Chapter Final - The Meteor

When Kyona had arrived back, some of her old friends and the guards appeared to stop Ryo once and for all. Most of the flying lizardmen creatures and the evil goblins had been shot down with bows and arrows. Where only a few remained, before they were shot down too. Lyonlu and Klawe were among the old friends that appeared to take him down once and for all.

"Kyona, it's only fair you should be the one to end this." said Klawe.

"There is the whole history thing you have going on." said Arachu.

"We'll hold these small bastards off, go get 'im, aight Kyo? said Lyonlu.

"Thanks guys." Kyona then healed her wounds and leapt from building to building until she was in the air, and flew into space towards Ryo and the rockified sun.

"I'm not sure how you defeated Blaightzer, but, I can feel your aura. I dislike it. No matter, you'll die just like your brother did, like brother, like sister, it will end the same."

No, Ryo, It'll be different this time!"

Ryo turned to face Kyona. "Oh will it now? My dark breathing bubble keeps me alive and breathing up here. It's only a matter of time until you die, Kyona-chan."

No, you'll die, Ryo!" Kyona then flew forward to Ryo, making a cut in his arm. "That was just a warning."

Ryo had two things up his sleeve, or, rather two advantages, his dark magic to control people around him, and rock building on top of the already rocky sun.

Ryo started to create a spiky rock pillar, but it was actually a trail chasing Kyona. Kyona knew if she would be hit head on with this, she would die, she tried to avoid it, but the trail scraped her wherever she went and Kyona ended up with a lot of cuts on her midriff, arms and legs. Her gold and silver wings from her new form were unharmed.

"Now, Die!" Ryo hurled a dark energy ball over to the nearby satellite station and controlled the operator's mind to fire a laser at Kyona, meanwhile the rock still chasing her. The laser fired and Kyona, thinking smartly, flew in such a way, where the laser hit the rock and not her. A small hole opened in the sun's rock casing. Kyona stuck her sword and sliced from the hole all the way around the sun.

Kyona had foiled Ryo's plans.

Ryo, still intending on destroying the Fururi line, he had had so much trouble with over the years, wanted to eradicate them all. Why?

When Ryo was a young teenager, he was picked on at school by Angzel, since they both went to a posh school, they were both wealthy at the time, but ever since Ryo's father had died, things hadn't been the same and he was sick of being teased by Angzel on top of all that and swore to fight him to prove himself. That day, marked the day of his descent into madness. All he could think about were ways to try to hurt his now mortal enemy or upset him, to make him mad so they would have to fight. Ryo became obsessed with fighting, so much, that he eventually committed crimes like arson and murder. He felt a rush, he couldn't feel from fighting punks on the streets. and ever since he had been hellbent on revenge.

"Why do you want to kill our family so much?" asked Kyona.

"It's because of Angzel and my father."

"That's really your best reasoning? For all of this?!"

"Don't talk down about my father!" yelled Ryo as he sent dark energy balls to try to eat away at Kyona.

"Useless, without a surface to build your rocks off of, you are useless."

Ryo then built rocks off of himself and Kyona almost got squashed between the floating rock walls multiple times, getting injured badly, and then Ryo started to pound the trail walls faster together. "I'll grind you into mince meat!" Then Ryo sent one final rock wall towards Kyona. But an orange slice cut through the spiky rock walls and looked like a magic slash of sorts. Ryo desperately used all the rest of his dark magic and rock moves: More rock walls, dark energy balls, life-sapping magic, literally everything he had. But the slash went through his arm and while distracted, Kyona charged up energy from her glowing sword and aura and then fired it into an orange beam. "How foolish." Ryo then blocked the beam with a hidden piece of rock underneath his sleeve. But, he didn't notice in that second, Kyona was behind him and powerfully kicked him into the planet Karinan. Ryo crashed into the ground. Kyona readied her blade and got ready to kill Ryo, once and for all. Klawe shouted "No, Kyona, don't, If you kill him, you aren't any better than him!"

"You're right, Klawe, I won't kill you, but you will be locked away for a long time."

Then, suddenly a rift opened up, with some men in red and black heavy duty assault armor, carrying railguns and one of them had a black and purple design and wore a leather jacket and all of them had white Xs on their shoulders.

"What is… this?!" Kyona said, shocked.

The purple and black armored figure pointed to Kyona, her friends and the guards. "Kill them all!" He shouted.


"What is this enemy? I didn't create this! Did someone else have creation powers besides me in this world?! No, could he have? Are these from another planet?!" The creator was shocked.

