Chapter 1: The King Of Ice

On the way to Frostville, Kyona and the others were shuddering in the cold.

"How m-much l-l-longer until we get th-th-there? I'm almost dying…" shuddered Lyonlu.

Ac-c-c-c-cording to the map, we only just left the thick forest into the snowy landscape." said Kyona. She turned to face Lyonlu. "Aaaaah, you're freezing up that quickly? I should have considered you were cold-blooded!" panicked Kyona.

"Don't worry, I have a potion just for this occasion!" Azoth reached into her pocket and pulling out a glowing orange potion. "It's a heating potion, whoever drinks it will heat up and become more hot rather than cold!" She handed the potion to Kyona who desperately started pouring it over Lyonlu's cold mouth.

"I won't be able to drink it like that…" Lyonlu said weakly as she smiled and then opened her mouth to drink the heating potion.

"Oh, I forgot to mention, the potion can cause fevers as a side effect." said Azoth. Kyona looked at her, eyes widened. "Why didn't you tell me that before?!" She regained her composure. "Th-thanks though, that's great to know…" she said.

When Lyonlu awoke, they were halfway through the snowy landscape and there was a flame coming from Azoth's hand to warm up the carriage.

"She's awake!" yelled Eleina.

Lyonlu looked up to see Kyona asleep, resting her head on her lap. Lyonlu jolted awake at the sound of a crash. The carriage was still moving, but a swarm of snowlings had jumped onto the carriage. They had faces like jack-o-lanterns and 3 icy spikes atop their head. They had attached themselves to the carriage but they were melting once they hit it because of the heat. "So, you're an alchemist, are you, Azoth?" asked Kyona sleepily, who had been woken up by the snowlings' attacks.

"Yes, I am, I have made several potions before but they seem to always have side-effects. I can also use the power of fire, as you see before you."

"What kind of potions have you made?"

"Well, I have made all sorts of potions…" Azoth continued to talk about the various different types of potions she has made over the years of her being an alchemist the rest of the way to Frostville.


"They have arrived at Frostville, sir. We followed them there. It seems they are after the Ice King."

"Follow them further, wait until they make it back, then you can strike. You know what happens if you disobey me. Remember, you are my puppets and I own you both. Just like I own her real mother in this cage here. I will speak with you next, when you have dealt with the goddess that is to slay me."

Back to Kyona:

The group had finally arrived at Frostville, a quiet village near the mountain top up in the north with lots of brown straw houses dotted around the area.

It's terrible, please, you have to save us!" A big man with blonde hair and a beard and blue eyes, wearing blue robes with white fur and pink slippers and a golden crown approaches the group, that had just come out the carriage.

"The Ice King has taken over and everyone are terrified, so they are staying in their homes! The evil little snowlings come down every night to gnaw on us, you have to defeat the Ice King, please, he has taken over my castle!" pleaded the bearded man.

"That's what we are here to do, we were sent by the adventurer's guild in Larginia, but, could you please house this one somewhere as she won't be able to join in the fight because she is freezing out here." Kyona points to the shivering Lyonlu.

"Of, of course!" the bearded man leads Lyonlu into a guest's hut to warm up. The bearded man then returns to Kyona. "I will warn you though, there is a blizzard up on the mountain top where the castle resides, I hope you have some fire nearby, otherwise you will freeze to death." As if in response to the bearded man, Azoth creates a fire from her hand. "Oh, an alchemist, jolly good! Oh yes, my name is King Frederick III, The King Of Frostville."

"Alright, leave it to us, King Frederick III! We can take down this Ice King easily!" boasted Kyona.

"I hope so…" muttered King Frederick III, as the group of three wandered off into the mountains with a lit flame.

"This blizzard is really strong isn't it Eleina?!" shouted Kyona.

"Yeah, it is, it's a lot of snow and very thick too. Even with Azoth lighting the flame it's still quite loud!" Eleina shouted back.

"I'm getting tired, can we please rest?" asked Azoth, sleepily. Then she collapsed from exhaustion and the group found a cave to sleep in.

The next morning, when they awoke, the blizzard had calmed down and the group got ready to trek up the mountain some more.

"I hardly got much sleep last night, it was too cold." sighed Kyona.

"Me either." Eleina said. "At least the flame is being lit up again, so it'll be warmer."

"Alright, i'm ready to go up the mountain again!" exclaimed a refreshed Azoth.

