Chapter 1- A New Enemy

Our story starts in the year 2023, 14 years after the defeat of Ryo Nozomi and the deadly sins. Our heroine has gained some new friends, ever since entering the virtual world and has had fun times with them, but a new enemy has also arisen during that time. Our story starts off in the princess' castle.

"No Clovis, you aren't getting a promotion."

"Why Princess Kyona? Why can I not get a promotion?"

"Why? Because you haven't helped whatsoever, you always expect others to do things for you Clovis, maybe if you actually did some work for once, I might promote you. I'm just kidding, you can't get promoted, you are the highest rank of knight there is!"

"Oh, I'll be promoted alright." Clovis smirked.

Clovis Cloudfield, had short blonde hair, green eyes, wears golden knight armor with no helmet and he is a royal knight.

"I already told you, you can't be promoted! You are the highest rank!"

"No, I'm not. I can be the king of this place."

"That's ridiculous, stop joking around! There's no way you could be-"

"There is one way Princess. Sex and marriage. I can have an heir and I can be king!"

Kyona's eyes widened as she sat on the throne, frozen in horror.

A figure walked over to Clovis, standing in front of Kyona.

"I was wondering how long it would take you to finally show your true colors, Clovis." the figure said.

"Gerald, move out of the way."

"No, I shall not back down Sir Clovis!"

Gerald, he is princess Kyona's butler, he has short black hair, brown eyes, he has darker colored skin, he wears black suit trousers, and a white shirt with a black jacket and black bowtie.

"Then, I'll force you!" Clovis pushes Gerald out of the way, Gerald sweeps his leg, but Clovis gets up. "Now Princess. You better be ready because things are going to get a little wild." Clovis said as he punches Gerald to the ground and starts to walk towards a worried Kyona.

Meanwhile, at a house in Larginia.

A family is seen peacefully sitting down by the fireplace, reading bedtime stories.

"Mommy, can you tell us about that one time you helped save the world?" asked one of the three children.

"Yes Sophie, I can. But it will have to be for another time, since its almost bedtime for you three."

"Okay mom!" said all three of the children.

The house was small, it had a kitchen, living room, bathroom and two bedrooms.

"Alright Johnny, the kids are all tucked into bed now."

Johnny Labado, Lyonlu's husband, took over the Labado name after he married Lyonlu, he has short pink hair, blue eyes, works as an elven archer, he wears a white shirt, with a light brown jacket and grey trousers with a black belt.

That's good honey, also, you don't have to keep calling me Johnny, you can call me a nickname, Lyonlu."

Nah, I never really used nicknames. Don't think I will in the near future. I do think Lucy will turn out to be a bit of a tomboy though."

"Yeah, I'll agree with you there."

Lyonlu Labado, the only guy she ever liked, Johnny, when she met him, it was like love at first sight, Johnny Labado's wife, her casual outfit at home is a grey V window sweater, round glasses and her normal black skirt with white triangular edges. She wears glasses, because her eyesight was damaged after an incident in a party 3 years ago.

Lyonlu's children: Lucy Labado had short pink colored hair, blue eyes and is a bit of a tomboy. Sophie Labado had black colored hair in pigtails usually, green eyes and is the girliest of the three. Rebecca Labado also, has long black colored hair, she has yellow eyes, is a little bit of a scaredy-cat.

Suddenly, Lyonlu heard a scream coming from the castle. She got dressed into her gang attire and got ready to go out. "Johnny, Kyona's in trouble and I hafta help her. I might be gone for a while, take care of the kids for me until I get back okay?"

"Okay, I will do my best, I can call Klawe up and ask if she wants to babysit them while I'm at work. They are only 20 years old in snake years after all, still very young lamia, I'll see you later honey. Promise you'll come back to me in one piece?"

"Yeah, I will. I'll say goodbye to the guys in the gang too."

"Yeah, you go do that. Bye honey! Safe travels!"

"Bye." As Lyonlu waved goodbye, she dashed out the door headed straight for the Larginian castle.

As soon, as he had made sure his wife had left, Johnny called Klawe and smirked, then cackled.

Meanwhile, at the castle:

Lyonlu had burst through the doors so quickly, they nearly burst off the hinges, she had headed straight for Clovis with a murderous intent.

"Die Clovis, You piece of scummy shit!" Lyonlu screamed as she punched Clovis, sending him falling to the ground. "I'll twist my tail around you until the blood circulation is cut off and you're fucking dead!"

"W-Wait! I'm sorry, I won't go near her again! Please forgive me! Forgive me Lyonlu!

"Lyonlu, forgive him." Kyona said as she somehow managed to regain her composure. Lyonlu reluctantly slithered back.

Clovis then rushed for Lyonlu trying to stab her with the sword, "Die, you rotten stinking bitch!" he shouted. Lyonlu, grabbing his neck with her tail, said this:

"If you ever do any harm to us again, you will be killed next time without mercy, now leave us alone." she said menacingly as she tightened the grip around his neck, making Clovis almost pass out.

Kyona then exiled Clovis from coming to the kingdom again, but then an incoming call alerted Kyona before she could. She answered the call. A voice came from the device. "Clovis, you tried, but it wasn't nearly hard enough, you are useless to me now. As my final request to you, I command you kill yourself to prove you are still loyal."

"Boss, I'm sorry for disappointing you, I tried my best, but I don't wanna die!" Clovis sobbed.

"Then, I'll trap you in the hole of nothingness, where nothing exists and you'll slowly disintegrate there."

"Fine boss, it's better than dying like this!" Then, a snap of the fingers was heard from the phone and a wormhole opened up and sucked Clovis into it after closing again. Clovis was gone, forever.

"Who are you?" Kyona said worriedly to the device.

"I am an apprentice, you could say, of Ryo Nozomi's. There are two of us, we were both training under him, after you and your friends killed him, we trained after that and now we have come to kill you. We have some of your friends under our command through use of little mechanical devices, that we obtained through a little bit of time travelling. We can break the fabric of space and time. If you want to stop us, you will have to find and defeat 4 of them, the 4 I have selected are located in 4 different towers. The towers are located in different places in different areas. Me and my brother here doubt you'll get that far though, maybe past tower 2, heh. Each time you beat a tower, a portal will open up allowing you to pass through to somewhere near the next area. At least I was generous, to give you that much."

"Are you crazy?! There's no way-" said Kyona before she was interrupted by footsteps.

"So, I see this poster on the wall here, becoming a virtual idol. Looks interesting, how would I become one princess?" The figure looked around the room. "Is this a bad time?" she chuckled nervously.

"Yes Homura, its a bad time, I have something I need to do, I'll tell you about it after I get back."

"Mhm." Homura nodded.

"Seems like you're all ready hmm, well, good luck saving your friends." Then, when the guy said that on the phone, the call ended. "That's not a prank is it?" Kyona asked. "Judging by their evil tone of voice, I wouldn't think so." said Lyonlu.

"If you are all looking for the first tower, its in Maplee, I overheard a few things from Clovis' conversations, I tend to overhear quite a few things." said Gerald, regaining his composure. He pointed to a location in Maplee and told Kyona and Lyonlu to go, while he and Homura would look after the castle as guards while they were gone. Kyona and Lyonlu, paid for a carriage and boat to take them to Maplee.

Once they had gotten over the river, they were walking in a rainforest near Maplee and they heard a noise around them. Kyona saw bubbles in the lake water.

Lyonlu got worried for Kyona.

"Don't worry Lyonlu, i'll be fine, its probably just a fish or something."

Walking by the strange bubbles, Kyona and Lyonlu travelled towards the first tower, the 3 storey hospital in Maplee.

Chapter 1 End