Chapter 5- The Twins

"Where is Klawe?" said Kyona.

"Tch, that bitch left us for dead!" Dammit!" said Lyonlu, angrily.

As spikes started to grow on the wall, all three of them ran to the centre of the stage. 600K3 then turned his feet into metal wheels. "I can turn any part of my body into anything that is mechanical, or requires a force to work." As he said that, he turned his hands into gatling guns.

He shot multiple times trying to hit Riiri and Meguro, but the shots all missed and his hands reverted back to normal. "Kyona, we need a plan, there are three of us and two of them. We have the advantage." Just as he said that a massive paw came crashing down to fall on top of them and 600K3 drove the other two away to safety.

"Wait, the door is open to the arena, we can just leave!" As soon as Kyona said that, a female figure with long, black hair and blue highlights shut the door.

"Well, there goes our fuckin' exit." said Lyonlu.

"Excuse me, I overlooked something in the calculations, its actually two versus two, since Lyonlu doesn't have any long ranged weapons."

"Hmm, I have a plan, but its risky." said Kyona. "You will need to throw me and also be a distraction, its extremely risky, but the only plan we have right now."

The plan was put into action, 600K3 would drive around the walls of the arena to gain speed and then throw Kyona towards Meguro and 600K3 would distract Riiri by shooting some shots off into the distance, they would in theory still be curious to what the noise was, considering they were still children.

Once Kyona had been thrown, she aimed herself to hit Meguro and she tumbled into Meguro as planned and they crashed to the ground. The spikes instantly stopped. 600K3 managed to shoot off shots in this time, distracting Riiri, and Kyona, pinning Meguro to the ground, stuck one of her daggers into the stone in Meguro's forehead and it started to crack, until it shattered and little glowing particles started to fly up into the sky.

"That's one down, one to go!" shouted Kyona as she was finished destroying the stone.

Meanwhile, Riiri had gotten tired of the gunshots and grabbed Kyona with a paw.

"My sis got taken out huh? Why don't I just kill one of you guys to make it even?" Then she grabbed the other half of Kyona with the second paw and began to twist slowly. You could hear Kyona screaming in pain from miles away.

"Don't you hurt her you bitch!" shouted Lyonlu.

Lyonlu had to think of a plan and fast, she didn't have much time until Kyona's bones would be snapped. So, she thought of a plan and pitched it to 600K3 and he threw Lyonlu, up there which, as planned, made Riiri's paws let go of Kyona, before more than one of her bones were cracked and Riiri punched Lyonlu into the arena wall, sending her through the wall and flying across the outside pavement. "I'm not falling for that again!" said Riiri.

Now, the only person who could fight was 600K3 and he had a plan, it turned out to be a one versus one.

600K3 said "So, it has come down to this huh? Fine. Initiating Overdrive."

Just then, 600K3 exposed his wires and electricity was seen visibly going around his body. His hair color changed to an electrifying yellow.

He had a plan, to save Kyona and Lyonlu, Meguro and himself, he was going to destroy his own body to get the power needed to easily take Riiri's stone and break it. So he ran around the walls of the arena and just charged up power in his feet and leapt straight to Riiri. Then while on her, while she was still levitating, he pulled out the stone and using the last of his overdrive power, putting all of his electric current into his fist, completely destroyed the stone, leaving no trace of it behind. After that, he powered off and his wires all burst open and he fell with Riiri onto the arena floor.

Meanwhile, Klawe stopped running and thought "No, I need to be strong like last time, but, the stones, mother and father had something similar, and she ran to Babylone's new bar, while scared, alone and crying.

Babylone asked what was wrong and Klawe said "The stones, they are back." while looking as scared as someone who is about to get attacked.

"What?! You mean the ancient Haneglyph Stones?! The stones that come in different colours and have Kanji on them?!" Babylone looked uneasy.

"Where did you see them?" he asked Klawe, to which she replied,

"In the Arena, on two little girls' foreheads. They wore dark blue clothing."

