Chapter 2- Sailing Across The Seven Seas

When Kyona and Lyonlu arrived at Maplee, Klawe was advising everyone to stay in their houses and getting them all to safety. "Klawe, what's going on?!" asked Kyona.

Klawe replied with "I've heard there's a crazy lady in the hospital, in this village! She's stabbing the doctors with needles and hanging them up in webs, she's absolutely insane!" Klawe pointed towards the nearby hospital and decided to join them in defeating the lady. Kyona, Lyonlu and Klawe rushed over to it to stop the crazy person. After some running they arrived at the creepy hospital, which towered at three stories high. All three of them went into the hospital. "How many creepy ass hospitals do we have to enter before we're done with them?" Lyonlu sighed.

"Only one more." said a voice from the end of the hallway. "This one."

A spider spun down from a web from the ceiling and her eight legs could be heard scuttling across the floor. This hospital was the first tower mentioned by the voice on the call.

"Arachu?!" In that moment, Arachu threw silk at the group, which was torn to shreds by Klawe's claws. Klawe flew towards Arachu and scratched her, then Arachu started to spin silk around Klawe. "Sit tight, little dragon." Arachu said as she stared at the binded Klawe. Kyona and Lyonlu rushed over to defeat Arachu. Lyonlu punched Arachu in the face while she was distracted, making her bleed, while Kyona ran over to destroy the device controlling Arachu's mind, but tripped over while getting her foot stuck on a big cobweb. Lyonlu kept beating Arachu up, but was pushed back by Arachu throwing balls of silk at her, whose head was now covered with blood. "D-Do you… wanna d-die?" she stuttered, as she grew 2 pincers out of her sides, eyes glowing, while getting up off the floor. She then threw several strings of silk at the three and attempted to use her pincers to pierce Lyonlu. Kyona pulled out her daggers from her adventuring bag, while still in her princess outfit, cut all the silk coming her way and stabbed Arachu beside her newly grown pincers. Arachu's wounds were deep and Kyona did not want to hurt her anymore, so Kyona, with her dagger still stuck inside Arachu, dragged the screaming spider-girl out to the sunlight, which burned the device in her brain, returning her to normal. Her eyes returned to their normal red color as well.

Since the first tower boss was defeated, a ding sound came from the communication device, and a portal opened up to take them to the next area, leaving Klawe at Maplee and saying goodbye to them, Kyona, carrying the injured Arachu in her arms, and Lyonlu both went into the portal and arrived at Pongshu, near a succubus soapland.

"There is no fucking way this is the next tower." said Lyonlu.

"It isn't. It's that simple." said someone behind everyone.

"So, you're a fucking pervert then, how about this for some eye candy!" Lyonlu turned around and punched the figure, breaking his robotic eye.

"I can't believe you would do something like this in the town. I wasn't prepared." said the figure. "I am Ken Kagawa, the one who called you earlier."

"It was you?! I know better than to punch you again at least, but what the fuck is up with your body?!"

Ken Kagawa, the youngest of the two brothers trained under Ryo Nozomi, he had a brown mullet, blue eyes, has two robotic cores, one now broken in his grey eyepiece and the other in his chest, protected by an outer layer of grey metal. He wears a black martial arts outfit with a rainbow belt attached to it.

"My body? It was almost completely destroyed when I was beaten and thrown off a roof, but the doctors replaced some of my organs and skeleton with mechanical parts so I could live. Not that that matters now anyway. You won't make it far, and I know this, so I'll give you some relaxation time. Bye bye for now!"

"No wait, Ken!" But before Kyona could finish, he was gone.

"I say we go in, no harm in checking right?" Arachu opened the door to find a girl greet them and then they got seated down. "What the actual fuck are we doing here?" asked Lyonlu.

"I'm not sure, we might be able to ask around for information though!" said Kyona.

"On what, nearby threats?! Wait, that's not actually a bad idea." said Lyonlu.

Suddenly, a tanned succubus walked over to them, she wore three strips of black and purple fabric along the edges with a symmetrical white line pattern on it, covering the bare minimum and she wore black high heels too. She had long, flowing, purple hair and black horns, pink eyes and had slight pinkish lipstick on. She also wore black and purple stockings. She had a black tail ending in a heart shape.

