Epilogue & Afterword

The world had been saved again. Kirumi had come back to her mother, bloodied in orc blood, Kyona comforted her even more than usual and told everything bad here was Ryo's doing. Kyona soon lost her power from The Creator after the fight with Cranitorrius. Finally, the world, was at peace. All enemies had been vanquished. The castle, everyone, allies, new and old, had gathered for a party bigger than the one just about a decade and a half ago. "Wagyu beef?!" Lyonlu's eyes sparkled. "This is my favourite food!" Lyonlu pounced on the wagyu beef and ate it within a few minutes. Kyona smiled from afar. Once, she came back to her senses, she realised others had been watching her, and she slowly slithered out the room with the wagyu beef. "How many people do we have here?" asked Gerald to himself, while looking at the paper listing everyone's names. "Even her vtuber friends came here for the party, literally everyone did."

Kyona walked over to Lyonlu, on the balcony by her bedroom. "Lyonlu, I'm glad peace is finally here, now we can focus on making this place thrive and creating content!"

"Mhm, I suppose in my case though, I'll have to look after my kids huh?"

"Say, when did you plan on becoming, well, what they call vtubers, Lyonlu?"

"I debuted last year, didn't I?."

"Hmm, so you did, Are you coming back to the party?"

"Yeah, I'll come back, let's go Kyona, might as well celebrate with everyone."

Then, they both walked back to the party after Lyonlu had had her moment of peace.

Everyone spent the night drinking and talking the night away. This is how the book closed, and the story ended for World Reverse.

"Kyona… Kyona." A voice was heard in the distance. Kyona woke up and heard Lyonlu's voice. "Kyona, snap out of it!"

Kyona got up off the floor and stood up, looking at the bruised Lyonlu. "What happened? Who are you?" She stood shocked.

"What the fuck do you mean, I'm your childhood friend, Lyonlu! Most of the village is either on fire, or destroyed and most of our friends are now dead, even if Cranitorrius is dead!" Lyonlu points to Klawe. "Even her." she shouted, tears welling up in her eyes. "Hey, are you listening to me?!" She cried. "It's no use, she's completely clueless, did she get memory loss, but how?" Just then, an orcish figure slipped back down the alleyway. Lyonlu, carrying Kyona ran through the alleyway. The orc ran through tight areas and Lyonlu sped after him, chasing him down, until after several tight alleyways and turns, Lyonlu caught up to him and ended up by a campfire, with Kirumi laying on the ground unconscious, covered in orc blood, beside a whole bunch of orcs, grinning at her.

Two Orcs charged at Lyonlu, while she was setting Kyona down gently on the ground, and she knocked both of them out with a punch to the face. Orgor got up and shot a purple energy ball with a blowdart gun, at Lyonlu, but she dodged it. "So, this is what you shot at her for memory loss, huh? So, If I pound your ass into the ground, she'll remember everything, yeah?!" She yelled angrily, and with a punch to the belly, an uppercut to the chin and a punch with her brass knuckles on to the top of the head, smashing the skull, Orgor fell to the floor with a loud thud. "Damn Orcs. Well, off home we go, Kyona should slowly start remembering shit now."

A groany voice was heard. "Not so fast, Lyonlu-chan."

Lyonlu whipped her body around and came face to face with a zombified Ryo. "Sure, I don't have my magic anymore, but you really thought I couldn't use the last of my power to revive myself, into a zombie?! I cannot die!" Lyonlu pressed a button on her brass knuckles and spikes grew out of them, as she cut off Ryo's head. "Body, kill her!" Lyonlu cut up Ryo's Body, but it was getting itself back together. Lyonlu needed to be quick, to defeat Zombie Ryo. The brain is the only organ left functioning.

"The only reason i'm still alive is because I used my own magic on myself in the moment I was getting up! HAHAHAHAHAAHAH!"

"Why won't you die?! You bastard!" Lyonlu ran, slithering towards Ryo's head on the ground. Zombie Ryo's detached hands grabbed Lyonlu's tail, tripping her up. "Shit, I need to end this once and for all! ARGHHH!" She yelled. "You've lost, just face your inevitable death!"