Babylone's face sunk. "What did the doctor do to Meguro and Riiri and how did he get those stones in the first place? I'll kill him." Klawe and Celesta had never seen Babylone this ticked off. "I'm going to the arena, Klawe, you stay here with Celesta and look after the bar. Okay?" Babylone said with slight anger in his voice. Klawe agreed and Babylone ran to the arena.

When Babylone got there, he saw Kyona, unable to move on the floor, Riiri and Meguro unconscious on the floor and B00K3 powered off with burst wires. What was strange is he saw Lyonlu on his way back to taking everyone to the hospital one by one. Why was she 40 metres away from the arena?! Babylone knew the stones were powerful, but didn't know they were that powerful. Babylone then rushed to the hospital and looked after everyone for the rest of the day.

The next day, in the morning:

In the castle, in front of the throne,

"Nozomi-sama, who were my targets again?" said a hooded figure, accompanied by Ryo's enslaved bunny maidservants.

One, amongst them, was Abigail, she wore a maid headband and a black bunny suit outfit with fishnet tights and black shoes, as per Ryo's request. She had long amber hair and blue eyes. Her bunny ears were amber too. She longed to be back in her own house, with her father, who loved her very much, ever since her mom passed, he loved and treasured Abigail even more. She longed to wear her normal clothes, her pink plain top with black sleeves, her jorts and her fishnet stockings.

There was also a girl with sheep horns who had white hair and purple eyes and wore a maid outfit.

"Fong Lin, you really are old, it's a little pest of a cat, she took out Meguro and Riiri with her friends, I'm sending you for them next."

"Where do you want me to go, Nozomi-sama?"

"Hmm, where are they likely to go next, maybe the big shopping centre, where most people get their clothes and entertainment from. There are people there, so find a spot where there are not many people and if there are a few, just kill them. Oh, and take this with you too, instead of a red stone, this one is green, it will help you recover a lot quicker. It seems Dr. Dorolo really knows his stuff about these Haneglyph stones huh?" Ryo tossed the green Haneglyph stone to Fong Lin. "Well, in any case I look forward to seeing your battle with them. May you return victorious. Unlike all the previous commanders. Tch."

"I will take care of her and all her friends, Nozomi-sama, I'll make sure of it!"

Then Fong Lin left the castle to hunt them down.

Meanwhile, at the hospital:

Kyona woke up to see Klawe sitting on the edge of her bed. "Klawe, what are you doing sitting on the edge of my bed?"

"Oh, just making sure you were okay!"

"Ah, is that so? Thank you."

Well, if we are gonna fight the next commander we need to have better gear right? Wanna go to the blacksmiths with me, Kyona?"

"Wait, Klawe, she still needs to rest, the doctor said she may be able to leave at midday. As for the others, 600K3 is not recoverable, his internal circuits are fried and his wires burst. The doctor said nothing could be done, they tried all they could." said Babylone as he entered the room.

"No way." Kyona started to tear up and cried.

"Meguro and Riiri should start to wake up tomorrow, the stones really messed with their minds, otherwise they would have been able to wake in a few hours. I fear Ryo has more of those stones at his disposal, ready to use, I would suggest going to the big shopping centre built by the people from the planet Earth to stock up on clothes, since the castle isn't available at the moment. I'll pay for it all, don't worry."

"Could you leave us for a minute please Babylone, I would like to talk to Klawe here."

"Sure, sure! Take your time." Then Babylone left.

"Klawe, I'll just ask this now, you said your last name was Wingston?"

"Yes, it is, why?"

"Well, I remember that two dragons were attacking us on the day of the war and they had the red stones on them too. It controls their minds huh? Your parents were involved in the war weren't they?"

Klawe gulped. She said, "Well yes, they were."

"You aren't from Larginia, are you?"

"Whatever do you mean Kyona? I was told I was born in Larginia, why does everyone keep saying that?! I was born in Larginia… I refuse to believe I was born in Schwindelstrom! Although I suppose its Maplee now, isn't it?!"

