Chapter 4- The Doctor And The Beast

"Die." said Croyder as he threw the knives towards Kyona, which she blocked with her daggers. But then, the doctor threw something onto the last knife and it turned into a homing knife?! There was no way to block it and it stabbed Kyona in the leg.

"Ow." She said it didn't hurt much, but when she tried to move her leg, it didn't move and her eyes widened.

"Do you see now why you cannot beat us? We are the ultimate tag team!" exclaimed Dr. Dorolo. Kyona then pulled the knife out of her leg and threw it back to Croyder and it landed a direct hit in his shoulder. Croyder was shocked. "How did you, how did you do that and make it fly so fast?"

"Never underestimate an assassin's skills, even if they are retired." said Kyona, while breathing heavily. Dr. Dorolo was shocked. "H-How did you?! It seems I will have to use it already then." At that moment, Dr. Dorolo pulled out one of his syringes and it had a mysterious green liquid in it. " This is Plutozium, a mysterious green chemical, that I have been researching for quite some time now. Croyder, come here." Croyder walked over to Dr. Dorolo and Dr. Dorolo injected him with the Plutozium. "Meet my latest creation! Beast Form Croyder!"

Suddenly, Croyder started to grow, until he was five times the size of Kyona, the only clothing remaining was part of his trousers, everything else had been shredded during the transformation, as his muscles were gigantic. "With my buffs and weakening items and Beast Form Croyder, nothing will be able to beat us! HAHAAHAHAHA!"

"Oh, could you please be quiet while we take down this monster please?" said Arachu, as she spun her spider silk around the doctor. "W-What are you doing, Croyder, get her!"

"Oh no you don't, you fat sack of shit!" Lyonlu then distracted Croyder, by beating his shins with her brass knuckles, but it hardly did damage to it and she was kicked so far back she hit the wall. She coughed up blood. "Shit, this thing is tough as hell." For more distractions while Arachu was spinning her web, Kyona went on all fours and leapt and ran around the walls and floors, so Croyder couldn't focus.

Meanwhile, Dr. Dorolo was frantically throwing all the syringes and potions he could to dissolve the spider web, but nothing was working. He had one potion left and was debating whether to use it or not.

Back to the scene with Croyder in Beast Form, Croyder was starting to get dizzy but took a wild guess and managed to grab Kyona. Klawe wanted to save her so she flew towards Croyder and dug her claws deep into him, just to make him let go. "Let go of her, you monster!" Croyder let go and Kyona dropped to the ground. Klawe's wings were deeply lodged in Croyder's hand and as a result she was picked out and thrown like a baseball straight to the wall, destroying it and knocking her out. She was bleeding from her head from the impact. Croyder started to drool. "I'M HUNGRY!" he roared.

Meanwhile, Babylone at this point was almost done treating Celesta. "Please, just hold out a bit longer, everyone." he whispered.

Back at the battle, Croyder had finally noticed Arachu and started to attack her, but she was finished with her covering Dr. Dorolo in silk and Dr. Dorolo was completely covered, until the silk started to dissolve. "This was my final potion, my super ultra special dissolvent mix, it can dissolve through anything." Arachu walked backwards to avoid the attack from Croyder. "Everyone, we need a plan, any ideas?" shouted Arachu. "He is too strong… we cannot beat them, he was right…" said Kyona while out of breath.

"Hmm, now all that's left is to beat the spider and then we can look for the traitors. But as she said, you cannot beat us so why try?!" said Dr. Dorolo maniacally. "Die, you weak spider! CROYDER, LET HER HAVE IT!" Croyder raised his fist and then punched it into the ground, causing shockwaves. "Operation complete. Finally!" said Babylone, looking pleased with himself.

