Chapter 2: The Not-So Wise Old Fool

While the group were in the forest coming back from Frostville, the carriage entered a sort of mist and then the carriage's door flew open and violently shook to the side, sending the passengers out of the carriage onto the forest floor, while the horse sped down a detour.

"We are in the forest and on the way to Larginia, but, I don't see anything really here, except some beartraps, which is a little suspicious." said Kyona. "Just make sure to avoid them." Kyona spotted some ruins after walking through the forest a little. "I found some ruins, but it looks like there is nothing here, except a guard, guarding the entrance."

The guard activated as soon as the group got close and made a loud whirring sound as if it was turning on. It's two blue cores lit up and an hourglass in the middle of it's chest started a timer.

"I know about these, my mother, the queen of Larginia told me about them, she said the gods created these guardians to guard special ruins and they were each different and that only a god or a descendant of a god can de-activate them! They are highly dangerous and are hardly possible to defeat by any normal means! This is the Ruin Timekeeper and it shouldn't normally activate, meaning it's been forced!" exclaimed Kyona.

The Ruin Timekeeper is made of copper, has black wheels as feet, with glass wings, red zigzag patterns engraved on its body and face, a W and M shaped pattern around its 2 blue cores, its eye and its stomach eye. It has chainsaws for hands. They are interchangeable with rocket launchers for long range attacks. Can also shoot out explosive barrels out of its back, that can launch really far. When the hourglass in its chest stops, then it will go into frenzy mode, which pulls out every weapon in its arsenal at once.

The Ruin Timekeeper then flew up with its glass wings and dove down at the group, spinning its chainsaws as the group dispersed in four different directions. The Ruin Timekeeper then rushed at Azoth who tried to melt his copper body, but the Ruin Timekeeper charged onward. Then, the Ruin Timekeeper switched its chainsaw hands out for rocket launchers at fired at Kyona who ran as fast as she could, with explosions happening behind her. The Ruin Timekeeper then tried to hit everyone at once by dropping explosive barrels out of the compartment in its back, but it was only around the Ruin Timekeeper, so they hit nobody. The Ruin Timekeeper had had enough so it forced the hourglass to push all the sand to the bottom and stop, making itself go into frenzy mode.

Kyona shouted, while dodging the onslaught of attacks, "It's too powerful, I wish we could make the Ruin Timekeeper self-destruct somehow!". Then, as if it had heard her, the Ruin Timekeeper started a new timer. "A goddess' descendant has spoken. Order: Self- Destruct. Activating self-destruct in five…"

"We have to get out of here or its gonna blow!" shouted Kyona.


"Which way do we go?! The way we came from has been closed off!" yelled Lyonlu.


"I don't know, maybe there's a clearing of bushes somewhere!" shouted Azoth over the Ruin Timekeeper.


"Found it!" exclaimed Leila, before the group all ran out of the clearing before the timer hit zero.


The Ruin Timekeeper then exploded, which left a gap through the floor, into a cave underground below. Kyona peeked over the bushes as two pillars fell and smashed on the floor. She rubbed her eyes after the dust from the two pillars, to see a wall had been completely destroyed in the explosion and the gap in the floor, which a staircase had appeared. "I found a staircase, there could be some treasure in the ruins. We're going in, no objections right?"

The others shrugged. "It's not like bringing the quest back is any more interesting so sure why not?" sighed Lyonlu.

The group then headed deep into the ruins and down the staircase, not knowing the possible danger that could lie within.

As the group headed down the stairs, Lyonlu asked Kyona, "The Ruin Timekeeper back there said you were a goddess' descendant, it would explain why you kept your powers the god of creation gave you during the fight with Zhaknir, whereas I lost mine."

That's silly, I am royalty, you know that Lyonlu, I couldn't possibly be a goddess! But that is strange, I do agree." replied Kyona quietly.

While they walked down the stairs, they were attacked by a group of Ruin Crablets which were just cut down when they tried to jump on the group, except for one. "Get off of me please, you creepy thing!" Azoth shuddered. Lyonlu then picked it off her and punched its lights out. "Done." she said before walking with Kyona at the front of the group again.

The group eventually arrived to a big room with two people inside. One, an old man wearing a red robe and holding a staff with a blue orb in it, and the other a man wearing a black cloak, wearing a black crow mask with glowing red eyes and red spikes in the shape of a mohawk on it.

"Mongul…sir… they made it here…" whispered the old man holding the staff.

"I can see that." grumbled the mask wearer.

The mask wearer turned to face the group of four and he sprouted black feathered wings as the blue orb in the old man's staff shone. "Once I find the power stone, it's over for you all!" said the mask wearer. "I am Mongul, some call me the magic mohawk."

"Mongul the Magic Mohawk, what a shitty name. Your parents clearly didn't love you." Lyonlu smirked.

