Chapter 2- The Bartender

"He killed himself… Ah, there's the key! It was in his pocket!" Kyona unlocks the cage Lyonlu is in. "Thank you Kyona, I need to relax, somewhere, can we go somewhere else?"

"Sure!" Just then something fell out of Abazall's pocket. It was a note. Brock picked it up and read it aloud:

To whoever is picking up this note,

If you are picking this up, I have most likely died.

I want to tell you something about myself, so you can understand me better and possibly understand why I had died.

My family always had bad luck, every month, something bad always happened.

When my grandparents died last year, I was so upset and my grandfather's oil business was passed onto a friend, not us, meaning we had less money to support ourselves, then 6 months ago, my father had died due to an unknown illness and then my mother killed herself, so the only ones left in the family were me and my little sister.

She still goes to Eldritch, but, I hope everything turns out better for her, than it did for me. Please protect her.

Please carry on this wish with you and defeat Ryo Nozomi and put a stop to his plans.

Thank you.


"What a truly saddening story." said Brock, as he held back tears. Kyona started to cry. "Kaito!" she cried.

Aiko came running back to see everyone in tears, she read the note. "So, he is dead huh? And you took care of Abazall too?" She began to shed tears too, as it became nighttime.

"Why are you crying, huh? Is it because Kaito is dead? Hmm? Abazall, it's not surprising you got past him, he was only a newbie, like an intern, we only accepted him because of his wild and unpredictable personality, but I guess he was just all talk and no bite. Good luck with the next commander. Heh heh heh." Ryo Nozomi had popped out of nowhere. He had used dark magic again to create a portal. "Oh and Kaito's little sister, don't worry, she is safe for now, I'll just use her as a hostage! Oh wait, I lied, I killed her too! Also, since Kaito died, nobody needs to return to their original world. Yes, everytime you defeat a commander, one or two of you will be sent back to your original world you came from! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"Ryo, die!" yelled Brock, but he was stopped and pushed back by a dark force.

"No, I'm leaving now, stay put where you are, all of you." Then, Ryo left and the remaining four, Kyona, Lyonlu, Brock and Aiko left the elementary school. Up in the nearby countryside area a few feet away was a local hot springs resort.

"Ahh, going there might help let me rest my tail for a bit while it heals back up." said Lyonlu, pointing to the resort. " To be honest, I need to relax too, after pulling those punches, my muscles have been killing me. I put too much force behind them." said Brock, stretching his arms.

They started to walk to the hot springs resort.

"What about your cut though Brock, will you be okay? It's very hot in there." asked Kyona.

"Yeah, it's mostly healed up now anyway, thanks Kyona for worrying about me."

"No problem!" Brock goes to pat Kyona on the head, but Lyonlu stops him.

"Don't touch her. I may have a weakened tail, but I still have my fists." warned Lyonlu.

"Right. Sorry. Heh." Brock sighed.

"Would I be allowed in there, sure you are all different to normal humans, but, people may freak out if they see I'm a zombie. I don't want to scare them, I just want to sing."

"I'm sure if I talk to them, they will understand, don't you worry Aiko, you can play your music." replied Kyona.

"Thanks, I kept a microphone from the music room, from the school, I hope they don't mind. I'm sure its fine, it's not like, they will reopen that anyway."

"Maybe so Aiko, but you should have at least compensated them for it!"

"I guess you are right Kyona, hehe~" said Aiko.

Then, they arrived and stood in front of the hot springs resort.

"Okay, off into the hot springs we go!"

A lady with a bob cut, a grey striped jacket, a long denim skirt and glasses on welcomed them. "Welcome! Are we getting tickets for three?"

"No actually Miss, its tickets for four, in case Aiko wants to come in too!" said Kyona.

The woman replied with "Sorry, but we don't serve corpses here." She sees the microphone and outfit on Aiko. "Wait, it couldn't be, no way, Aiko, are you the real Aiko Kotonashi?! I'm your biggest fan! Please come in! Come in!"

So, Aiko went into the dining area of the resort and went to sing one song for the receptionist.

"Hey, Bill, can you cover for me?" asked the receptionist.