Then a figure stabbed a sword through Ryo's head, piercing his brain. "What?! KYONA-CHAN?! Like an assassin, almost dashing at the speed of light, she had woken up, ran and stabbed Ryo's head with her ultimate longsword. Then, she took it out and black blood came pouring out of Ryo's head. "How, was I… The Sin Of Greed… defeated?!" Then, Zombie Ryo's body turned to black ashes and blew away in the wind.

"This country is ruined, but with the help of the rest of Lunia and Pusia, we can rebuild this country."

Lyonlu got up from the floor. "Yeah, we'll take your daughter with us, we'll clean up her bloody and soiled clothes and then we will rebuild the destroyed half of the castle, with the help of the remaining villagers too."

"Let's go." Kyona said, her sword by her side.

As the story meets its end, with Zombie Ryo defeated, and all his minions gone, Kyona and Lyonlu set to restore the lost kingdom with the help of the remaining population in Larginia and the help of other continents and within two years, Larginia was rebuilt, better than ever. Kirumi grew up to become the princess of Larginia.

Sophie, wearing her glasses, became nurse at the local hospital.

Lucy became part of Lyonlu's gang. The now-renamed gang from the Homeji to the Labado gang.

And Rebecca became a lawyer.

August 23rd 2027

A guy wearing a jacket, blue jeans and black sunglasses with black pompadour hair and a pencil mustache and petit goatee walked into the castle, where Lyonlu was with Kyona. "Yo, Lyonlu, how's the gang comin' along after I handed it over to ya?" The guy asked.

"It's not goin' too bad, Alex. I'm trainin' my daughter with the new crew, glad to see you're doin' well. How's life in the mountains?"

"It's goin' alright, got myself a nice family now."

Lyonlu laughed. "Glad to hear it."

Kyona walked in with Gerald from the kitchen. "Hello, you must be Homeji? Lyonlu's told me some things about you!"

"I'm guessin' this is yer friend, Kyona- er, Princess- wait no, Queen Kyona." Alex Homeji bowed.

"Hehe, there's no need Alex. Would you like to stay for tea?" Kyona offered.

"Oh well, okay." Alex scratched his head and agreed.

"Wait right there, Alex. I still haven't had any of your blood." A female vampire said menacingly as she walked through the castle doors.

The vampire wears a big black vampire hat with purple feathers sticking out of it. She wears a blood vial attached to a silver necklace. Her hair is black which fades to a red ponytail and she has blue eyes as slits and has two sharp fangs. She wears a charm choker around her arm and wears crimson colored bandages over her legs with small black belts over them.

She wears big black boots and black scratched tights. She wears a black tattered skirt and a black belt on her waist and she wears a black latex top. She also wears crimson bandages on the bottom half of her arms to the palms of her hands.

"Lulia? Is that you? I thought you were stuck in the orphanage fire?!" said a surprised Kyona.

"I...uhh, left the orphanage a few hours before I heard about it the day after on the orb news station, I got in an argument with staff and left for the mountains. That's where I became friends with Alex."

"I'm happy to see you are still alright!"

"Yep, I live on my own in a mansion in the mountains now. Kyono Kamiha, my sister, has died, so she isn't there with me anymore. She turned to the side of evil and never came back. It all started when we were warped to different worlds. Her, to stop a possessive virus, although she only ended up joining the villains in that world, and me, adventuring in a ruined city to save people from turning to monsters. Anyway, who's the girl with the short black hair?"

"That's Lyonlu."

"Gosh, She looks so different from the shy girl I once saw in the corner every day.

"Mhm, as I was saying, would you care to join us for tea?" asked Kyona.

"Sure, I have some time to kill."

"Miss Jaeger, I'll prepare some blood for you," said Gerald.

The group had tea together that day and Alex went back to live in the mountains as Kyona and Lyonlu waved goodbye. Lulia left for her mansion secluded deep in the mountains in a dark forest. Kyona and Lyonlu went to the graveyard and cried over their friend's graves. Out of all their friends, Kyona, Lyonlu, Fiola, Ella, Mark, Daigha, Sploop, Clara, Aiko, Alex and Lulia were the only ones still alive.

With Lyonlu and Kyona heading back into the castle and their kids living their own lives, the story comes to an end.

World Reverse

The End?