Just then, Babylone stepped out into the hallway, looking at Dr. Dorolo and Beast Form Croyder. "Babylone, so you were one of the traitors. I knew you would betray us one day, just not when, but Ryo insisted not to get rid of you. Tch. Higher-ups, I should have just disobeyed him, that one time and just gotten rid of you then and there!" screamed Dr. Dorolo. Dr. Dorolo started panicking and sweating as soon as Babylone's eye plate was on and charged. "This is bad, CROYDER, ATTACK WITH EVERYTHING YOU HAVEEEE!" yelled Dr. Dorolo.

Just then, there was a noise, like a zap and Croyder felt around his chest and discovered a big, gaping hole from where the eye laser had hit him. He let out a roar. "AARRGGHHHHHHHHH!" Then he went on his knees, and then finally landed face first into the ground, stopped moving and reverted back to his human form, destroying more of the hospital roof than the transformation did. "Croyder, you were a good guy at heart, you just chose the wrong path." quietly said Babylone.

"Doctor, now it's your turn." said Babylone.

The doctor shrieked.

"Y-y-you think you have won, just because you defeated my latest creation? No! I will flee and destroy this world!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" the doctor said nervously.

"No, you will not Dorolo." A hologram of Ryo had appeared from Dr. Dorolo's watch. "You will return to Karinan and I will bring them all back there too, for that is where their next opponents lie."

"Tch, alright Ryo." Just then, Ryo sent the beams of light down once more and everyone was returned to Karinan.

Later on at the dead of night:

At the top of the bell tower, Ryo was standing there with the doctor and two girls. The girls both had brown hoods on, so nobody could see who they were. "This stone better work, Doc." said Ryo.

"Oh, it does, I have made sure of it." Ryo then put the two stones, they looked red and had a kanji carved on them in yellow, on the girls' foreheads and the stone fused with their foreheads, being embedded into them. Then a red beam of light came from the sky and forced power into the two stones. The girls' screamed in pain with tears forming in their eyes. The blast from the beam, blew the hood off their heads and their faces were revealed. They both had white hair, one had red eyes, while the other had pink eyes. One had hair in a ponytail with a red hairband and the other had twintails in pink hairbands. "Come after us now, if you can, Kyona-chan." said Ryo.

Meanwhile, still under dirt, out of Prince Angzel's grave, a hand rose, which started to claw its way out of the grave and Prince Angzel got out of it and was covered in dirt. "I'm going to have to take a shower now." Then, Prince Angzel looked and saw nobody around. "Hmm, I guess they really thought I was dead, sorry for tricking you everyone, it was necessary, well, I'm glad I came prepared with a fake blood packet for this encounter and that he didn't pierce my skin." Prince Angzel then surprised, saw that his horse was still there lying beside his grave. "Hey Snowflake. Let's go home and take a shower, we are going to the shack, as I suspect Ryo has taken over the castle. Looks like I will have to use my last teleportation scroll." With that, Prince Angzel had left Earth and gone home to Karinan, in his little countryside shack with a horse stable.

Meanwhile, Kyona, Lyonlu, Klawe, Babylone and Celesta were all together, in a hospital, each laying on seperate beds, except for Babylone, when Kyona awoke in the morning. Arachu was gone, it must have been the rule Ryo had said "When a commander dies, one or two people have to be taken back home." Babylone walked over to Kyona, since she was the only one awake. "Don't move, you took quite a beating from that last battle, we will sadly have to leave Celesta here for a while, while the Larginian doctors treat her. Your friends should heal in about two or three days. It is March 24th currently. They should be healed and well, by the latest, March 27th. I'll stay here and look after the others, go do some shopping or something Kyona. I'll wait for you here, when you get back."

"Okay, Babylone." said Kyona.

"Also, if I were you, I wouldn't go to the castle, Ryo might have taken it over." warned Babylone.

Kyona kept a note of this and then went shopping for various items and armor for three hours and came back to Babylone and showed him her findings. "Kyona, this is some amazing armor and weapons, how did you afford all this?" Kyona explained that Lyonlu had given her her Japanese Yen, which she then converted into Koinyans and that she had said, "Take this, just in case, it might come in handy for you, Kyona."

