Chapter 1- Abazall

Suddenly there was silence, then Tanaka broke that silence. "You'll be killing each other by sabotaging each other in a deadly obstacle course, also, there is no investigation or quiz! I lied to all of you just to mess with you!" he cackled loudly.

Then, a noise was heard, it was… the sound of hooves and a neigh.

"Shit, I must have missed capturing one. No matter, everything will still go as planned."

"I knew you were up to something, you always are, Ryo Nozomi." said the man on the white horse.

"So, you figured it out already huh, Angzel?" said Ryo.

The Illusion known as Tanaka, fades away revealing Ryo Nozomi. He had yellow eyes, short brown hair and three piercings in one ear. He wore black and gold striped trousers and jacket and wore a white shirt underneath.

"Yes, I receive a ping every time Lyonlu is in danger, when I protected her all those years ago, I gave her this orb, which lets me know when she is in danger and to keep in touch." replied Angzel. At that moment, Angzel got off his horse and slashed the locks on the doors. Then everyone rushed outside of the mansion. Angzel wore a dark blue outfit befitting a prince with the handkerchief being equipped with a red insignia jewel. He was quite clearly of royal status and by the sounds of it had a connection to Lyonlu's past. He had brown hair and cat ears, and wore round glasses.

"Angzel?" Lyonlu stared at Angzel.

"Yes, Lyonlu, it is me, Angzel, the one who saved you from your drunken father all those years ago."

Lyonlu went and hugged Angzel. "Are you leaving me like last time, Angzel?" asked Lyonlu.

Angzel said no and looked at everyone else, until he stopped at Kyona.

"My little sister, my how much you have grown." said Angzel. Lyonlu was astonished that the one who had saved her life was Kyona's older brother, Prince Angzel Fururi. "Sister?!" she exclaimed.

"Brother! You came back!" shouted Kyona happily.

But this reunion did not last long, as Ryo had planted a curse on Prince Angzel long ago, during their first meet and the time limit was nearing its end.

"This gas will make your whole body explode on March 31st 2009. Good luck staying alive until then. Heh."

"Kyona, Lyonlu, everyone, I don't have much time left until something bad happens to me. But, listen, we are on the planet Earth currently and to stop the day of destruction from happening, you must *Angzel coughs up blood* defeat the demon * Angzel coughs up blood even more* lor-"

"I'm bored, this speech is boring as shit. Just die already." And with that Ryo stabbed Angzel in the heart with his own sword.

"Brother! Brother, please wake up, hey brother." Kyona sobbed. " Don't leave me again, please."

"Its no use Kyona, he already died." Lyonlu said, while clenching her fist.

"So, lets break up this petty, sobby talk and I'll tell you the real reason you are all here." said Ryo.

Kaito replied with " Why are we here, why are you killing people, how are we on Earth?!"

"Its simple, Kaito, I picked you last to arrive because you were on the planet that had the resources we need to win this and revive the demon lord. The government are cooperating with us and providing us weapons, so we can beat all who get in our way of the revival." Ryo opened a portal by snapping his fingers and using a bit of dark magic. "One last thing before I go Kaito, just because you were at the beginning of this tale, doesn't mean you are the main character of this story… See you all later, if you get that far."

And with that, Ryo smirked at everyone and then entered the portal and left them all.

Then light had scattered around everyone and they all got transported to different locations, the only ones that were left there were, Kyona, Lyonlu, Aiko and Kaito. After they were done mourning and burying Prince Angzel's body, they left the area, in search of a road, which after a few minutes, they came to one and a truck driver wearing a white vest and had black hair on the sides of their head and a black bushy moustache, stopped by them and shrieked "Aah, monsters!! Are you devil spawn among the devils that showed up at the school, Eldritch Elementary?"

"No we are just trying to find a place to sta-" Kyona was cut off, as the truck driver screamed, "Don't touch me!"

Lyonlu walks up to the truck driver's open window.

"You take us there right fucking now, take us to this Eldritch Elementary now, otherwise you will go through hell for touching the princess." said Lyonlu ferociously.

"Ahh, okay, just please, don't hurt me, get in the back!" I don't want my brains eaten by any of you, especially the zombie!"

"We aren't here to hurt you sir we promise. Just please listen to us. Tell us what is going on in Eldritch Elementary, I would like to know as I used to go to school there." said Kaito softly.