At the battle:

"I can create things in this world, through dark magic, anything I want. This… looks to be the end. I realised the reasoning behind my actions was foolish, being picked on after my father died, but, I didn't regret it. It was simply such a thrill! AHAHAHAHA!" As Ryo began to weakly get up, the purple and black figure came up to him.

??? came from an otherworldly rift. on top of the purple and black heavy assault armor, he wore a tactical armor helmet and on top of that was a black army commanders helmet with a purple strip across it. Instead of red glowing rectangular eyes, this one's were purple. Black metal tubes came out from the tactical armor helmet's mouth gas mask and linked to the back of its head. He wears a charge pack on the outside instead of the inside, like the others and he holds a shotgun.

"Die." he said.

"No!" shouted Kyona, while battling the other armored men.

Then, the shotgun fired and the shot went through Ryo's head, killing him, once and for all.

"It's an endless amount, they just keep coming!" shouted Kyona, while trying to fend off against the overwhelming amount of armored soldiers.

Klawe turned into her dragon form and flew through a horde of soldiers and managed to catch and kill some of them. "We'll take care of these guys, somehow!" shouted Lyonlu. Klawe, then flew through a group of soldiers and hit the one with the crossbow, but he punched and shot Klawe's wing, which sent her off course and crashing into buildings . Kyona ran for the one with the shotgun which seemed to be the group's leader. He grabbed Kyona's neck mid-run and lifted her up. In a sort of robotic and echoey voice, he asked, "Do you know who I am?"

Kyona barely uttered the words, "No." Then, the enemy tightened their grip.

"So, you can still talk. You don't need to know my name."

Kyona grabbed her longsword from her side and swung at the figure. But the figure grabbed her hand, and threw the sword away. "Are you that desperate to know, or are you just clinging to life? Look around, buildings are burning, your friends are dying, no one can save you now. As your last memory, make sure you remember this well, my name is Cranitorrius, now you shall die."

Meanwhile, at the creator's station:

C'mon, c'mon, almost done… and done! His power levels are off the charts but, this is all I can do, technically i'm slightly bending the rules, but that doesn't matter right now, you must win this, otherwise this whole place will become a desolate wasteland!"

At the battlefield:

Kyona could not speak and was struggling for air, while Cranitorrius' grip was intensifying. Then, dust sprinkled from the sky and it formed into a bottle and it landed on Kyona's head, breaking, creating a shockwave, that sent everyone within a 5 mile radius flying away from her.

"What…? This power?!" exclaimed Cranitorrius.

"What were you saying, about my last memory?" Kyona smirked. "Now we can fight properly, fairly, with the same amount of power… Cranitorrius!"

"Really? Come at me then." said Cranitorrius, as he started firing shots at an extremely fast rate. Kyona sped as fast as a lightning bolt and picked up her sword and slashed the shotgun in half. Cranitorrius then, pressed a button on his hip, and his boots turned into rocket boots and he flew upwards. Kyona flew after him and Cranitorrius tripped her up and then elbowed her into the ground. She flew back up with a few bruises and sped after Cranitorrius and they fought so fast, nobody could see what was going on between the two. "Let me tell you something about me, Miss. I come from Springtzen, a place in constant and neverending war. We defeated the people in that world, and will here as well. There truly is no escape." Then, Cranitorrius knocked Kyona down to the ground. He flew down after her and grabbed one of his men's railguns off the floor. He fired, hitting Kyona's hip, completely blasting the bone away. Kyona, laid on the ground, yelling in pain, tears forming at her eyes. "I missed, I'm not used to using these railguns anymore. I'm kidding, I'm giving you a chance."

"You shouldn't have." Kyona then swung her sword at Cranitorrius, but it was a trick and she got up and kneed him in the face, breaking his armor and one of his tubes, revealing one of his bloodshot blue eyes. Cranitorrius coughed and spluttered, then Kyona sped behind him and stuck her sword through his energy pack, which deactivated the other soldiers, which turned out to be robots.

Fueled with rage, Cranitorrius punched and kicked, deflected and coughed. After five minutes of extremely fast attacks from the two. Kyona dashed froward and managed to grab Cranitorrius' second helmet tube and without hesitation, pulled it. Cranitorrius grabbed Kyona's neck for one final attempt to strangle her, but his grip slowly weakened and weakened until he let go of her neck. His body fell to the floor and was lifeless. The world was saved. Kyona, with The Creator's support had overcome every enemy that appeared before her and then the rift closed.