Chapter 4: The Tormented Soul

"Here is some more antidotes, I took extras because I spied on them both, so I knew what we were up against." Megumi then threw some antidotes behind her, which splashed onto both Kyona and Azoth, healing their poison.

Once both Aaron and Craelza had fully died, a rumbling was heard. "Is it happening again?!" exclaimed Megumi, turning to face Kyona, Azoth, Eleina and Lyonlu.

"The time has come for the catalyst to be used and the rifts to take over… To make *him* complete onze again." A voice echoed. Then, several hundred rifts appeared across Karinan, one pulled Aaron and Craelza's bodies with it and another was trying to pull Azoth and Eleina into it. Azoth, holding onto a tree with Eleina hanging onto her ankle, said "I guess this is farewell… The time we had was fun, Kyona, Lyonlu. I will never forget you two. I'm upset I couldn't show you my dragon form." She had tears in her eyes. "But, it seems it is time we must leave." Before she and Eleina were pulled away from Karinan, Azoth smiled as she was pulled into the rift and then, the rifts closed. Kyona cried. "Farewell, Azoth and Eleina, I'll never forget you two either." Lyonlu looked downcast as a figure hurried over to the three.

"Madam, you aren't supposed to-" Megumi was cut off.

"I'm fine, Megumi, you needn't worry about me. What is a more pressing issue is my youngest daughter, Anoyk. She is still alive, it seems they haven't used her as the catalyst for their plan yet."

"Who are you? You look… so similar… to me…" Kyona muttered whilst seeing the figure who turned out to be her real mother, The Goddess Of Lust, Shirone.

Shirone had a red birthmark on her forehead, white straight hair, a blue eye and a red eye. She has a beauty spot near her right eye. She wore a pink flower in her hair and a red ribbon on her head in between her white fox ears tipped red. She had a scar in the shape of an X in the middle of her face and wore pink eyeshadow. She had 9 white fox tails which were also tipped red and wore a kimono and had white sandals on.

Shirone saw Kyona and ran over to her to hug her. "Kyona, oh my sweet sweet daughter, Kyona." she cried. "I'm so glad you're safe."

Kyona stopped her. "But you aren't my mother, she and the king died in war!" she shouted.

"No, Kyona, let me tell you why you didn't know of me until now. You were very young and almost newborn, around 54 years of age. An emissary of the long defeated dark one was sent to our part of heaven. The emissary had killed your father and stole your sister, Anoyk. They said that the next time they came back, they said they would take both me, you and your brother and left us for the time being. I was scared he would take you and keep you to use and aid in the dark lord's revival as he was reduced to just a voice. So, I stepped down from heaven and gave you to the nearest royal family I could find for them to adopt you and raise you as one of their own for your safety. It seems you now found your own path and defeated the emissary."

"Who was the emissary of the dark one?" asked Kyona.

"Ryo Nozomi, one of the seven deadly sins and my former friend, The Sin Of Greed. He backstabbed me for the dark one."

Kyona was shaken at this news. "So my whole life, up until now, I was living a lie… That the people who I thought were my parents, weren't my parents at all. Anoyk is my sister and my real father is dead… This can't be true… What about Anoyk living in my head?! Was that a lie too?!"

"I'm not sure about that, you'd have to ask the one who put her there."

"Beelzebub… I have to find Beelzebub for answers." Kyona with newfound determination, faced forward. "I'm coming for you, Beelzebub, not only to find out the complete truth behind my past, but to slay you as well."

A fly noise was heard from far away. "Very wellz, come and fight me, you will zee that it izz too late." Just then a snapping noise was heard and Shirone grunted in pain. "Zis fight will be two on twozz." A portal opened. Kyona looked back at her mother. "I thought about it and I believe everything you've said." Kyona looked back at Shirone, her true mother and smiled. "Mother."

Megumi shouted. "You've got this Kyona and Lyonlu. I'll tend to Madam Shirone here. Stop the catalyst from activating and end this once and for all, this will be the final fight!" Kyona nodded and they both walked through the portal while Megumi watched.

"Please be safe you two." Shirone muttered.

Kyona and Lyonlu found themselves in an obsidian arena with a pool of lava surrounding it and Beelzebub flying in the arena. "Lookz like you made it, Kyona and Lyonlu, I should congratulate you."

Kyona pointed her sword at Beelzebub's tiny fly neck. "Cough it up, how did Anoyk get in my head." she stared dead into his eyes.

"Calm downzz, I just compressed her into a zpirit into your head with a bit of magiczz zat's all. Just to mezz with your head, zo you'd end up going crazy and killing yourzelf. Zen, your sister would become my lifelezz puppet." replied Beelzebub.

"How?" Kyona leaned forward, pointing her sword closer to Beelzebub's neck.