"Fine, I'll tell ya, there are two crazed men, look kinda chubby, hanging around in the control centre of the school controlling everything in the school and in the school gardens. That's all I know. Eldritch Elementary is only 5 minutes away now. Is that enough information?" the truck driver said.

"It's plenty, thank you sir." said Kaito respectfully.

Then, a few minutes later they arrived at the school, as soon as they stepped out of the truck, the driver sped away and children and staff members ran out of the school in a panic. "Everyone, we are going in to find those two men and we will have to eliminate them, I have a feeling they are connected to Ryo Nozomi!" shouted Kyona over the screaming voices of teachers and children. "First, we have to develop a strategy and then carry it out! Kaito, you will take on the two men in the control centre since you already know the layout of the building! Aiko, you will perform a song in the hall, using the musical instruments in the music room, I overheard the adults asking if the instruments will be okay. As for me and Lyonlu, we will scout out the rest of the school, to see if any more enemies lurk in the shadows! Do we all agree to this plan?!" exclaimed Kyona.

"Yes!" shouted all four of them putting up their hands in the air with clenched fists.

They entered the dimly lit building, which had grey walls and a marble floor, ignoring the people who warned them that it was not safe in there and there were crazy madmen in there controlling the swinging crane, that was why there was a big rip in the school's roof.

Kaito ran down the hall, trying to get to the two big madmen. Aiko ran off to grab musical instruments and start a concert to distract the madmen from looking at the other cameras. Kyona and Lyonlu carefully looked around the school hallways first, Lyonlu slithered across the floor relatively fast, and unknowingly went into a trapped plate on the ground and a metal cage fell on top of her.

Meanwhile, Kaito knew the layout exactly, it was just as he had remembered from when he was a young child and he ran upstairs to the control centre while avoiding anything that could possibly trip him up. When he got there he looked at the monitors on the desk over the two chairs and sure enough, there were the two big men, in police uniforms and they had big bushy black moustaches with hair on either side of their heads and they were focused on Aiko's concert, turned up to full volume, as planned. Kaito sneakily walked up to one of the chairs and went ahead and quietly grabbed the tape from the desk and stuck it on one of them, so they couldn't speak. The guard started to freak out and then Kaito strangled him. Kaito did not speak, instead he saw a piece of rope hanging on the wall, so he grabbed it, but then, the guard turned around and Kaito looked on the screens, and saw that Aiko had lost her limbs. They were on the other side of the stage and she was using her head to try to move herself to grab them!

"Hey, Pat, where are you, Pat?" wondered the second guard. Then, he saw him, sitting in front of his chair, lifeless. "Why you little bastard! You killed Pat!" Then the guard lunged at Kaito and punched him several times in the gut and in the face, then he pulled out his taser and tased Kaito. Kaito felt the shocks going through his body but managed to kick the taser out of the guards hand, the guard, being stupid, touched the taser and electrocuted himself. After the shock was over, Kaito reached for the weakened Guard's gun, he got it, but the guard grabbed Kaito's hand and moved his free hand, this was all part of Kaito's plan, the guard had moved it back to touch the rope! Kaito then pulled the rope and tripped the guard up, while he was getting up and said "Die." The guard let go of Kaito's hand and Kaito managed to shoot him in the head to end everything. But, Kaito knew this wasn't over, looking at the screens, Kyona and Lyonlu were in danger, so Kaito ran out of the control centre and back out into the hallways.

Kyona was frantically looking for something to free Lyonlu from the cage, but she didn't have time, because a figure was emerging from the darkness, he had wild spiky red hair, had yellow eyes, wore a blue ripped vest and blue ripped denim shorts. He held a big red spear as a weapon.

"Aww, yer' little friend is trapped in a fucking cage is she, what a weakling, KYAHAHAHAHAHA!" the man roared. "Seems like Pat and Rick are dead now, those were worthless guards anyway! I guess I should introduce myself before things get crazy around here, huh? Hehehe. I am the first of the ten commanders who serve under the demon lord, Abazall."

Lyonlu whispered to Kyona "Kyona, in your outfit you won't be able to fight him, you have to change, change behind the cage, your princess clothes will only drag you down."

"Okay, Lyonlu, will do."

