Chapter 6- The Master Of The Dojo

Fong Lin pulled out the green recovery stone and put it onto his wrist. A green pillar of light burst from it and it was in his arm. "You are probably wondering where are the rest of the monks, heck, where are the rest of the forces we have amassed? You will all see soon enough, everyone will see." Then Fong Lin jumped from wall to wall to attack Kyona and the others at the entrance. "He's moving fast, everyone, we have to scatter!" shouted Kyona.

Then everyone ran in opposite directions. "You aren't getting away that easily!" Then Fong Lin harnessed the power of wind and dashed forward so fast Kyona couldn't fully get away in time and Fong Lin stabbed her ankle with his staff.

Then, Fong Lin used his water powers to fill the space underneath the bridge with water, which Angie and Mimi had almost fell into. Then, Fong Lin used a powerful gust of wind and knocked them both into the water, as well as making Klawe crash into the other side of the building from her flying over the gap underneath the bridge.

"Weaklings, you are all weak, well, I'll just take you all out, one by one. Die." Then Fong Lin took the staff out of Kyona's ankle and she screamed in pain, and then Fong Lin aimed to pierce through her back.

Then Angie lifted one of her tentacles out of the water to punch Fong Lin, but Fong Lin battered it so hard, that it couldn't be used. So then, she sent out her remaining seven tentacles to try to confuse him and hopefully do some damage, but he clobbered every single one of them. Angie was shrieking in pain, but, she was really determined to take him out and protect everyone like a big sister should and used her last weapon she could, her ink. She jumped out of the water and aimed her butt at Fong Lin and Fong Lin was about to stick his staff in there before she could blind him, but someone jumped in the way.

A splash was made in the water, as a body fell down to the bottom of the pit.

"Kyona." Angie's eyes were wide open with shock and tears were running down her face.

Kyona's armor had been broken and there was a small hole in the chest area of her back. It wasn't that deep.

Kyona had saved Angie and ultimately had to pay the price for it.

Mimi, then out of anger tried to slap Fong Lin with her tail multiple times but it was futile, as Fong Lin pierced a hole through it effortlessly and Mimi, plunged back into the water.

Klawe managed to get up and tried to attack from the air, but Fong Lin, using his wind power threw his staff and it punctured Klawe's left wing, spilling blood and she tumbled into the water.

"You are the strongest force who has opposed me, but it is futile, all your efforts are futile. You have too little strength. You will never win. You barely lasted 10 minutes. I will now pick you all off and skewer your bodies and then put your heads in my collection!" said Fong Lin.

It felt as if all hope was lost, but at that moment, Kyona spoke, barely able to make out, she said "May my only scroll be used this night and expel all who refuse the light, may it burn their figure into the holy night, may the light and god refuse them to go to heaven and slay thine enemy, Full force, Excalibur."

"You little wench!" Fong Lin then leaped into the water to punch Kyona with a wind fist, but then a massive beam of light rained down from the sky and hit Fong Lin, destroying him, leaving him as a pile of ash.

Or so they thought…

The recovery stone broke after using too much of its power and half of Fong Lin came back to life, more specifically, his left half, and as his eyeball came into view and his tongue was reforming he said "How dare you do this much damage to me, how dare you use a holy scroll on me, how dare you use Excalibur on me!"

As his left half was being restored and his skeleton was reforming, Kyona thought fast and struck Fong Lin's exposed heart, putting all her remaining strength into that stab, defeating Fong Lin and his body returned to ash.

Mimi then, tried to swim out the water and managed to throw everyone else up on the land, but since Fong Lin had died, the water was draining and Kyona was beginning to fall unconscious from her injuries and she saw Mimi beginning to dehydrate. As her eyes shut, the last thing she saw was a figure in the doorway and then her eyes finally closed.

Meanwhile, in the castle:

"What do you mean they used a Holy Scroll?! How did they come into possession of one?!" Ryo gritted his teeth. "We lost Fong Lin, well dammit this sucks, huh? Well, it doesn't matter anyway, since the day of destruction will soon commence." Ryo laughed.

Back at the dojo:

The mysterious figure carried 3 of them back to the hospital where they were cared for, but, Mimi, Mimi didn't make it. She had completely dehydrated.

Kyona woke up a day later to find the small hole in her back was healed.

"The hole was not that deep at all, so you went up against Fong Lin, huh?" said Babylone. "My, my, he was always a tricky one, when he got mad he would use his wind elements to blow us out of his way. I also heard you used the holy scroll, Excalibur. What was that like?"