"Hello, my dear guests, my name is Fiola, Fiola Schwarz, what will you be having this evening?"

"Oh, we aren't ordering anything, F-Fiola, we are just asking around for some information." said Kyona.

"Ahh, I see, you'll still need to pay for a private room though." said Fiola.

"How much is it?" asked Kyona.

"10,000 Koinyans for each night, or 1,200 Koinyans for one hour. Those are the prices." said Fiola.

"We'll take the one hour, we don't need any more time than that." said Kyona nervously.

"Okay, right this way please!" Fiola pointed to a room, this one isn't locked, so, it should be free. As soon as Fiola opened the door, the room was empty and everyone sat down in the private space to discuss.

"Okay, this room should be fine. It's empty except for a table and chairs, as well as the bathroom, perfect!" said Fiola, as she opened the door to the other room. Everyone sat in chairs in the chatting room and Kyona and Lyonlu both explained the situation and Arachu explained her experience under the two brothers' control. "I see, I think I know someone who can help you. He popped by here yesterday and he should be in the god realm right about now." said Fiola.

"Is it the god of creation?" asked Kyona.

"Oh my, you already knew Kyona, this makes things easier, I'm creating a magic circle, do not step outside the circle or touch the circle lines, you got it you three?" explained Fiola. Arachu, Kyona and Lyonlu all said yes and Fiola started the chant once she finished drawing the circle.

"O god, take us mortals to the land of the gods, where the god of creation resides, we just want to talk with him, so will you please, let us in?" Once those words were said, the magic circle turned from a white color, to a black color and emitted dark light and teleported all four of them to the god realm.

"I've been expecting you four. Fiola, Lyonlu, Arachu, you may go, I want to speak to Kyona herself privately." Fiola then ushered Arachu and Lyonlu to leave the god realm, which they did.

The god of creation was a faceless being with no physical form.

"Kyona, the only thing I can give at the moment is advice, my power has been weakened due to the devices of the two brothers', so I am only able to give out information. Once they have all been destroyed my power should return. There isn't much I can give you but, the map you have is rendered useless now, it has only one use to pinpoint one destination. Your next destination is in the south, headed towards the Maihaya Desert, once you get past that you'll encounter a wild west town named Canyon Town, where you'll meet someone there, who has seen your controlled friend pass by, he should know where she is in more detail, all I know is the next tower, is in the sea. I have passed creation powers down to an individual for safety in the case that I fall, so seek them out if you need some more help.

"This was a big help, thank you!" said Kyona.

"No problem, here I'll give you some water for the desert, it's very hot out there, so you have to stay hydrated! I'll also teleport you back, stand in this circle quickly." When the god of creation said that, Kyona stood in the circle he pointed at and was taken back to the mortal realm.

"Hey, I'm back!" waved Kyona happily.

"You sure took your time huh?" smirked Lyonlu.

"Welcome back darling." said Arachu.

"Hello everyone!" said Kyona.

"So, what did you talk about?" asked Lyonlu.

"So, the god of creation told me that we have to go through the Maihaya Desert and past Canyon Town to get to the second tower, which is in the sea."

"Why the fuck is it in the sea and how the fuck is it there?" exclaimed Lyonlu.

"I'm not sure Lyonlu, maybe it's on a boat or something?" said Kyona, puzzled.

"I would recommend changing to your adventurer outfit Kyona, your royal clothes will-"

"Yeah, I know, drag me down, I know." After she said that, Kyona walked into the room's bathroom and changed into her adventuring outfit.

"Looks like time's up, Kyona and friends, I hope you enjoyed your hour here and I hope to see you again soon, bye you adorable things." said Fiola as she saw them off to the door.

Kyona being outside remembered she had passed through the Maihaya desert before, so she remembered where it was. So, she, Lyonlu and Arachu ran out of the bustling country of Pongshu headed for the Maihaya desert only located a few metres away.

They trekked through the desert, until the group saw some figures moving towards them through the distance. "I'm glad we have this water, because I'm boiling out here," said Lyonlu as she drank some water. The figures got closer and more visible to the group, as they moved towards them.

"Sun Spirits and Blokubes?! How have they escaped the dungeons?!" said the surprised Kyona.

