Chapter 53

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Standing before Arthur, Golbat cried out in anger as he saw a human step foot in his lair.

Golbat was a large, blue bat with big purple wings. His slit-like eyes glinted with a sharp light and his fangs looked incredibly dangerous with blood dripping from them.

It looked like Arthur had barged in just as Golbat had finished his lunch.

The blood dripping from his fangs looked extremely terrifying and even Arthur was shaken by it for a second.

On the corner, he could see the corpse of a Nidorino that can be found quite easily in the caves. It looked like Golbat and his subordinates were lucky today that they were able to get their hands on such a tasty lunch.

'What a gruesome sight it is...'

Arthur thought and frowned.

He had been in bloodied situations before, but it was not like he enjoyed the sight of it. Even Murkrow and Charmander were slightly affected by the tattered corpse of Nidorino.

He shook his head slightly to calm his nerves down and focused on the Golbat before him. His eyes shined for a second as he scammed the Pokemon in front of him.

* * *

Pokemon: Golbat (Green) (Evolution possible)

Gender: Male

Level: 22

Type: Poison and Flying

Holding items: None

Ability: Inner focus (Prevents the Pokemon from flinching from moves like bite, headbutt.)

Moves: Screech, Air slash, Agility, Supersonic, Poison sting, Venoshock

* * *

'He's pretty good.'

Arthur thought as he looked over the status of the Golbat.

At the same time, Golbat was also staring curiously at Arthur and his Pokemon.

His second in command, who was also the Zubat who had fled from Arthur earlier, was telling him about what had happened.

How his group had come across Arthur. How they had attacked him, thinking that they can get human blood today and how they were the ones to get completely destroyed in the end.

Hearing all that, the Golbat was angry at the Zubat for losing so many members of their group. But he decided to deal with the Zubat later and first focus on the human who had somehow found his lair.


He commanded all the Zubats in the room with a loud cry and then they immediately got ready for battle.

They started hovering around on top of Arthur in a circle, waiting for the next command by Golbat. Just one command and they would all start aiming at Arthur and his Pokemon.

"Charmander, Murkrow. Get ready. Attack anyone who tries to come close."

Arthur said and his Pokemon got vigilant. Both of them kept their eyes on the hovering Zubats while Arthur took a step forward.

"Golbat, why don't you and me have a one on one battle. If we go all out, your species will just get unnecessarily killed..."

As soon as Arthur started speaking, two of the Zubats suddenly tried to attack him from the side, aiming directly at his neck.

But before they could even reach him, Charmander's flame burst burned them down to the ground.



This infuriated Golbat and the other Zubats, but no one tried to attack again. They had just seen what had happened to the two Zubats and no one wanted to take a risk where they could instantly lose their life.

Arthur continued his words.

"I'm just here to challenge you to a one on one battle. You against Murkrow. Don't you think we would be able to minimize the casualties that way?"

Golbat looked past Arthur at Murkrow and both of them stared at each other. Murkrow flapped his wings fiercely, indicating his will to have a battle.

'I hope he accepts.'

Arthur hoped in his heart that Golbat would accept what he was saying.

The reason Arthur was even trying to challenge him to a battle instead of going all out was to decrease the chances of his Pokemon getting injured.

There were more than 100 Zubats in the room and it was surely not going to be easy to take them all at once, especially with Golbat commanding them.

The reason why it was easy to defeat small groups of Zubats was because they didn't have much coordination between them, but that would change once Golbat comes into the equation.

Even if he called out Scyther and Mankey, it was still going to be really hard.

That's why, after thinking about it, Arthur decided that it was better to just challenge Golbat to a one on one battle. That will be the best situation for him.

And indeed, Golbat seemed to be thinking about it.

The advantage of Pokemon being sentimental beings was that you can communicate with them and Arthur knew that fact very well.


In the end, Golbat thought and eventually agreed to Arthur's suggestion.

One characteristic about Golbat was that it really cared about his species to the point that he would even let other Zubats drink blood from the prey he had collected.

He didn't want more of his clansmen to die.

At the same time, he also thought that he was enough to take on Arthur's Pokemon. Just being with Zubats had made him overconfident in his strength and he was sure that no trainer could defeat him.

He licked his fangs with his tongue as he thought that he would be able to taste human blood for dinner and flew towards the centre of the room, just in front of Arthur.

"Let's have a nice battle then."

Arthur stepped back and let Murkrow stand in front of him.

He also told Charmander to keep an eye out on the Zubats as there was a chance they would attack him during the battle.

'Murkrow is at level 21. Just a level below Golbat. It won't be a problem for him to take him down...'

Arthur started analysing Golbat's strength and how the battle would go in his mind.

Like that, with Zubats hovering over them as the audience, the battle started with Golbat making the first move.

* * *

Author's note:

It would be really cool to see something like this in a manga if you think about it. Anyway, thanks for reading. We have crossed the 50 chaps mark and let's hope it will go for many more chaps.