"It looked like a giant thick light sword and it went straight, crashing down on him, it was our last hope, I had no choice! Wait, where's Mimi, don't tell me she…"

As Kyona said that, Babylone said "Its best not to say."

Kyona cried out "Tell me, what happened to her?!"

Babylone's face was downcast. Until, he finally said "She didn't make it."

Kyona started tearing up. "Another one of our friends killed huh? Why?! Why do they have to die?! Why?! Why…" Kyona sobbed.

Lyonlu woke up from earlier and instantly comforted Kyona and asked what happened. Babylone told her the news and she said "I see." with a downcast face, as Kyona continued to sob.

Meanwhile, elsewhere:

"It seems like things are playing out as expected, let me warn you, Kyona, you will lose most of whom you care about, such is the cruelty of this world, I will meet with you, when the time is right. See you at the day of destruction, Princess Kyona Fururi." The woman, then chuckled.

Meanwhile, at the castle: "Everything is going according to plan, as for the day of reckoning, we will carry it out tomorrow, March 30th at 11pm. I hope you are ready Kyona-chan, because things will be a lot harder for you going forward. Heheheheheh." Ryo chuckled.

Abigail then left the castle, or tried to. "I don't want to be a part of this anymore, I'm sick of this, let me leave!"

"Oh? You want to leave? Heh, you were worthless to me anyway, we won't need you for the day of destruction." Ryo, then gave a signal to the guards to let Abigail leave the castle. "Take her with you as well. She isn't needed anymore either." He stared at the sheep girl as she worriedly ran with Abigail.

"Kyono, tomorrow, you will finish off Kyona and her petty little friends, as well as those traitors, Celesta and Babylone, you understand?"

"Yes, I do, Ryo-sama. It will be done, I assure you."

"Good, this is the second to last stone we have, its a speed stone, take it with you a-"

"It won't be necessary."

Oh? Don't get too cocky now, otherwise, it might just be your downfall, well, I'll just save it then, for myself."

Back at the hospital: "I'm fuckin' leavin', I can't stay cooped up in here, besides, I gotta walk around, see ya."

"Lyonlu, wait!"


Despite Kyona and Klawe telling her to not leave, she didn't listen and left.

"Say, Kyona's friend, how come we can heal so quickly from our injuries?" asked Angie.

"Ah, its because, Larginia has some of the most research done into medicinal practices and heals and cures, mostly potions are the reason that you can heal so fast, Kyona, didn't you buy some? Also, please, call me Babylone, Angie."

"I did have some but they broke when I got attacked."

Babylone sighs. "You're lucky we are here then to heal you after the battle huh?"

"I am, and I'm truly grateful."

"I bet you are." said Babylone kindly.

Lyonlu was walking down the street and saw a bunny in a bunny girl outfit walking down the street after saying goodbye to a sheep girl. "Goodbye Lily and take care! See you later."

Lyonlu paid no mind to this, until the bunny girl approached Lyonlu.

"What the fuck do ya want?" Lyonlu stared menacingly at the bunny girl.

"I want to go to this Kyona-chan, I have been hearing about. I want to help. Do you know where she might be?"

"I do, but why the fuck is it any of your business?"

"That I, err, cannot answer." She stared at Lyonlu blankly.

Lyonlu sighed. "You won't give up will you, I can tell, just by your attitude. Fine, I'll take you to her, never call her Kyona-chan, ever again, you got it bitch?"


Lyonlu walked back with the girl to the hospital. "Kyona, a girl came askin' for ya."

"Ah, and who might you be?" asked Kyona.

"Hello, my name is Abigail, to prove I have good intentions, I'll tell you something useful, March the 30th at 11pm, something disastrous will happen, where, I do not know, but it will be bad."

"How do you know this exactly?" asked Babylone.

"I know this because, I was one of Ryo's bunny girl servants."

Babylone, shocked, asked "Abigail, is that you?"

"Babylone? Its you, you were always so nice to me, I didn't know what to do when you were gone. I missed you so, so much. When I finally left, I didn't care if they would kill my father, I just didn't want to be stuck there forever, in that hellhole." Abigail started to weep on Babylone's shoulder.

Babylone patted her on the head and said "Its alright, I'm here with you now."

Then, everyone went to Babylone's bar for a bit and drank some drinks to celebrate the reunion of Abigail and the 8th commander's defeat. Afterwards, they all went to sleep. The happy reunion didn't last long however, because, the day of destruction was right around the corner.

Commander #2: Babylone

Status: Ally, in the bar with new ally Abigail and the others.

Commander #8: Dojo Master Fong Lin

Status: Enemy, Deceased

Chapter 6 End