Chapter 3- A Chainsaw In A Bar

Celes walked towards Babylone and the others, swinging her chainsaw around in front of her. She rushed to Babylone. Babylone had no choice but to fight in his bar. He pulled out his laser guns without hesitation and shot Celes' hand, making the chainsaw fall to the ground. Celes grabbed the chainsaw with her other hand and realizing she had no chance against Babylone, rushed to Klawe. Klawe cowered in fear, as she remembered something from her past.

Kyona jumped in front of Klawe and defended with her daggers. The chainsaw was abnormally strong and cut through Kyona's daggers, but a part of the chainsaw chipped off and when it came into contact with Kyona's arm, it only left a small cut.

Realizing that none of them could beat her outright, Babylone suggested a strategy while keeping Celes back. "Here's a plan on how to beat Celes. Daigha, I'll distract Celes with my lasers, while you sneak up behind her and suck some of her blood to weaken her. Then Kyona and Lyonlu will attack Celes with everything they have!"

Everyone agreed to the plan, so Babylone used his eye plate to shoot some lasers on the floor going up the wall which distracted Celes and made her aim to attack Babylone. Then, just as she was about to move Daigha snuck up behind her and sucked her blood. But, something seemed a little off. When Daigha finished sucking Celes' blood from her neck, she did not get weakened at all! "Its no use, Kyona, Lyonlu, Daigha, you cannot beat her, the less blood she has, she gets more hungry and that seems to make her stronger as these attacks are more powerful than before, I can barely withstand them!" Then Celes cuts a deep cut into the bar counter.

Out of nowhere, a claw grips onto Celes' leg and does not let go. It was Klawe! She had tried to help and get over her fear! With Celes distracted by Klawe, this gave the others a chance! While Celes was distracted Kyona cut her wrist to make her drop the chainsaw.

The daggers she had used before were the ones from the training gardens, Babylone had frozen them to make them useable again, although they still broke in the end.

Then, when Celes dropped the chainsaw, Lyonlu wrapped her up, binding her in her tail. Babylone, then, walked over to the bar and made a special drink for Celes, while she was angry and struggling to free herself from Lyonlu's tail bind.

A few minutes pass and Babylone is finished making the drink, then Babylone makes Celes drink it and she gets knocked out.

"I'm glad that's over. I just hope this damage can be repaired." said Babylone.

"Back to what you said earlier, Babylone, what did you mean by a second brain?" asked Daigha.

"Ah yes, among the demon lord's commanders one of them, the fifth one, to be exact, is a doctor. He uses some people as his test subjects and Celesta was one of them. The doctor tested to see if he could implant a new brain into an unconscious human and for them to still live. This brain was the brain of a serial killer and well, as you could see, a moment ago, the test was a success. The doctor also reported the brains could speak to each other using signals, so they could let each other know important information, he found this out using a special device of his, which he never told me the name. But, we need to extract this brain, with the help of professional doctors and Earth might be the best place to do it and only then she will be her normal complete self, Celesta once more. Why did the doctor do this? I do not know, but I have a feeling he knew she would betray the lord one day and decided to trick her into taking experiments with him. That's my guess, Celesta was always too sweet and kind to be evil. She was the lord's personal maid."

"That's horrible and cruel. Too cruel." said Kyona.

"There is a hospital nearby, about 10 metres away from here. We will take Celesta and the chainsaw with us. We will also take the limousine, it's my limousine anyway, she was just borrowing it. Also, where's Daigha?" Babylone said while opening the door to walk outside with everyone.

"He's gone, just like the others who were singing karaoke earlier, Babylone." Chills went down Babylone's spine as he realised who was behind him. He definitely knew, by that tone of voice that Ryo knew he had betrayed him all to protect his bar. "Don't worry they are all safe, only their memories of the mission against the demon lord, saving the world, the memories with all of you, they have all been forgotten! I said that a rule of one person has to go back after you defeat a commander. Yes, well, I can also take people back to Karinan, whenever I please. I'm just doing it to make things more interesting, sadly the commanders cannot be affected by this, but Babylone, you will die soon for your treachery." Ryo chuckles. "Bye bye for now." Ryo then left through a portal once more.

Babylone regained his composure and they all went into the limousine as planned. Then, Babylone took the driver's wheel, since the driver was not there and said while driving, "Hey, Klawe, do you think the bar can survive?"

Klawe looked at the floor of the limousine. "No, sir. The walls are singed beyond repair and the bar counter has a massive split in it."

"I see." Babylone responded.

A few minutes later, they arrived at the hospital. The sign read "Hospital Ichigo, where its like you are in a giant strawberry!"

"That is the worst fuckin' slogan I have ever heard in my life." said Lyonlu.

They continued to enter anyway, it looked like the hospital was empty, the lifts were not working, so they took the stairs and found a room. "Okay, lay Celesta down here, on this medical bed. I'll work on trying to extract the brain from the head and you three will be lookouts. Don't worry, it seems like we have all the tools we need here, it is strange how all the lights are on in this building yet, there is no one here though."

Kyona, Lyonlu and Klawe all agreed to be lookouts and there was a figure coming up behind them, Kyona shouted "Who are you?!" as she turned around and came face to face with Arachu. "Oh Arachu, didn't see you there, hello."

"Hello Kyona, you look distressed, what has happened?"

Kyona then filled Arachu out on what happened.

"I see, so things have gotten a little rough then. Okay, I'll help you."

After that three moving figures started to advance towards the four of them.

This time, Lyonlu said, "Who the fuck are you people?"

Just after she said that, the body of a doctor was thrown to their feet.

Kyona and Klawe puked at the sight of it. It had acid marks, bubbling skin and all sorts of nasty stuff.

Arachu and Lyonlu managed to keep it down and they just said "Gross."

Then the other two figures revealed their names.

The first to introduce himself was a man with short, black wavy hair, a little moustache but not much of one, had yellow eyes and wore a black fedora with a white strip across it, a black and steel blue striped tuxedo jacket with black trousers and wore a white shirt underneath. He was dressed very smartly. "Well, hello there, my name is Croyder, the fourth commander under the demon lord, I am here to assassinate you all in your weakest of times."

Then, the second person walked forward and stopped next to Croyder. He was old and had two blonde spikes of hair on the back corners of his head, a bushy blonde mustache, he wore round glasses and he had orange eyes. He wore a white lab coat, a neon green t-shirt underneath that and brown trousers with a black belt. He moved his lab coat slightly and it revealed all sorts of tools and potions and syringes with different liquids inside of them and a pair of green goggles inside. "Hello, mere test subjects, I am the doctor, Doctor Dorolo, the fifth commander under the demon lord and it seems that I smell a traitor nearby."

Babylone knew Dr. Dorolo was here now and stayed absolutely silent while he was performing Celesta's operation so as to not get found out.

"Hmm, no, make that two traitors, but you have the task of killing me and Croyder here have you? You are wasting your time, it is impossible to beat us together! You will find this out soon enough! Croyder, this should be easy and we can experiment on them later! Let's kill them!" In that moment, Croyder opened his jacket, to reveal throwing knives and he threw them straight for Kyona.

Commander #2: Babylone

Status: Performing an operation, Ally

Commander #3: Celesta

Status: Having an operation, Ally

Commander #4: Croyder

Status: Holding Knives ready to throw them, Enemy

Commander #5: Dr. Dorolo

Status: Enemy

Chapter 3 End