(The sun spirit: has a yellow core, with a face and sharp teeth on it, can extend its black almost hair like skin, to snap and attack others. There are five of these hair like jaws that it has to attack. They all have sharp teeth and eyes. The hair-like skin can spin on the back of the core to let it fly.)

(The Blokube: Its main method of attack is slamming its face into the ground, to defeat it, you must simply destroy both its glass eyes and it will die. It has red devil horns, with a blue square body and red arms and legs made of several red balls.)

"This'll be a piece of cake Kyona, me and Arachu'll take out the Blokubes, you go for those sun shits! There's only five of them!"

"Okay!" Kyona ran towards the five sun spirits and the sun spirits attacked using their hair to try to snap and bite Kyona, they all tried at once, so they all got twisted together and provided a ramp for Kyona to run up and slice through all 5 of their cores, defeating them all.

Lyonlu and Arachu took down the Blokubes with ease, destroying their black-stained glass eyes with Lyonlu's punches, while Arachu restricted their movement by tying them up in silk. The group headed onward until they finally arrived at Canyon Town.

A face came to greet them, they wore a cowboy outfit with a red bandana across his collarbone, brown jacket, boots and shirt, with a flintlock pistol by his side, brown gloves, a white hat and a sheriff badge on his jacket. He had short black hair and a short stubby beard with brown eyes. His boots had a silver star sticking out from them saying sheriff on it. "Ya'll don't look like you all from around these parts. What are ya'll doin' here?"

"Sir, no, Sheriff, please excuse us, we came here from the god of creation, he said there was someone here who could tell us more about the second tower in the sea." explained Kyona.

"So, you came from the god'o creation, huh? Alright, in that case friends, ya'll fine bein' here. The name's Mark by the way, like X marks tha spot, sorry that was a bad joke. Let's talk in a more appropriate place, follow me to ma' office." Kyona and the others then followed Mark into his office, where they saw a dark elf, helping around the office, she had magenta colored eyes, long, straight, white hair and wore a white sweater with jorts. "Welcome to the sheriff's office, my name is Ella Flores, how may I be of help today?"

"This here's Ella, she's helpin' 'round 'ere for the moment, she's on a sorta field trip of her own, while she's gettin' her guns and goin' back home, tryin' ta create some memories here before she goes back." said Mark. "Anyway, back to what you three were sayin', I heard that the tower's a boat, full of pirates, and their captain's a catgirl, like yerself. She has black hair though. Y'all gonna wanna change into swimmin' gear though, we all need a beach episode, I mean, in case you fall in the water while yer on the boat, wouldn' wanna get yer clothes wet."

"Okay Mark, thank you for the information, but is there a clothes store nearby where we can buy them from?" asked Kyona.

"Yeah, its right over there." said Mark, pointing to a store nearby. So, Kyona, Lyonlu and Arachu went into the store. They wandered around until they found the swimsuit section. Lyonlu picked out an outfit for herself and Kyona. "I'll take this plain black Bikini, it's a li'l bit revealing, but it doesn't really matter. Hey, this one would look cute on you though Kyona!" Lyonlu pulled out a white frilly bikini with pink polka dots on it and it wasn't very revealing. "It would look cute on you, I agree." said Arachu teasingly. Kyona thought it was cute too and they decided on getting that one. Arachu didn't bother picking one.

When they came out the store after fitting their swim clothes on, Mark had a boat ready for them to travel to the second tower. "This boat right 'ere, I call 'er the SS. Canyon, got me through some tough times, this boat 'as. But, this boats for y'all, as my days of sea venturin' are no more, bein' a sheriff an' all, I gotta look out over the town and the villagers too. Safe travels friends, and here's a present from me, it's just a prototype, but I thought this would come in handy, I name it, the Gatlin' Gun. Here's some ammo for it too. Farewell, friends." As Mark waved goodbye, the group got into the boat, the SS. Canyon, and waved goodbye back, before they set sail for the second tower.

"That's one creative name, the SS. Canyon, I wonder where he got that from." Lyonlu laughed.