"Klawe, your parents lied to you, I'm sure they did it with good intentions and to protect you, but, I'm sorry, as the last remaining person from Schwindelstrom, you will have to die."

Klawe was shivering in fear. "I'm kidding, I know you didn't do any harm in the war and you were just small then, so its all in the past anyway, you are a Maplee resident now after all!"

(Narrator flashback)

The three continents each with their biggest countries, The first, Lunia, having Larginia. The second, Grobneser, having Schwindelstrom. And the third, Pusia, having Pongshu. Kyona and Lyonlu lived in an orphanage together, Kyona, because her parents abandoned her. Lyonlu, because her drunken father had killed her mother. In the year of 1916, when Kyona had finished her training as an assassin and Lyonlu had become the leader of the Homeji gang and a war broke out between the three continents, Lunia and Pusia teamed up together to take down Grobneser, who were the strongest out of the three at the time and started the war. They were no match for the combined strength of Lunia and Pusia together. Years later, the remnants of the war in Grobneser were all killed except the children and the land was destroyed completely.

Skip to 1920, after the citizens found out about Kyona's royal heritage, Kyona was appointed Princess of Larginia and renamed Schwindelstrom to Maplee and made sure the land was able to let people survive on it again. At this point, Larginia was the strongest of the three nations after making a trade deal with the alternate universe's Earth and still is today. The second strongest being Pusia and the weakest being Grobneser.

(Narrator Flashback End)

"I'm feeling a little better after that chat. Why don't we get some supplies from the blacksmiths then?" asked Kyona.

"Yes, let's do it!" said Klawe excitedly.

They left Babylone to take care of the others and research the Haneglyph stones, whilst they went to the blacksmiths to get new gear. Once they had arrived Klawe was eyeing up some weapons.

"Ooh, these gold talons look nice!" she said, instantly buying them.

"Klawe we don't have that much money to waste. I'll buy 2 new pairs of daggers, okay. Hey! Don't buy those maces, I know they're cool but they aren't necessary!"

"Yess…" Kyona and Klawe finished shopping in the blacksmiths and had bought new armor and weapons and they decided to go to the alchemist's shop next. When they entered, they saw a centaur talking to the alchemist. She wore a white, sleeveless V-Neck sweater and her lower half, being horse, was black and the hooves were too, her eyes were green and her hair was blue up in a french braided ponytail. She had a sword in its sheath, that she had clipped to her sweater. "What do you mean, they're out of stock?" said the centaur worriedly. "I need these so I can win the annual centaur race!"

"What are you looking for? I may have it." asked Kyona.

The centaur replied "I'm looking for an SSS Tier Horseshoe, I lost my other one, so I'm trying to buy a replacement. I have looked everywhere and I cannot seem to find any."

"Hmm, I could get you the next best thing, I actually got it from the blacksmiths for free as a purchase bonus, it's only an SS Tier Horseshoe, he said" "I'm given' this to ya, 'cause yer' the princess and I'm bettin' my money on a centaur with blue hair and green eyes tah win. Give this to her, I don't wanna hafta lose 'nother 600,000 Koinyans." (In USD, that's about 60,000 USD) "He can be a little quick to act sometimes when I hear him talk about his gambling haha." said Kyona.

"That's a lot of money, well, I will have to accept this gift, won't I? Very well, I shall. Oh, I have not introduced myself yet, have I? My apologies, My name is Centus. Pleased to meet you. I hope to see you watching the race. It starts in an hour. Goodbye and thank you." Then Centus left Kyona and Klawe wondering why she left it so late to get the horseshoe. Kyona noticed Angie, looking at potions. She was studying one closely which read "Slime refiller. Drink this and your octopus slime will instantly be replenished!"

"Hmm, I'll take two of these." Angie bought the slime refillers and saw Kyona and Klawe. "Oh hey Kyona, who's your new friend?"

"Oh, she's Klawe, she's from Maplee."

"Hello Klawe, nice to meet you! My name's Angie!"