"Yeah, I can, Freya!" shouted Bill.

Bill suddenly fell from the attic and landed in the receptionist's spot behind the counter. He had a shaved head and wore a dark green tank top and black shorts.

"So, that total for four, well Aiko, got in for free, so a total for three tickets comes out to ¥3,000."

"That's not too bad. Lyonlu do you have any money on y-." Kyona was cut off, by Lyonlu slamming down Ұ10,000 on the desk.


"Where did you get that money Lyonlu?" asked Kyona.

"Oh, I looted Kaito's pockets. A note was there saying I could, If we needed it, signed by Kaito, he really thought of everything to make sure we were alright huh?"

"Thank you so much, but you can keep the rest of the money, Miss."

"Fine. Have it your way." Lyonlu took the Ұ7,000 extra off the counter and put it in her pocket.

"The men's baths are over there and the women's are there." said Bill, pointing to the different areas.

"Thanks. Say, do you have a relaxation area, like a massage area, I'm in a rough spot and I need some time to rest." said Lyonlu.

"Yes, yes, that's this way." said Bill, pointing to the doorway and escorting Lyonlu over to it.

"On second thought, I'll go there too." said Brock, leaving Kyona going to the hot springs by herself.

Kyona got undressed and walked into the steamy area to see a woman already bathing. Kyona walked over and sat in the hot spring.

"Hey, you look a bit small to be in here by yourself, heh, who let the kid with the A cup walk in here unattended?"

"I'll have you know Miss, that I am not a kid!"

"Oh, you aren't? Hmm, it's an easy mistake, especially since I have these here. Fufufu."The woman points to her chest proudly. "But, you know, since we are alone in here and there is no one around, if you were attacked, nobody would be able to hear you, right?"

"W-what are you saying?" Kyona stepped out of the water, worried.

"Nothing!" The woman changed her tone of voice and face so quickly it was like she was an entirely different person. She had a hime cut, purple eyes, purple fingernails and purple lipstick on. "My name is Celesta! Pleased to meet you!"

"Pleased to meet you too, Celesta. hehehe~." Kyona said nervously as she got back into the water. Then, footsteps sounded, it was Aiko! She jumped into the water.

"Cannonball!" she yelled, as she cannonballed into the water, making a huge mess of water.

"Hey Aiko, I know you wanna have fun, but there are others here, you gotta respect that they might not want water on them."

"Sorry Kyona."

"No, it's quite alright, have some of this!" Celesta, then splashed Aiko back. Then all three of them had a splashing fight in the water, until time was up.

"Kyona, Lyonlu, Aiko, Brock and Celesta, your time's up, please start getting ready to leave the resort, thank you!" said Freya from the speakers.

"Hey, before you leave I would like to know your names, I had an enjoyable time with you two." Celesta said, as they all climbed out of the bath.

"I'm Kyona and she is Aiko." said Kyona, pointing to Aiko.

"If you want to come with me, I'm going to a bar that's owned by a good friend of mine."

"Ah, yes, I would love to!" said Kyona.

"Me too!" said Aiko.

They talked for a while in the changing rooms, before going into the main dining area to meet with the other two, who were kneeling down by the table quietly drinking green tea.

"So, who's this new chick?" asked Lyonlu.

"Ah, that's Celesta, we met her in the baths," explained Kyona.

"Nice to meet you, are you okay, you look like you have been injured." said Celesta sweetly.

"I'm fine, the resort treated it to make the pain stop." said Lyonlu.

"So, where are we headed next?" asked Brock.

"We are all going to a bar and Celesta will show us the way!" exclaimed Kyona.

"Eh, sweet, I need to get pissed after all that's happened today. First, I lose my fuckin' tail, then Kaito dies" Lyonlu sighs. "I just need some alcohol."

So, everyone walked outside, where Celesta had a limousine parked up outside the resort. "We are going to my friend Babylone's bar. Hop in." So everyone sat inside the limousine and they were off to go to the bar.

In the Limousine:

"So, where did you get all this money and this vehicle?" asked Kyona.

"Ah, right, I'm working with the Japanese Government and helping them with something." replied Celesta.