The group had walked up most of the mountain until their path was blocked by a yeti. "Kill three arctic pigs and i'll let you pass."

"But, what if we don't want to-" Kyona started.

"Kill three arctic pigs and i'll let you pass! Dem's da rules!" shouted the yeti. Azoth saw some arctic pigs in the distance and created fire from her hand that extended to the arctic pigs and set them on fire. "You may now pass." smiled the yeti, before walking over to the arctic pigs and taking them with him deep into the mountains. "Food." he muttered.

Once they reached the top of the mountain, the castle was guarded by two snow golems, but they were torched by Azoth, so they were not a problem. As the group made it through the castle, snowlings and various guards came to attack them, but the group brute-forced their way through with the power of fire until they got to the throne room where the towering figure of the Ice King sat.

The Ice King had three blue icicles sticking out from its chest, it's body is half white and half icy blue. He has icicles on his shoulders, one for each. A large collection of snowballs, for its braids, 2 on either side of its head, and his shins and feet are made from snowballs too. Its arms and claws and hands are made from ice. Its foot claws are icy claws. It has three big icicles on top of its head, one in the middle and two on the sides. His face also resembled a jack-o-lantern.

The Ice King saw Azoth's flame alight and jumped out of the window, smashing it to pieces and then he unleashed a blizzard that blew out the flame and the Ice King manipulated this force and pushed it towards the group, making them fly out of the castle and into the snow outside. Once the group were outside, the Ice King readied his breath and was about to freeze them all. "Kyona, Azoth, he's about to use frost breath! Move out of the way!" Eleina shouted. Kyona and Azoth nodded and ran, while Eleina shielded herself in ice.

Azoth spoke to Kyona. "I'm going to run up to him and melt him with fire, the blizzard he created has almost subsided. You distract him, by running in first." Kyona nodded and then Kyona and Azoth both ran towards the Ice King as he tried to slash them with his icy claws. Eleina threw an ice spear to distract him even further, but then, the Ice King unleashed a ring of snow particles and a strong wind current around him to try to push them back. Kyona was flung back and managed to stay on the cliff's edge of the mountain, hanging on a branch. Eleina ran over to her to help her up. Azoth, determined, trudged forward, lighting a massive flame with both of her hands together, toward the Ice King still. She got close enough to him that she had started to melt his body and you could hear the Ice King groaning. Azoth kept pushing forward and the snow began to melt faster, the further she moved toward it. The Ice King in a few desperate attempts, tried to swing at Azoth with his icy claws, but he kept missing and eventually he became a puddle of water as he groaned into his watery grave.

The Ice King had perished, but due to his loud groans, a rumbling was heard, snow was falling and an avalanche was coming. Azoth tried to shield the other two from the avalanche, with some fire, but it was too strong and all three of them flew off the cliff, landing into some snow back in the village of Frostville at the bottom of the mountain.

"Oh thank goodness, you defeated him, the Ice King!" wailed a crying King Frederick III. He was crying tears of joy. "Come come, please, come inside the guest house, we can eat some food and talk while you rest up." The king then, let the group of three, shuddering from the avalanche, inside the guest house, where Lyonlu was temporarily housed.

"Hey, how was the trip?" asked Lyonlu, sipping some hot coffee.

"Cold." replied Kyona.

"I'll bet." smirked Lyonlu.

"Oh right, please warm yourselves up at the fireplace while you rest up. I'll see you four off in the morning." said King Frederick III, as he left and shut the door behind him.

"So, how was the Ice king?" asked Lyonlu.

"I don't wanna talk about how cold it was, it was just really cold, that's all." replied Kyona, who had wrapped herself in a warm blanket and sat by the fireplace. She then started to fall asleep and so did Leila and Azoth who were all sat by the fireplace.

"I guess Azoth survived because of her flames, I don't know how she made it of all people, she is cold-blooded too after all. Well, I won't sweat the details. Guess it's time for some rest." Lyonlu said to herself as she drifted off to sleep on a sofa in the room.

The next morning, the group was getting ready to leave as King Frederick said his goodbyes and brought their horse from the insulated pen.

"Just one last thing, before you go Kyona, if you ever need some help, please do not hesitate to give me a call through the orbs. I am indebted to you for saving this village." said King Frederick III.

"I will if I shall need to." replied Kyona, before stepping inside of the carriage where the others were already waiting for her. Kyona then stuck her head out of the window of the carriage and waved to the king as they were leaving back to Larginia.