Chapter 1- A Familiar Face

A year after the events of Part 2:

Kyona ended up adopting a daughter, after seeing how Lyonlu's kids acted she wanted to look after one herself. That's all that really happened in the last year except for business as usual.

Meanwhile, In an underground base:

"Kirumi, you shall kill your mother for me, alright?"


"If you don't, Kirumi, you know what'll happen to you, right?"

"I-I know."

"Then, get it done!" the entity shouted.

The girl called Kirumi then ran off to the Larginian Castle, in a ragged dress with a hood.

Meanwhile, at the castle:

"Kirumi hasn't come home yet, I know you are supposed to let your children go, but, I'm worried. Maybe I should contact her with my portable orb." worried Queen Kyona.

The door burst open a few minutes later, and a girl wearing a hood in raggedy clothes, ran in, but was apprehended by the guards. "Do not run miss, state your name and reason for being here, otherwise you'll be thrown out."

The princess began to say, "Wait, she's with-" but she was cut off.

The girl then pulled a knife from her pocket. "I don't… have to listen… to a damn thing you say!" She then brute forced her way past the guards and headed straight for her mother. "I'll do this, so I can, so I can… save everyone!" The girl started to tear up. Then with a crying yell, she thrust the knife downward.

It just barely missed Queen Kyona as she couldn't force the dagger down any further. "I can't do it… I really am weak, after all," Kirumi sobbed. Then, she dropped the blade and it fell to the floor. "Well, well, well, you really have failed me once again Kirumi. You know what that means." said a distorted voice from Kirumi's orb.

Kirumi's eyes widened. "No, I tried, though."

"Trying isn't enough Kirumi, the fact still remains that you failed me, for the last time, hopefully you'll learn your lesson with a harsher punishment than just simple violence. I'll be coming soon with some friends. Ta-ta."

"How long have you been doing this Kirumi?" Kyona asked.

"Don't get mad, but, it's been… two weeks now." Kirumi replied.

Kirumi is the adopted daughter of the now Queen Of Larginia. A pink haired catgirl with blue eyes, light blue lipstick and black nails. She also wears short brown adventurer boots, and carries a Platinum Odachi with her, with a black hilt.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? Don't ever do something like this again, okay?!" Kyona cried while hugging her adopted daughter.

Meanwhile in an underground hideout:

"To think, this monster I created could turn out like this, heh, the mastery of my dark magic really paid off, since Angzel is now dead, I'll finish off the Fururi line once and for all, just like I did with her parents." The voice chuckles. "You better be ready… to die… Kyona-chan." A lizard bird-like screech roared through the hideout. "Blaightzer, it's time to go." Then the figure left with the figure named Blaightzer.

Meanwhile, back at the castle:

Kirumi and Kyona walked outside the castle doors and gate together to get some fresh air. While they were walking various shop and stall owners gave them food and whatever they needed, being paid for them of course. Everything was going well.

After shops and stalls had closed, at night, Kirumi went out for a walk, but as per her mother's request, had to take a guard with her this time for safety reasons. Kirumi and the guard walked around the empty streets of Larginia, until the guard was suddenly ambushed out of nowhere and ended up knocked out. Then Kirumi saw it and her mouth was covered. A deep rumbly voice said "You can't do shit can you?" The figure laughs evilly. "Boys, when you're done with him, let's have some fun with this hottie here, yeah?" The figure pointed to a back alley. Kirumi tried to mumble in shock, freaking out that a bunch of Orcs had ambushed them.

This one in particular was grey- skinned, wore metallic black shoulder armour, had green eyes, a pair of horns, had big feet and wore a brown loincloth with a metal skull on it.

The Orc, pulled Kirumi in closer, "You can call me Orgor, or master." Orgor said sinisterly. With muffled screaming, Kirumi was dragged into the back alley.

"That's what you get for failing me, Kirumi." said a figure, wearing a black skull mask, and a black jacket, as well as brown and gold striped trousers, as the figure walked through the main streets. The villagers with windows open were now shut in terror, since they had heard stories about this man.

Kyona, worrying that the guard wasn't picking up the orb, after she frequently checked to make sure Kirumi was alright, dashed out the castle onto the main street.

"To think, you'd just come right to me, I didn't even need to approach you Princess, or should I say, Queen?" said the man, as he kept walking forward.

"W-Who are you?" asked Kyona.

"Oh, you already know who I am, dare I say, that you know me quite well, Kyona-chan." said the man, as he took off his jacket and mask.

"No,… you died! Ryo Nozomi?!"

"That's what you thought. Back then, Angzel's final moments, I encased his hands in rock and then myself inside of a rock shield of sorts, and I have been perfecting my rock and dark magic attacks for these past 15 years. I see Orgor did well in capturing your daughter."

"What did you do with my daughter, Ryo?!" Kyona said angrily, clutching her fists. "I simply had the orcs ambush her, that's all and I'll eradicate the rest of the Fururi line, just like I did with Angzel and your parents." said Ryo with a smirk.

"You killed my parents too? I will never, ever, forgive you." said Kyona.

"What will you do? Fight me?" Ryo chuckles again. "That's useless, hahahahaha! You and what army?" With a snap of Ryo's fingers, several winged beings flew in the sky, hundreds even, and the sky turned blood red. "What have you done?!" shouted Kyona.

"Oh, not much, but I must be going, I have a meteorite to create." said Ryo, before hovering off up into the air to encase the sun in rock to destroy Karinan.

Kyona, having left in her adventurer's outfit, had weapons with her, so that wasn't a problem. The problem was the flying lizardmen-like beings in the sky and the goblins on land. Goblina was a nice goblin but fled the scene.

Goblina has blue eyes, a round brown nose, blonde hair into a small ponytail, wears a red hairclip and a black skirt with a brown jacket on top of a white dress shirt and wears black arm bracelets.

The lizardmen- like beings have eyes with slits of varying eye colors, the most common being red, green wings that faded to black on the inside, volcanic stone horns and spikes and they typically have sharp white claws.

Then, a giant one flew down and stood on its own two feet on the ground and let out a huge screech.