A few minutes later, they arrived at the bar in Shibuya.

They walked in and saw a few people sitting at the tables and one man at the drinks counter. "Welcome." he said.

The man had teal hair, green eyes and wore black trousers, a purple jacket and a teal and gold striped shirt underneath the jacket.

"My name is Babylone, pleased to make your acquantaince."

He had a metal eye plate next to him, on the counter, with one purple oval shape in the middle of it. In his pockets he had two guns, one for each pocket. "I'll introduce you to the guests we have here today." He points to a table with two people sitting at it. "This is Sploop," Babylone says while pointing to a slime with a pink body and light blue hair and blue eyes. "Hello, my name is Sploop, I come here to absorb water from the drinks, I don't usually order anything else."

"Nice to meet you, Sploop." says Kyona.

Lastly, Babylone points to a dragonic girl with golden scales, horns, short golden hair with medium length extensions in front of her ears, red eyes with slits instead of pupils, a golden tail, and golden wings. She wore an almost transparent dress with white cloth on it and on her neck she wore a necklace with a golden insignia jewel in the middle of it.

"This is Klawe, she comes here often like Sploop."

She didn't say anything while she was sipping her green tea.

Then, Kyona spotted a table further back and saw some familiar faces, it was Mai, Shinto, Daigha, Hirohi and Clara all sat at one table, drinking, Mai was drinking water, Shinto was drinking sake, Daigha was drinking blood, Clara was drinking sparkling water and Hirohi was drinking an apple juice. Kyona, Lyonlu, Brock and Aiko walked up to them.

"Aiko!" Hirohi said happily. They said hello again to each other and talked for a bit.

"So, you have been drinking here for how long now?" asked Kyona.

Daigha replied, "We have been here for a good while, maybe about an hour or two. What have you guys been up to?"

Lyonlu interrupted by suddenly plopping herself on the sofa and sighed "I need some fuckin' alcohol before I listen to this." She points to the waiter. "Can you get me something to drink?"

"Certainly miss, what would you like?"

"Anythin' 'll do."

The waiter came back seconds later with a red wine bottle and Lyonlu drank it all within minutes, falling asleep.

"Ah." Kyona didn't want to answer. So, Brock took over.

"So, at least when I found them, after we saw Angzel die, we fought the first commander under the demon lord, Abazall, and during the fight, Kaito died. After we had beaten Abazall, come to think of it he shouted "Babylone, make sure to kill them with all your might!" as his final words. and then we went to some hot springs to rest up and there we met Celesta."

"Wait, Kaito is…" Clara started to cry with Mai and the mood turned gloomy.

"Who was Kaito again?" asked Hirohi.

"That one guy at the mansion we met. The one with the hoodie and jeans." explained Shinto. "Oh him." Hirohi's expression darkens too.

Babylone walks over to them.

"I think you all need to rest, there are accommodations upstairs. Especially the lamia." At this point, Lyonlu was whispering to Kyona and snuggling up to her, almost falling asleep. So, with that everyone decided to head upstairs, Brock carrying the sleeping Lyonlu and left her on a bed while everyone else slept too. The next morning, Lyonlu was throwing up in the toilet, having a hangover from last night. She finished after 15 minutes and everyone decided to head downstairs, where Babylone was waiting for them. Celesta was nowhere to be seen, everyone else had been upstairs last night.

"I hope you all slept well because I have some important information to say to you all. It's about Abazall, I am indeed connected to him, as you suspected, Brock. Well, you were going to find out sooner or later after you connected all the dots, so I may as well tell you now, before you start trying to fight me for real. Also, I'm sorry to hear your friend passed away, I give my condolences." said Babylone.

"You are connected to Abazall?! That motherfucker cut most of my tail off and killed Kaito!" Lyonlu started to get angry at Babylone.

Babylone said "I really am sorry to hear that, Abazall was always reckless and look where that got him. I am nothing like him, in fact, I don't agree with his actions nor Ryo Nozomi's. Even though I happen to be the second commander under the demon lord, I hardly act like it, in fact, the only thing that matters to me is this bar and my customers."

