Chapter 33

"Charmander, break away from the double team!" Arthur shouted with desperation in his voice.

On the battlefield, the illusions of Scyther were constantly passing through Charmander's body and once in a while, a large cut would appear on his body, making him cry out in fierce pain.

Charmander kept trying to break away from double team, but it was all useless.

He was just like a fish that had been taken out of water, trying to find a way to breathe, but with no success.

At the same time, Scyther was moving like a hunter and Charmander was just a helpless, struggling prey in his mind.

He had been angered by the damage he had taken away Flame burst and now, he was gonna show Charmander the consequences of angering him.

Even the reason why this Scyther had managed to become the patriarch of his tribe was because of his ruthless and fierce combat style.

No other Scyther was able to stand up to him in a battle. Well, at least until he was defeated by a much younger Scyther and was exiled.

Although he didn't have any qualms about revenge or going back to his tribe, he still felt bitter about his defeat. And that just made him want to win against Charmander more.

'I need to do something or Charmander will surely lose.'

Arthur thought quietly while biting his lips in frustration.

He could see that Scyther wasn't holding back at all. If this continued, then it was hard to say whether Charmander would survive or not.

He had prepared a lot about how he was going to fight a Scyther since that was his end goal in Viridian forest, but he had never thought that the Scyther he would encounter would be this strong.

Throughout the battle, Arthur was keeping a close eye on Scyther and it was not hard to conclude that this Scyther was different from the rest.

He has a lot of battle experience and just using both double team and slash at the same time simultaneously was a tactic that not many Pokemon can master.

It was almost unbelievable for a wild Pokemon to master it.

'What should I do?'

Arthur thought desperately and at that moment, an idea suddenly struck his mind!

He looked back to the battlefield where Charmander was constantly firing out streams of fire to destroy the multiple copies of Scyther.

But to no avail.

The illusions keep growing every second and the flames weren't enough to stop the predicament that Charmander was dealing with.

"Charmander, spin and use flame burst on the ground."

Arthur suddenly shouted and Charmander jerked his head to look at him as if he was doubting his commands. Arthur nodded his head and the fire lizard had no choice, but to carry out the absurd command.

He stopped for a moment to take a deep breath and then released burning hot streams of fire on the ground, while spinning in a circle.

The flames burst as soon as they came in contact with the ground, burning the grass into ashes and making the ground around Charmander charred black.

But at the same time, something amazing happened.

The flames that struck the ground suddenly sprang up, sending small streaks of fire at the illusions who were attacking Charmander.

One by one, the illusions kept getting hit by the small embers which were bursting forth in many directions. Soon, all the illusions around Charmander were destroyed by the embers.


Scyther cried out in shock as he saw all of his illusions getting destroyed in an instant and wasn't able to figure out how it had happened.

After all, he knew nothing about the hidden property of flame burst.

'After hitting the target, some small embers will sprang up, striking other opponents in a small range.'

Arthur thought about the line that he had read in a book called 'Fire moves and their strengths'.

His good memory had helped him out deal with double team today, but the battle wasn't over yet.


After dealing with the double team, Charmander was finally able to take a sigh of relief. Then, he glared at Scyther who still looked confused.

The torture that he had went through and the constant fierce attacks had ignited his fighting spirit more, making him more and more aggressive.

Now, Charmander didn't want anything more but to defeat Scyther.

Arthur also noticed this and swiftly gave out commands.

"Charmander, use flame burst!"

The streams of fire again rose, this time much fiercer than before, and leapt at Scyther who finally came out from his confusion and composed himself.


His wings started flapping at a rapid rate and gave him momentum to dodge the flames that were coming after him.

The constant use of double team and slash has tired him, but he still has a lot left in him. He elegantly dodged the flames in front of him and directly charged at Charmander.

This time, his claws glowed with a sheen of pale green — Fury cutter!

With a charge that swift, Charmander would have been hardly able to dodge it, but Arthur acted swiftly.

"Use dragon tail on the ground!"

Dragon scales suddenly appeared on the tail of Charmander as an aggressive fury engulfed his eyes. With an enraged roar, he slammed his tail down on the ground.


A loud cracking sound appeared.

The ground crumbled under the strength of dragon tail, breaking down into countless boulders that shot straight at the charging Scyther.

The boulders were enough to stop the charge of Scyther and knock him back on the ground. Scyther tried to cut through the boulders, but they were too many for him to do anything.

In the end, he got knocked out on the ground.

Not missing his chance, Arthur threw the last pokeball he had and it hit Scyther, sucking him inside.

The pokeball shook for a moment, but this time, Scyther was too exhausted to struggle out of it. After a bit of shaking, the pokeball calmed down.

That way, Arthur finally caught the one Pokemon he always wanted — Scyther!