A Day In The Life Of A Goblin

My name is Goblina, and I live in a cave with other goblins and my two attendants who look after me. Elizabeth and Klefus.

(Elizabeth: Nickname Eliza: A dark elf. Her hair is usually in a black ponytail, she carries a spear, wears a purple piece of fabric on her chest area and bottom area, up in the shape of two jaws, and wears purple gloves, wears small black adventure boots, on her purple fabric that only leaves her belly button exposed, there are 2 black X's on her chest, wears black tights, red eyes, is Ella Flores younger sister.)

(Klefus: Wears a green and white robe and hat with a gold cross on it, wears round black glasses, short black hair, blue eyes, has a wooden staff sometimes on her, with a yellow ball inside of it, can shapeshift to a male form.)

I also own a pet named PyunPyun and I think they are very cute.

(PyunPyun: A little purple spirit that can take the form of a cat. Cat form: Has yellow eyes and purple fur. Has a black X on its forehead. Likes to sometimes wear a witch's hat for fun.)

I am writing a diary to keep track of my daily life, so, I'll share today with you.

Today, our mission was to get some water from the forest's river for the goblin chief, so me, Eliza (I like calling Elizabeth, Eliza for short, heheh) Klefus and PyunPyun walked to the nearby river to fetch some water for the chief. There we met a lamia sitting on the riverside by herself, so we had a chat and she said she was sitting here for a break. She said her name was Lyonlu and she frequently visited the princess of Larginia, Kyona.

Lyonlu then said she had to go look after her children, so she left and returned to Larginia after a few minutes. Then, Eliza notified me of some male goblins that had turned up near the forest's river and we decided to leave with water in hand.

(Note: The male goblins were turned against us females long ago by a curse that befell them, the chief was the only one strong enough to withstand the curse and not let it consume him, so he kinda keeps the population running.)

We returned to the cave with water in hand and gave it to the goblin chief.

(Goblin Chief: A big goblin with a black beard and black hair, wears a brown loincloth, has black nails and yellow eyes and sits in his goblin throne in the goblin cave.)

The chief thanked us and then all four of us walked to a nearby tavern which allowed goblins and pets and we all had some drinks. Then, afterwards, Elizabeth carried the drunken Klefus home back to the goblin cave where we slept until sunrise.