"You too, nice to meet you Angie." said Klawe.

"That'll be 50 Koinyans please, Miss!" said the busty alchemist.

Angie paid for the potions and clipped them to her skirt using bunny keychains.

"Now, where are the boosting potions, ah, here they are!" Kyona found the boosting potions. "Hmm, I'll take 3 defense boosts, 5 recovery boosts, 4 speed boosts and 6 attack boosts! That should keep us going for a while!" Kyona went to the counter, where the alchemist was and was paying for the boost potions. That'll be 450 Koinyans please!" said the alchemist.

"Here you go!" said Kyona as she paid for the potions.

"I think I'll tag along with you two." said Angie.

"Oh ok, we were just about to go to the big Larginian shopping centre right Kyona?" said Klawe as her eyes lit up.

"Yes, we can go now." said Kyona and they headed to the shopping centre.

Kyona, Klawe and Angie walked into the shopping centre to find Mimi swimming and jumping around in the fountain in the middle of the centre square.

"Mimi!" said Kyona, running over to Mimi. Mimi dove out of the fountain and into her fish tank. "Hi Kyona, ooh, you have a new friend and Angie's here too! Hi hi!"

"Oh yes, that's Klawe, she's a nice person." said Kyona.

"Ah I see, Hi Klawe!" said Mimi.

"Hello Mimi." said Klawe.

"We were just about to go shopping for new clothes Mimi, did you want to join us?" asked Kyona.

"Yes I do!" said Mimi, as she jumped out of her fish tank and landed in with a big splash, splashing a lot of citizens. "Woops hehe~"

They all took the stair lifts to the second floor, where they entered the clothing store. Klawe found a nice red and black dress and went ahead and bought it. Kyona and the others bought some nice clothes for themselves and for the others, in case they would meet again.

Then, an old man in a big trench coat and hat, bumped into Kyona and apologised. "Sorry miss, I just wanted to speak to you and didn't know how else to get your attention. I wanted to let you know, I have information on Ryo Nozomi and would like to talk to you elsewhere, this isn't the best place." said the old man.

"Thanks, we'll take any information we can get." said Kyona.

"If he tries anything funny, I'll blind him with my ink." said Angie.

Kyona and everyone else agreed and everyone followed the old man to his dojo. The dojo had two big double doors to enter from and inside was a log bridge across a body of water to get to the main dojo area.

Once everyone had entered, the doors had suddenly shut and the old man smirked, as he lifted off his hat and threw off his trench coat, he revealed what he truly looked like.

"You tricked us!" shouted Kyona.

"Yes, I did, I can't believe you fell for it, this is my home turf, my dojo and I am its master!" said the old man.

The old man wore a green kimono with a flower pattern on it, he wore brown sandals, he had a long flowing white beard and white mustache and he had his white hair up in a ponytail. He had green eyes and a staff with the pattern of a chinese dragon on it.

"I can control the elements of both water and wind. But to face me, the 8th Commander under the demon lord, Dojo Master Fong Lin, you will have to beat my 5 best monks in 20 seconds, so I know you can keep up with me."

They all ended up getting beat in 15 seconds, Angie just took them all out with some shots of ink to blind them all, and then swept them under their feet with her tentacles and they fell into the water below.

"So you beat my challenge, well that means you are ready to face me! If it's your goal to fight all the demon lord's commanders and beat them, then we shall fight, to the death! Let's fight!"

Commander #2: Babylone

Status: Looking after the wounded in the hospital, Ally, Researching the Haneglyph stones.

Commander #3: Celesta

Status: Ally, (Babylone took her and Klawe to the hospital with him and locked up the bar) looking after the patients.

Commander #6 Meguro Nakuma and Commander #7 Riiri Nakuma

Status: Newly turned Allies, will return home to parents after they are feeling well. (Yes, Ryo abducted them from their homes.)

Commander #8 Dojo Master Fong Lin

Status: Enemy, in fighting stance.

Chapter 5 End