"You dare to make fun of my parents, I'll have you know they have slaughtered thousands of your kind, you fucking pieces of shit!" yelled Mongul.

Mongul then created a dark whirling tornado and launched it at Lyonlu.

"I don't have time to waste on you. So, I'll kill you right here and now with the help of my friend who has the blue orb of illusion in his possession, that's why I call him the Illusioner."

"Oh, you mean this thing?" asked Azoth, holding the blue orb of illusion in her hand and then using her nail to crack it.

"How did you- you bitch!" Mongul then turned to The Illusioner. "How did you let her steal it from you, you had one job! You useless piece of shit!" Mogul then stabbed the old man in robes with a dagger from one of the treasure chests in the room and the old man collapsed on the floor. "Now I can do this my way." said Mongul confidently. He then turned to Azoth and fired a fire tornado, which she dodged and added flames to the fire and sent it back at him. Mogul managed to dodge the flaming tornado, but one of his "wings" got singed in the process, making them both disappear. "I wonder what happens when I crush this." wondered Azoth, as she pierced her nail through the blue glass orb even further, making it shatter.

"No! Why would you do that… my…powers…" Mongul groaned before turning into an old man. Lyonlu slithered over to him. "So, this is your true form, you weak piece of shit. How about you cough up some information on where we are and where your master is, or I'll kill ya." Lyonlu stared menacingly at the old man.

"I'll never… talk…" said Mongul.

Lyonlu readied her fist and grabbed the old man in his black t-shirt and trousers by his collar. "Alright, fine, fine, fine I'll talk! I'll stop pretending to sound weak too! You are in an illusion, you are actually near the other side of the forest where Larginia is located, these ruins, this whole place, the illusion will wear off soon! Please don't hurt me!"

"Where is your master." Lyonlu growled while tightening her grip on his collar.

"I don't know, he jsut sent us here, seriously! Just lemme go!"

"Lyonlu leave him, he knows nothing." Kyona shouted.

Lyonlu let go of Mongul reluctantly and started to slither off, when Mongul lit a flame using a matchstick in his back pocket and was about to light a bomb with a grin on his face, when Lyonlu quickly turned around and punched him in the face, which left a little bleeding hole from his head and then his body fell to the ground and the illusion wore off.

The group found the horse and its carriage next to them when they returned to the forest. "I'm kind of tired after today. I need some rest and it's pretty dark out here." Kyona yawned while stretching out her arms. "That's a good idea, we should all get some rest and make our way back to Larginia in the morning." replied Azoth.

Eleina and Lyonlu agreed and the group had gone back inside the carriage and slept until morning.


"The tracker was put on successfully, these mechanical crabs came in handy. We will ambush them when they arrive in Larginia, won't we Craelza?" grinned Aaron.

"Yes, we shall." laughed Craelza.

"Who's there?" Aaron had noticed a shadow that jumped from a tree. "I won't hesitate to shoot, just come out quietly." said Aaron menacingly.

In a cave:

"You stupid bitch. You can't defy me." said a mysterious figure while he whipped someone in a cell.

"I don't care how much you hurt me, just don't touch my children." the figure said.

"Now why on earth would I simply leave your children alone. Your youngest will be used as a catalyst to power up my strongest machine, while I regain my full power."

"No!" the figure shouted.

"Stop shouting!" the mysterious voice said as he whipped the figure once more.

"All that's left is your eldest daughter and then, I'll be the most powerful being in the entire universe, once I obtain her power. You can do nothing, Mrs. Goddess Of Lust. Nothing except watch while I destroy everything you ever loved and cared about, which includes this planet!" The mysterious voice then cackled. "I'll leave you now and visit you later for the worst punishing you've ever had."

The goddess of lust sobbed. "Somebody, please, save me…"

"Sorry I took so long to get to you madam." A figure wearing a white t-shirt and cape with a white skirt and two light purple braids with pink eyes slashed the lock open on the cell door. "Thank you Megumi."

"No problem, I'll tell you the details later."

Once they escaped the cave, Megumi said "Madam, we made it out alive, your eldest daughter, Kyona, is headed for Larginia, where two of the dark lord's assassins from another realm are waiting for her! I heard they put a tracker on one of her friends."

"We need to go now Megumi!" said the goddess of lust before coughing up blood. "Madam, you cannot! You must rest, even for a goddess, the amount of suffering you endured in that cave with the Dark One… I'll get some of the recruits to take you to get patched up."

"Megumi, you don't have to…"

"I will, now go, I'll help them myself!"

Megumi then carried the Goddess Of Lust to a tree, where the newly recruited assassins took her to get healed up.

"I'm coming, Kyona. If, we couldn't save Anoyk in time, we can still save you, before they get their hands on you."

Megumi then dashed over to Larginia where Aaron and Craelza were lying in wait.