
Around 500 years ago, a great evil befell the world, a great draconic demon named Azekron Kaziera, who inhabited the souls of sin for their own power. They were a terrible beast, causing massive destruction to the land and obliterating all who faced him. He had an owner, he was dubbed, The Dark One. The team was a very strong duo and destroyed countless cities. A hero stood up to fight them, a goddess even and defeated the demon Azekron, while The Dark One slipped back into the shadows. That is the legend of The Dark One. But, a great evil will soon befall the planet of Karinan once more. Will another goddess rise to the challenge yet again or will doom seal the planet's fate?

Outside the castle in Larginia:

"Oh Lyonlu, how've you been? How are the kids?" asked Kyona.

"They are all grown-up now, I don't see them too often, but they tell me they are doin' fine." replied Lyonlu. "By the way Kyona, when did you get those flowers?" asked Lyonlu as she pointed to some tulips.

"I got them recently from a florist! I just had to have them, they looked so pretty!" beamed Kyona. "Anyway, I've watered them, so would you like to come inside?"

Lyonlu took Kyona up on her offer and as they walked inside, they saw a fly buzzing around in the main hall.

"Sorry, it's not usually this dirty these days. Please take a seat, Lyonlu." said Kyona sweetly.

Lyonlu was about to sit down, but she heard the fly muttering something.

"The abyzz of darknezz.. come forthz… Anoykz…" That was all that Lyonlu could hear from the fly. She realised this was no ordinary fly.

"Kyona, duck!" Lyonlu shouted, as Kyona stopped to look at Lyonlu, the fly completed his chant and landed on Kyona's forehead. Kyona's forehead then glowed blue where the fly was positioned and then the fly flew off Kyona's head as she dropped her tea set in her hands and started to clutch her head and groan in pain.

The blue glowing spot grew larger and a blue spirit floated out of Kyona's ear. Then, Kyona passed out, unconscious.

The blue spirit then began to take form and it turned out to be Anoyk herself. She muttered quietly, "I am free, no longer trapped in her head. Thank you, Beelzebub, for freeing me. Let's go elsewhere. I need my own space." and just like that, Anoyk and the fly, now identified as Beelzebub, left the castle. Lyonlu chased after them, but Anoyk had sealed the door shut with magic, which weakened the further she walked away.

Lyonlu rushed to Kyona's unconscious body and shook her, trying to wake her up. "Kyona! Kyona, wake up! Please!" Kyona slowly came to and woke up.

"What happened to me, Lyonlu?" she asked, while waking up. Lyonlu told her about the magic power of Anoyk and that she was not a split personality, but a catgirl that had the power to take over her mind completely as a small spirit, for a brief period of time.

"There must still be remnants of Ryo Nozomi's allies after his death." said Lyonlu.

Just then, a loud whirring noise had sounded from outside, so Kyona and Lyonlu both opened the weakened doors and stepped outside to see it. There were several portals opening up around the city, other entities from different universes were stepping into Larginia.

2 portals had appeared before the castle, one:

A dragon girl had stepped out who had lavender shoulder-length hair, scales and eyes and had two short fangs. She had bony ears and straight, short bangs. She had a long bony tail with spikes sticking out of it and wore pink lipstick. Her clothes were a small purple dress with crescent moons and twinkling stars on it, with purple gloves and knee-high socks. She wore white shoes and turquoise vial-shaped earrings. She carried a wooden staff with her that housed a pink gem in it.

The second person that stepped out of the portal was a dwarven elf that had light blue pigtails for hair and red eyes. She wore white stockings and brown boots with a small white dress. She also wore thick brown gloves.

The second portal also housed two people:

The first being an elven mage with long purple hair and red eyes. She had black fingernails and wore pink lipstick. She wore metal shoulder pads and a dark blue dress with a metal dragon head at the v-neck, she wore black tights and high heels.

The second person was a gunslinger who wore a red waistcoat and a black shirt underneath, a black necklace with a silver pendant, black jeans and boots. He had a small gold earring in his left ear and blonde hair with side-burns and blue eyes. He also wore a white cowboy hat.

All four of them introduced themselves to each other and Kyona and Lyonlu too. "So, the dragon girl's name is Azoth, the dwarven elf is Eleina, the elven mage is Craelza and the gunslinger is Aaron, interesting names for sure." Kyona muttered to herself.

"These portals, wormholes, whatever they are, are becoming more and more present recently." muttered Lyonlu. " Why is this happening?"

"Why don't we go to the guild and see if any requests need doing?" suggested Eleina.

"That's a great idea!" said Kyona.

"Hold on, these wormholes or whatever are concerning, do you think it's something to do with the remnants of Ryo's forces?" argued Lyonlu.

"We can't reach them currently, they are locked away in some hellscape." said Craelza.

"Well, we'll have to find them along the way." said Kyona. "That's all we can do, let's go to the adventurer's guild. Maybe the receptionist will know where they went."

Everyone set off for the adventurer's guild to take on a request, all but two.

Aaron and Craelza then hid behind the side corner to the castle while the other four set off for the adventurer's guild. Aaron took a phone call. "Good work, you two. You managed to slip away after I teleported you straight to them. What a joke! You utter fools! Why on earth did you not kill them when they were weakened right then and there?! What are you doing you lazy pieces of shit, introducing yourselves to them?! How disrespectful could you possibly-"

"We'll decide what we do and when we do it. Won't we, Craelza?" said Aaron as he ended the call and turned to Craelza. Craelza smirked silently.

Meanwhile, the guild receptionist was panicking as she exclaimed to Kyona, "It's terrible, the king of Frostville, King Frederick III, has been overthrown by a horrific beast!"

"We don't have time for this! We need to know if you saw a black-haired catgirl walk by!" yelled Lyonlu as she cut into the conversation.

"No, unfortunately not." said the receptionist, trying to regain her composure.

"Figures." sighed Lyonlu.

"Anyway about the horrific beast…" the receptionist started to say.

"A horrific beast you say, we'll take it!" said Azoth while looking determined.

"Hey, you can't go making decisions like that yourself!" shouted Lyonlu.

"That's great, i'm so happy to hear it, I don't know what I would do if nobody took the quest." weeped the receptionist.

"Alright, let's go then." sighed Lyonlu. "It's going to be fucking freezing."

The receptionist yelled at them as they were leaving, "Please come back safe! There is a horse outside in warm arctic clothing who will pull a carriage for you to Frostville!"

The party then waved off the receptionist and Kyona yelled back "Thank you!". Then, the party was on their way to Frostville.