"What are you two little shitheads muttering about over there huh?! Maybe I'll just have to damage you a little!" After Abazall said that, he charged straight for the cage and using his spear, cut off most of Lyonlu's tail. She screamed and writhed in agony and pain. Kyona was shook and scared for her life. Then, he saw Kyona's princess clothes on the floor as well as a satchel that was suddenly picked up, and then Abazall went behind the cage and struck. "Die, you weakling!" But Abazall didn't hear a scream because the spear didn't pierce anything. Instead there was the sound of clashing metal. Kyona then proceeded to strike a few times to hit Abazall but, Abazall span the spear around like a fan with his two hands, using it like a shield to block Kyona's swings with the daggers and then went in for a stab attack, but Kyona blocked it using both her daggers. Kyona slid back after fending off the attack from Abazall. " Huh? You have daggers little missy? What a real pain! And here I thought you would be an easy kill, but you're actually quite troublesome!"

At that moment Kaito ran from behind to try to ambush Abazall and Kyona yelled "Don't do it!" But it was too late. Abazall had noticed Kaito from behind and impaled him with the spear. As he threw up blood and as his body slid down the handle, he said his final words, "Kyona will beat you, I believe in her." And then he finally lost all life in his body and eyes. After those words were said, Kyona ran over to Abazall and managed to strike him while he was distracted and as he couldn't easily shake Kaito's body off the spear, he had no choice but to try to block the attack from causing fatal damage by using his arm and Kyona managed to cut his right arm off. Abazall finally managed to get Kaito's body off the spear by putting it into the ground and using more downforce from his foot on the body to pull it off the spear, while screaming in pain. " Shit, my arm, but no matter, I still have one perfectly fine arm to use!"

"How does it feel… to get a taste of your own medicine… bitch?" said Lyonlu weakly from inside the cage. Then Abazall rushed at Kyona for a slash attack and tricked her into running up behind him, spun around and managed to cut Kyona's shoulder with his spear, now being used one-handedly. Luckily, she managed to dodge most of the attack and avoid it becoming fatal. But, in that moment, a huge figure came bursting through the brick wall, it was Brock, he had found them! Brock was shocked at the mess and said he was going to patch up and look after Lyonlu in the cage. Once Lyonlu had a bandage on, Brock was ready to fight, as the bleeding had stopped.

Brock rushed ahead at Abazall and Abazall went for another stab attack and landed it in Brock's arm, but Brock kept pushing forward and landed a really strong punch, straight to Abazall's face and he slammed into the wall, back-first, forming cracks in the wall. What Abazall didn't realise at the time was his downfall, he thought he would be fine using one arm, but in fact to wield the spear properly, he needed both! So, with one arm, he could only use stab attacks and slash attacks, not his spin! His arm was still bleeding out and Brock was repeatedly punching him everywhere. "Hey, I'm a nice guy and I'm not used to killing, so I'll leave your demise up to her." said Brock, pointing to Kyona. "Kyona, he has the key to unlock the cage!"

Meanwhile, in the stage area of the hall, "hah, hah, hah, just three more moves, hah, hah, hah, haah. I got it! I got my final limb! Time to go meet up with everyone else as by the sounds of it, I think things are starting to wrap up!" So Aiko left the hall and went to the main hallway to meet with everyone else.

Back in the hallway, "Kyona, there isn't much time left before he bleeds out, quick, question him before he dies! I'll take care of his spear!" And with a hard step backward, Brock managed to make Abazall let go of the spear that was lodged in his arm and Brock took it out of his arm and threw it out the window. "I'll be fine Kyona, don't worry about me, bandages will patch it up just fine!" Lyonlu was still writhing in agony even after being bandaged up. Kyona walked up to Abazall, who sat slumped over on the floor. "You've lost Abazall, now tell us where the second commander is." Abazall let out a little shriek of fear, but resumed to his normal self. "Why would I tell someone like y-you?! I'll never tell anyone, not you, not my friends, nor any of the other commanders ever again and my life will not be taken by you! KYAHAHAHAHA, so this is the end huh? THIS is what death feels like! KYAHAHAHAAHAHA! Babylone, make sure to kill them with all your might! Eh, my time's almost up, well, time to end it then!" With those last final words that Abazall uttered, he grabbed a dagger from Kyona's side and stabbed himself in the heart.

Commander #1: Abazall

Status: Enemy, Deceased

Chapter 1 End