"Wow, she really cares about you, I knew you two had a special bond." said Babylone.

3 days later:

Everyone awoke to a note, that Kyona read, from Babylone saying:

I have left to go and continue making drinks and serving people and I have asked for an owner who wanted to abandon the building, if I could own it, he gave me the keys and said it was all mine.

I have started to clean up the place and put new furniture in and it is looking pretty good so far.

I have taken Celesta with me and she is helping me to renovate the place.

I do hope you will come and stop by when it is finished.

Kind regards,


Everyone decided they would go to the bar and pay him a visit to see the progress, when a huge crashing sound was heard. Kyona peeked out the window and saw the arena had a hole in the wall! So, everyone got ready and rushed out the door after thanking the doctors and ran for the arena. "Probably a bad time to ask this, but, what is your last name Klawe?" asked Kyona while running.

"Its Wingston, Klawe Wingston."

"I'll have a chat with you later about that after this is dealt with Klawe."

"Okay, Kyona." Klawe thought confused.

They kept running and got out of breath, so they took 3 horses without a carriage and they rode to the arena. The owner said "Hey, what are you doing, not paying for my services?!"

Kyona shouted back "I'll pay you later, I'll make sure they are safe!" The keeper nodded his head and let them go.

Once they were a few metres away from the arena, they saw villagers fleeing from the scene and people were locking themselves in their homes, praying to god that they wouldn't be killed.

When Kyona, Lyonlu and Klawe got to the arena, they saw a bunch of skeleton bones, about 15 of them and they also saw 600K3 fighting two girls. He was walking or rather, driving, around the walls. Just then, the two girls looked behind them and saw Kyona and the others.

"Sister, sister, enemies have appeared."

"I know sis, we will crush them!"

After that Klawe stood at the entrance of the arena, frozen in fear, she knew something about the stone's power and she ran like she had just seen a ghost.

They seemed to be talking amongst themselves, until they finally threw off their brown capes, revealing their faces and they started to levitate. B00K3 drove over to Kyona and the others. "They seem to pick fights where they can easily win, like two-on-ones. That is when they introduce themselves." Pointing to one with red eyes and a ponytail, he said: "She is Meguro, the sixth commander under the demon lord." Pointing to the other one, with pink eyes and twintails he said: "And that one is Riiri. The seventh commander under the demon lord." They both wore dark blue crop tops and skirts. "I have been fighting the skeletons until you came, so I don't know what they are doing here, but they have some sort of power, I can sense it with my built-in Aura Reader. Their Aura's are quite high, Meguro's is 68/100, while Riiri's is 71/100. I assume you have taken care of the commanders before them?" asked B00K3.

"Yes, one way or another, eheheh~" Kyona replied.

Then, Riiri said "Sis, I just realised, I don't want to fight them."

Meguro said "Me either, sister."

Just then, the stones on their heads began to glow and Riiri and Meguro both clutched their heads in pain. "You will fight and defeat them. Riiri and Meguro." said a voice. Kyona recognised this voice. "Dr. Dorolo. He is truly a cruel man, forcing people to fight against their will."

Riiri and Meguro both succumbed to the pain and did what Dr. Dorolo's voice was telling them to and they revealed their weapons. Riiri, having a giant pair of metal cat claws, pink paws, with white fur. Meguro, growing spikes from her hand and growing some on the ground.

The twin sisters, Riiri and Meguro were ready to fight.

Commander #2: Babylone

Status: Ally, working on his new bar.

Commander #3: Celesta

Status: Ally, has one brain now and is helping Babylone.

Commander #4: Croyder + Beast Form Croyder

Status: Enemy, Deceased.

Commander #5: Dr. Dorolo

Status: Enemy, Escaped.

Commander #6: Meguro Nakuma

Status: Enemy, ready to fight.

Commander #7: Riiri Nakuma

Status: Enemy, ready to fight.

Chapter 4 End