"We were told we have to kill your ass and beat the fuckin' daylights outta' the demon lord if he revives, so we wanna hurry this up, so we can stop that asshat, Ryo, from summoning that demon lord and destroying the world!" shouted Lyonlu, still wound up.

"How about a proposal then, we just train to make sure you are ready for the next commander and I will pretend to be defeated, so you can move on. I'll make sure no one gets seriously hurt. We will also move to the bar's gardens for this." proposed Babylone.

"Who's coming to train with me and who's staying here at the bar?" asked Lyonlu.

Kyona, Lyonlu and Daigha decided to follow along and Klawe decided to follow to watch. Everyone else just stayed at the bar and decided to sing karaoke.

Babylone walked Kyona, Lyonlu, Daigha and Klawe out to the gardens and put his eye plate on. "We are in the gardens now as you can see, you each will test your strength one by one against me, while Klawe watches, this eye plate fires purple lasers, as do the laser guns by my side. Kyona, I'll take you on first."

"How do you know my name?" asked Kyona.

"I know all my customers' names, I typically overhear some of the conversations in the bar and Celesta informed me too.

"Speaking of Celesta, where is she?" asked Kyona.

"Hmm, I couldn't say, she said she was doing something important and would be back later. I trust she tells the truth. Now, let's start the training!" said Babylone. "To complete the training all you need to do is land a hit on me."

"Okay!" replied Kyona. She brought her daggers out of the satchel and got ready to fight.

Kyona leaped into the air and striked at Babylone with a cross attack, but Babylone avoided it by stepping to the side. Babylone then put his eye plate on and took out the guns from his pockets.

Kyona ran around Babylone in a circle, waiting for him to fire, he started to charge up his eye plate lasers and fired purple lasers from his laser guns, in front of where Kyona was running. Kyona saw this and stopped abruptly and in doing so, dodged the lasers.

"Good, you have keen eyesight Kyona." said Babylone. "Now we will test your defending abilities." His eye plate lasers were ready and he fired them. They left a spot of singed grass in their path. Kyona was in position, ready to dodge the lasers and defend the others. Babylone then focused his lasers on Lyonlu and Daigha. Kyona stood in front and just about managed to block the Purple eye plate lasers with her daggers, but her daggers were almost completely melted at this point and were so hot, she had to drop them. "Ah, guess I was a little too into the training huh? Don't worry after the training, I'll find you something to replace them."

"Oh, its fine Babylone, I always keep another pair in my satchel, just in case." said Kyona. "Oh, that's good, I'll still compensate you for them later though."

Babylone deemed Kyona as having passed the test, since her daggers melted and nobody was hurt.

Babylone proceeded to test the other two in a similar way as he did with Kyona, but used the lasers in different ways, based on their method of attacks.

After hours of intense training, everyone was tired and Babylone invited them to relax on the sofas inside the bar, since it was late in the evening. Everyone else had left the bar for some reason. "Don't worry, as compensation for melting your weapons Kyona, the drinks and accomodation here are on me. So you don't have to pay, not even for yesterday either."

"Thank you Babylone, that's very kind of you."

Then the door's bell rang and a figure stood in front of the doorway. Her outfit was a purple and black maid dress with a purple insignia jewel clipped on the black bow at the neck of the dress, she also wore a plain black commander hat with a visor made of black stained glass. She was looking down at the floor and had a purple chainsaw in her right hand. Everyone got out of their seats and got ready for a fight.

"This is not good, not just for the bar and service, but for her and our lives as well, her second brain has taken over completely." said Babylone.

"What do you mean by a second brain?" asked Daigha.

"I don't have time to explain right now, but we need to beat her, just do not kill her!" shouted Babylone. "She's coming, brace yourselves."

Celesta then looked up at them and started to rev her chainsaw.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I can't believe that bitch calls herself Celesta! Celes is just way better! But, you want to know who I am right? I am Celes, the third commander under the demon lord! Are you ready for me to take your lives and your rib cages too? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! DIE!"

Commander #2: Babylone

Status: Ally

Commander #3: Celesta

Status: Ready to attack, Enemy

Chapter 2 End