Chapter 3- The Gates Of Hell

The group of four looked at their surroundings, they were in hell and lots of people were walking around to go to their jobs?!

"How the fuck did we end up here from the whirlpools, we aren't fuckin' dead yet." wondered Lyonlu. The group walked for a bit until they saw a Demon, no, The Devil Himself, Satan. He had a smart suit on, red skin and tail, yellow eyes, sharp teeth, a small black horn coming out of his chin and 2 big black horns coming out the sides of his head and he hid his red wings with a black claw on them. "Before you enter hell, you gotta sign a contract for some work here." said Satan.

"Why have we got to do that umm…" asked Kyona.

"Satan, you may call me Satan and you gotta do it, because the economy down in this hell has been shit lately to be honest and I need help with the paperwork filing all the new arrivals to hell, it's tough being the boss of this whole place, well, I used to be."

"W-why are you not the boss now Satan?" asked Kyona.

"Why? Because that fucking smug-ass knockoff Dracula stole my throne, that's why and I'm stuck with all the fucking paperwork now!" roared Satan. "Ever since a while ago, these people from other worlds hell's have been popping up here, first was more Grim Reapers. Death told me himself that he wasn't pleased with it and now this vampire that stole my throne!" Satan sighed. "So, what jobs did you wanna do again? The only things we have available right now is: Coal Miner, Lava caretaker and someone to help me with this paperwork."

"The vampire stole your throne is that right? Well, we did fall down here and it sounds like one of our friends that are being controlled by the devices, we need to save them and return them to their world if so!" exclaimed Kyona.

"I'll tell ya what, if you and your friends overthrow, or kill or get rid of the Dracula knockoff that stole my throne, that'll be your job and once it's completed, since you guys aren't actually dead, you can all go home, but If you die here, your souls are all mine and you will be stuck here forever." Satan said evilly. "Deal," said the group while shaking.


Kyona and the others accepted Satan's requests and headed over to the cult, with a few people wearing black and red robes, worshipping Lord Zhaknir. "Praise be to Lord Zhaknir, Praise be to Lord Zhaknir, Praise be to Lord Zhaknir." they chanted. The elder of the cult came to greet the group and asked if they wanted to join, in the 24/7 praying to Lord Zhaknir.

"No, we're here to stop your little ritual," Lyonlu muttered as she knocked out the elder. The cult then ran away and disbanded.

"Satan, how weak are the demons down in hell, that guy was a fuckin' wimp." said Lyonlu.

"Umm, the demons are very weak in this world, they are easily killed, unless they are being leaded. God hasn't contacted me in ages, I need to speak to him, maybe he knows i'm busy. That guy is too considerate sometimes and it can piss me off."

"Alright, goodbye Satan, we're off to go find the vampire and take him out!" said Kyona as she walked away.

"It's in the massive medieval castle, he'll be up the top!" Satan yelled back.

Once the group had made it to the castle, Satan contacted them, through a mobile device. "I'll be your guide, I want him gone too, so the least I can do is help, do watch out for the white-haired girl in your group, I sense a dark presence within her."

"How did you even put this- how did you give this to us?!" Lyonlu shouted down the device. "I slipped it to your friend's satchel when you weren't looking, you had it on you this whole time, also, recommendation, change out of the swimsuits into more normal clothes, unless you're going in the lava, swimming costumes aren't really advised to be worn." Kyona and Lyonlu nodded, thinking about all the bad people in hell and changed.

Then, imps and big demons with human-like skulls and horns came out of the castle and Kyona's head began to hurt a little, she clutched her head. A voice rang out and it said, "You cannot suppress me any longer, you've tried, haven't you Kyona? You tried very well, but ever since that incident with Clovis, I was awoken inside you from that trauma. Now, I shall awaken and destroy everything in my path."

"No!" Kyona said.

"What's up Kyona?'' asked Twinky.

Lyonlu told everyone to stay back, something was happening to Kyona and it wasn't good.

Then, Kyona let out a loud scream, making everyone else in the group cover their ears. Then, Kyona's hair color started to change from white, into black, her eyes, from red, to blue, her pupils, from circles, to slits, and her nail color, from red, to dark blue. Her armor color changed from grey to black.

"Kyona, you okay?" asked Lyonlu.

The new Kyona replied. "That is not my name. I am Anoyk." Her voice had a sort of echo to it.

Then, two big, beefy Giga Minotaurs showed up with an axe in one of their hands.

Anoyk turned to face them and she cut through them all, in a flash.

After they were defeated, Anoyk said "I will complete the goal myself, quickly and easily, I already knew who it was from the start, I'll see you after I defeat Daigha." Then Anoyk dashed through the crowd of demons and imps, burning them alive and left a trail of fire after her.

"Did we lose her? Is Kyona gone, forever? Dammit." Lyonlu tried to hold back her tears. "Even her tail and ears are the opposite color of what they were. Shit." Arachu and Twinky comforted Lyonlu.

"Die." Anoyk said and then Daigha crashed out the top of the castle, and then he beat his wings and flew up. "You may have had a pre-emptive strike, but your blood shall be mine." Daigha said as he flew down to Anoyk and tried to bite her, but it wasn't working, Anoyk was too fast.

As Daigha flew back up and tried to slash at Anoyk, Anoyk kept dodging them and then she jumped across several falling pieces of the castle to gain some height and leapt off of a piece, pulled out two daggers from the satchel, and landing on Daigha mid-air, stuck the two daggers in his sides, making him crash into the ground. "What is this overwhelming power?" muttered Daigha. With Anoyk on top of Daigha, it was over. He had been beaten. Then he pulled out one of the daggers and grazed Anoyk's arm, Anoyk, with extreme speed, pinned Daigha down on the ground and muttered "Any last words?" Daigha just smirked. Then, she proceeded to get up and drag Daigha across the floor, over to the lava and burnt some of his hair off, keeping it inches away from the lava. The extreme heat of the lava, destroyed the device controlling him. "He'll come back to his senses in a few minutes, let's massacre the last one. Hahahahaa~"

Daigha returned to normal after a few minutes, just like Anoyk had said. "What on earth happened?" he muttered. Anoyk sneezed and then returned to Kyona. "Eh, what, what happened? The castle is destroyed and Daigha is here and fine?!" Kyona was shocked, she didn't know a thing.

"No fuckin' way, I read up about this, I think Kyona has a split personality and we just had to have the killer one."

Satan walked over to them. "Holy shit, you guys actually did it, I'm not sure how, but I saw blood and black shadows, but you can leave hell now, all five of you, and I can finally rule over all of hell and make everyone suffer once again, while I push all the paperwork on my newfound assistant!" Satan let out a hearty laugh. "Gahahahahaha!" Then, he snapped his fingers and returned the group to the surface, leaving Satan and his ripped muscles, they were taken to Larginia.

"I need a rest after that, today's been too crazy." said Lyonlu, sitting by an inn.

"Let's get drunk and have a party." suggested Arachu.

The rest of the group all agreed with each other but ended up denying the suggestion. "We have things to do!" said Kyona.

"She's right, we still have other friends to save." agreed Lyonlu.

The group then decided to spend the night at the inn and they all slept until the morning.

Chapter 3 End