to his arms?

I decided to get up to give him some space. His mad For nothing, I'll explain when he calms down.

Andrew: Where are you going?

He grabbed my hands forcing me to hit his chest.

Andrew: Whats gotten into you, That you will Leave the best thing that happened to you for some Wana be?

Joana: Andrew let go of my arm your hurting me?

Andrew: Naw you want to be a slut right? Let me show you, I could handle a slut.

Joana: You promise to not put your hands on me again

Andrew: You promise to be faithful

Joana: You don't know the full story ahh seriously your...

He put his hands over my mouth if I didn't move my head back he would of covered my nose as well. Twisting my arm forcing me to bend over

Joana: I don't want to have sex with you Andrew let me go.

His back hands flipped me a cross the room. My nose was dripping blood, Why was he acting like this?

I tried to reach my phone to call Arthur, but his boots scrape my face, Why did it have so much mud on it?

Andrew: Your not going no where bitch, You make a fool of me in the office, infront of my family. Am going to give you a baby tonight, I have no intention of staying around. As he beat me repeatedly, I could smell my own blood as my eyes swells after each hit. I didn't want to fight, Not anymore, I promised him I wouldn't put my hands on him, I meant it. I felt when he rip my panties In order to put his cock in.

Andrews: Bitches should be fucked from the back that's what you like right?

"Click Clock"

Sarah: Thats enough, Get off her

Andrew: This isn't your business

Sarah: Joana your okay?

I remember crying repeatedly, Not being able to move.

Sarah: Man just take, And take and take. Here is the footage from the trip

Andrew: How do you have that?

Sarah: Do you want it or not?

The room grew quiet, as I hear the play back from that night. How did they get Cecilia and I conversation in the room? We are going to have a conversation about the video cameras.

Andrew: You claimed us infront of everyone, Oh babe I love you so much, What was I thinking? haha you wouldn't do us like that.

He calmed down handing me his hands to help me up.

Sarah: Joana?

Joana: Can you um help me gather my things

Sarah: Yeah

She came over helping me up. I was over this so called relationship. My body's sore, it aches, I can't feel my face, I don't remember him hitting any ribs, Or slaming me down. I took off the ring placing it on the table. Sarah sister kept him downstairs at gun point. I took everything from his house that was mine.

Andrew: Babe we just need to talk. Babe don't leave like this, Let me take care of you please, Babe come on I love you.

I couldn't give him a answer right now, He truly thought so little of me. Sarah drove me to my house, It looks just as I left it. I thank them and went in, Am happy Noone saw me get in.