Chapter 036

"So, this is Pewter city!"

Arthur exclaimed as he looked at the bustling city in front of him. People were walking on the footpaths with smiles on their faces and he was even able to notice many trainers among them.

Especially those who have a Geodude or a Zubat with them.

As one of the main cities in Kanto, Pewter city was of course prosperous. The city walls were made up of a special kind of sturdy rock that was only found around Pewter city and it was rumoured that hundreds of rock Pokemon had come together to help build the city.

That's why people in Pewter city generally loved rock Pokemon and it was easy to find them in the mountains that surround Pewter city.

As Arthur made his way to the Pokemon centre, he heard whispers about Brock when some trainers passed through him.

"Have you heard about Brock?"

"What about him? Did he defeat another powerful trainer?"

"Yeah, I have heard that his Onix fought 12 trainers one after another, and they were even using water Pokemon, but he still won all of those battles. What a beast!"

"Wow! I don't think my Poliwag would be able to defeat him."

Hearing those whispers, Arthur stopped for a second to hear the discussions of the trainers. Then, he shrugged his shoulders and started walking again.

'Looks like Brock in this world is still a strong trainer.'

He thought as he walked towards the Pokemon centre.

The Brock of this world was closer to the anime version that Arthur knew in personality, but he looked more mature and he was also a better trainer in this world.

If Arthur had to describe him, he would say that the Brock of this world was more like the Brock in Pokemon origins.

According to the rumours and the information on the internet, Brock was a master of the rock Pokemon and it had already been a few years since he had inherited the gym from his father, Flint.

In the anime, there was no specific reason behind Flint leaving his family, but there was a whole different backstory in this world.

According to the rumors, Flint had left on a journey to train his Pokemon after failing to get into the Elite four of Kanto.

He had left the gym to Brock and had passed him the position of the gym leader as Brock had all the qualifications to become a gym leader. Hence, Brock had inherited the gym from his father.

But Arthur felt that there was more to this story.

After all, Brock always wanted to be a breeder rather than a trainer. In his official records, he had even graduated from one of the top Breeder universities in Kanto.

It was most probable that Flint had just pushed Brock to be the next gym leader without his consent and had run away. Arthur felt that something like that must have happened or there was no reason for Brock to inherit a gym and be a gym leader.

"Welcome to the Pokemon center."

A robotic voice sounded out as Arthur entered the Pokemon center.

The Pokemon center in Pewter city was slightly bigger than the one in Viridian city and he was able to see Chanseys running around, helping the nurses.

There were a lot of trainers sitting in the lounge too and most of them have the air of a rookie around them. It was most likely because most trainers choose Pewter city for their first gym battle.

Mainly because rock Pokemon had a lot of weaknesses and Brock was known to be younger than the other gym leaders which means he has less experience and was easier to beat.

Of course, there were other reasons too, but Arthur didn't dwell much on them.

He made his way towards the reception and the pink haired Nurse Joy greeted him with a Chansey on her side.

"Welcome to Pewter city Pokemon centre! How can I help you?" She asked with a bright smile.

"I'm here to heal my Pokemon and I also want a room for three days."

Arthur said and gave Chansey his pokeballs. He wanted his Pokemon to get enough rest and get a full checkup before they fight Brock. And he himself was really tired after living in the Viridian forest for so long.

For today, he just wanted to have enough rest.

"There's a room available on the second floor. Chansey will show you the way. Do you need something else?"

Nurse Joy asked as she registered him on the computer.

"Yeah, I want to get a TM analysed."

Arthur said as he brought out the TM that he had found in the Viridian forest and Nurse Joy's eyes went a little wide. TMs were rare resources in this world and it was hard for trainers to get their hands on it.

After all, they were too expensive.

So, she had only seen them once or twice before. Seeing the TM in Arthur's hand, she was surprised for a moment, before nodding her head.

"Please come with me. We check TMs in another room."

She said and gestured towards one of the doors in the back.

Arthur followed her while noticing that many trainers were now looking at him. Some in envy, some in jealousy and some just looked surprised to see a trainer having a TM.

He was barely able to listen to their conversations as he followed Nurse Joy.

"Did you see it?"

"That dude has a TM! Do you think he's rich?"

"He won't ask to get it analysed if he had bought it. He must have gotten it somewhere."

"Kyaaa! He's handsome. Maybe I should ask him out?"

"Do you think I should battle him? Maybe that TM can be the prize."

"I don't think he's that much of a fool to bet a TM?"

Trainers discussed among themselves while staring at Arthur. But he didn't care much about it. He already knew this would happen if he tried to analyse his TM.

Ignoring the discussions, he walked into a room with Nurse Joy.