After a few miles out to sea, no land in sight, an explosion was heard coming from underneath the brown boat with white sails. When Kyona turned around, it was a second boat, with black skull and crossbones sails and a lot of pirates on it, with the captain standing at the wheel. They had shot a hole in the boat's living quarters! The captain called out to her men, "Prepare for combat!" and the pirates took out their cutlasses, ready to fight. The green parrot on the captain's shoulder repeated these words except slightly differently. "Squawk, your captain, Twinky Of The Seven Seas says prepare for combat, squawwwk, I repeat, prepare for combat."

"Twinky… Of The Seven Seas… How many more, will there be… I have heard of them before..." Kyona muttered. "I'll save you and everyone else under his control, I'll save all of you!" She yelled with determination. Twinky had, like the rest before her, the red controlled eyes, black medium hair, with a white strand of hair dyed in. She had black cat ears, as well as a tail. She wore a black pirate hat, with a black pirate jacket and white pirate shirt. She also wore short black shorts underneath the long pirate jacket, which couldn't be seen. She had a satchel on her side with a cutlass of her own inside.

"Men, lower the planks! Let's invade the ship!" shouted Twinky, as the planks lowered, pirates came swarming onto the SS. Canyon and the cannons stopped firing and the ship came to a halt. The pirates cheered while they ran. Lyonlu picked up the prototype named as Mark called it: "the Gatlin' Gun," and having seen Mark's flintlock, guessed where the bullets needed to be put and pulled the trigger, it didn't do anything for a second, but then, it rapid fired bullets, spraying them everywhere, putting holes into the SS. Canyon and the sky, Lyonlu then grabbed control of the Gatlin' Gun and shot at the incoming pirates, wiping most of them out and some of them just jumped off the ship. Arachu used her silk to take care of the rest of the pirates. The Gatlin' Gun had run out of ammo, the bullets were all exhausted and there were no more left. Everyone was shocked at the power of the Gatlin' Gun and Lyonlu slumped to the floor out of exhaustion. "That shit's heavy, I'll tell ya that."

Twinky was twitching and, being furious yelled. "How dare you- How dare you shoot down my men, die, every last one of you!" Twinky then dashed to the SS. Canyon and Kyona trying to stop her from boarding the ship ran towards Twinky and they clashed weapons. "So, it's a catgirl versus catgirl fight then huh, Twinky, I didn't want to have it come to this, but I guess we have to now." Kyona said as she swang her dagger to Twinky's arm, trying to knock her to her feet. Twinky dodged and struck Kyona's arm and making a small slash in her bikini, making her arm bleed and resulting in her dropping one of her daggers. Kyona said "Ow." Twinky then continued to swing at Kyona and Kyona blocked most of them with her remaining dagger. Then, Twinky threw one of her cutlasses at Kyona and it struck her cheek, just barely scraping her. Then, Lyonlu tried to run over to help Kyona, but Twinky pulled the planks up, while moving back to her ship with Kyona attacking her. After several attacks with one on one cutlass fighting, Kyona tried a different approach and run up one of the ship's masts and then launched herself off of it at full force, knocking Twinky's remaining cutlass into the water below and Twinky stumbled backwards, close to the edge of the ship, then Kyona pushed Twinky off the ship into the waters below.

"Now, I gotta pull her up again, because we can't harm our friends that badly. I declare her my friend anyway."

Kyona rushed over to the lever by the steering wheel on the ship and sent the anchor down into the water, it hooked Twinky's jacket onto it and pulled her up. Twinky was barely breathing and Kyona, being a bit hesitant, decided to perform CPR on Twinky. After 30 presses and 3 breaths, Twinky opened her eyes, they were their normal magenta color. "Twinky, are you back to normal, are you okay?!" Kyona yelled, almost crying.

Twinky responded weakly after coughing up water, "I'm okay Kyona, no need to worry, I'm not sure what happened, but you rescued me, so thank you." Twinky head patted Kyona who was crying at this point, while she hugged Twinky. The second tower had been cleared.

After this, Kyona had found out by mistake that submerging the control device in liquid for a while, will destroy it. Just, then, the two ships were headed for whirlpools. Lyonlu tried to steer the SS. Canyon into Twinky's Ship to knock it off course, but the whirlpools power was too strong. The whirlpools swallowed and destroyed the two ships and the group, with their new ally and a few leftover pirates, fell into the strange whirlpools, which had a fiery hole at the bottom of them.

Chapter 2 End