Chapter 2- The Conqueror Of Worlds

Blaightzer, The Conqueror Of Worlds has red and black wings with white talons, it has a blue gem embedded into its head in between 6 horns encased in brass, it also has brass spikes along its back, it wears a black eyepatch over its right eye, and has black eyes with red irises, a green reptilian head, its body is a black plated insect exoskeleton, with yellowy-orange kneecaps, sharp white claws on its hands and feet, and has three green crocodile tails, they act like the heads of a Hydra, one falls off, two regrow in its place.

After the screech, with a voice echoing from the gem the creature said, "My name is Blaightzer, Conqueror Of Worlds, I've been created by Nozomi-san to kill you." Blaightzer smeared some blood across his chest and readied his greatsword. "A black metal sword, with silver skulls and bones on it huh? Reminds of something I could see Lyonlu using." muttered Kyona. Then, Blaightzer cut through thin air and entered into an empty space, far from civillization. It was a set of ruins. Pillars and walls of abandoned buildings had blue ancient text written on them. Blaightzer's gem then said, "If you didn't guess yet, my cuts can teleport me and my opponent to safe spaces to fight whenever I swing it, meaning, we won't be interrupted from our one-on-one." With a screech, Blaightzer charged at Kyona. Kyona then dashed towards Blaightzer, clashing weapons with its greatsword. Blaightzer was far stronger though, as he sliced through Kyona's daggers, like it was nothing. With each replacement, it was sliced through every single time. Then Blaightzer flew up into the air and grabbed an ancient pillar and was getting ready to throw it at Kyona. The future looked bleak, but then a voice was heard, "You got this Kyona, we believe in you!" It was the citizens' thoughts. She heard them and they believed she could win, against all odds.

That's when, she poured all her energy into her last blade, Anoyk's energy, her energy. Kyona's blade then turned into a longsword. A longsword with red hooks on one side of the blade. The other side had a glowing yellow blade, with a red tube coming out of the side, going to the black hilt.

She leapt up in the air to reach Blaightzer. Blaightzer screeched and threw down the pillar at Kyona. Kyona sliced through the pillar and kept going upward to slice Blaightzer. She stuck her sword in Blaightzer and it barely scratched it. His tough insect-like exoskeleton made hurting it difficult. Blaightzer then called some minions over to help and Kyona effortlessly sliced through all the minions, each slice resulting in a small straight line, turning into a red magic explosion. The screeching deaths of the minions drowned out Blaightzer's own screeches, which would have signalled it was doing something, but Kyona couldn't hear it and got hit by a falling pillar. Then a barrage of pillars were thrown at Kyona. She dodged them, but then, the pillars started transforming as they were being thrown down. The pillar had transformed into an ancient hand! Blaightzer had read the ancient spell out loud and turned the pillar into a stone hand with green energy pouring out! The hand grabbed Kyona and pinned her to the ground. She couldn't move, even in her angel form, she could not beat him?! Just then, one final voice spoke out to Kyona.

"Kyona, look I can't control others' actions in this world, I can only create. If I had anticipated this would happen, I would have killed Ryo, but I let him be, knowing full well he was evil. I thought he could change, but he didn't. I'm sorry, Kyona and I'm sorry to your friends too."

"Is that you, The Creator?" asked Kyona.

"Yes, it is I. The Creator." The creator sighed. " I can give you the power to defeat Blaightzer, but it'll include a fraction of my power, I trust you Kyona. Win this, not just for the sake of you, your friends and the world, but for me as well! You must defeat Ryo and Blaightzer once and for all, to end this endless fighting!"

Kyona's mind then came to its senses. "Thank you, Anoyk, everyone, The Creator, for this power. I will not let you down!" Kyona said. Blaightzer screeched, and grabbed an entire building and threw it at Kyona. With her new power from the help of everyone, she chanted out the ancient spell.

"When ancient spirits lay to rest,

People looked after this place,

The Ancient spirits then woke up next,

To find the people had fallen from grace!"

Then the building imploded on itself and blew up into a blue ancient type of magic and Blaightzer's arms were no more. Blaightzer screeched the loudest it had screeched before. Then, Blaightzer grew four arms. Kyona was surprised at first but figured it out. "This thing works like a Hydra, if you cut off one thing, it gets replaced by more. So, if I go for all three tails at once and then slice it again in the middle of recreating itself and extra tails, then, that'll be it!" Blaightzer then, divebombed down to Kyona and breathed fire at her, but Kyona got behind Blaightzer and Blaightzer, scratched Kyona however, with her Double Ultimate Form, with her glowing eyes and pink aura, she sliced all three crocodile tails and then quickly sliced the regrowing parts, when they started to reform and Blaightzer shrieked. Blaightzer shrieked and screeched while clutching it's heart. Then, its body formed glowing orange cracks and crumbled into dust. Kyona, then faced the bodyless head and plunged her powerful longsword into the blue gem on Blaightzer's head, turning it into dust and letting it float away in the wind. Then, she was returned to the streets of Larginia, wounded and bloody, but standing proud, with her longsword to her side. Blaightzer, Conqueror Of Worlds, was defeated.