"Zecretzz that I cannot reveal, I used some leftover power from ze dark one. It was zcattered acrozz the land after he waz defeated." Kyona lowered her sword. Lyonlu then rushed over to punch Beelzebub, but he was protected. As if appearing out of thin air, Anoyk had appeared before Beelzebub, protecting him with her katana. "Don't hurt him." she said almost silently. She then turned to face her sister. "My enemy." She glared at Kyona.

"What did you do to her?!" Kyona exclaimed.

"I only told her you were evil and you should be exzterminated." replied Beelzebub.

"You bastard, stop toying with her life." Lyonlu tried to punch Beelzebub, but being small he dodged. "Now, let ze battle between zizterz commence!" Beelzebub announced. Lyonlu kept trying to punch him, but it did not work.

Anoyk then rushed to her sister with her katana and struck whilst Kyona blocked with a dagger. "Why are you doing this?!" Kyona said, whilst deflecting Anoyk's slashes. "We're sisters!"

"Must kill. Orders from my guardian."

"Your guardian is controlling you, what you think, what you feel, even how you speak! Your real mother is worried about you!"

"My real mother abandoned me when I was born and you're saying she is worried about me. Beelzebub isn't controlling how I speak, I choose how to speak. He told me my sister was evil, so I'll exterminate you here and now, so the world can be rid of evil filth like you!"

Kyona kept blocking katana slashes with both her daggers all while getting cut on her arms. "I'll just reveal my true form and take you out, since you seem to be a little stubborn. Behold, the true power of a goddess." She ripped off her black eyepatch and screamed as a black beam of light enveloped Anoyk, transforming her into Anoyk, The Goddess Of Darkness. She had black combat braces that covered her arm to her elbows, which had cracks in them glowing with a light blue light. The tips of her claws was blue and the clawed armor she had up to her knees was the same. She had a broken black halo above her head and blue highlights in her black hair. She had the blue cracks all over her body and face too, with her eyes lit up. Her right eye had a glowing on button symbol as the pupil. She grew black wings like fallen angels and kept her previous black dress clothes.

Anoyk charged up a blue ball of energy and threw it at Kyona who managed to dodge. Kyona then transformed into her angel form and flew up to Dark Goddess Anoyk. Her sword turned from a holy golden to a white sword with a red blade. Her eyes lit up. Then, Anoyk summoned black lightning. "Die, my evil sister!" Kyona didn't see it coming and the lightning shocked her, sending her to fall into the lava pit below.

"Kyona!" Lyonlu cried out, while slithering over to where she fell.

As Kyona fell to her death, she was reminded of two names. "Zonkha, Moltze, the family hawks…"


"I found their location Madam, It's a way off, but the hawks should be able to get there in time."

"I'm opening it… now…" Shirone weakly muttered. "Moltze, Zonkha, please save them, they are on the verge of destroying themselves."

Then, the two hawks flew into the teleportation portal.

Back to Kyona, as she was falling to her death, she heard a hawk's cry. "Black beak, white feathers, golden wings and the red cybernetic eyes… Come to me, Zonkha."

The hawk cried loudly as it plunged into the lava with Kyona, while Moltze flew to Anoyk's side. "The stone and blue lava hawk. Have you come to aid me?" Anoyk glared at the hawk and it squawked in response.

Then, a beam of light rose up out of the lava, with Kyona's body rising up inside of it.

Kyona kept the same clothes from her angel form. She now had white lacey bracelets and a choker. She had glowing red kitsune face marks on her face and she kept her wings. She also wore golden tags on the side of her dress now. She wore black flashy flat heels shoes and her red nails become sharpened and clawed. She had red streaks across her white dress, and a big one down the middle of the front, a red fabric. She wore white fishnet stockings underneath her dress and a gold ring on the left cat ear. Her eyes became slits instead of round pupils. Her white tail became a little bushy. Her hair and tail colour had a glowing red strand of hair in them. She wore Anoyk's amulet as a necklace and a golden clock-like holographic circle had appeared behind her.

"So this is my true power, I really am a goddess. Anoyk, no, sister, I don't want to fight you, please, remember your past."

The words echoed through Anoyk's head. "Remember my… past? I was still a baby and mom abandoned me. That's what happened!" Anoyk then threw several blue energy balls at the now Goddess Of Light, Kyona, who dodged. "Think harder, Anoyk, please. That's not the truth of what really happened."

Anoyk looked at Moltze, then looked to Beelzebub and then down at herself. "She.. Our mom… abandoned both of us… she…no…"

"Try harder Anoyk. Remember!"

"No… you're right, sister… I was taken away from mother from Ryo and then father was slaughtered in front of me and it was by the very same person who had been protecting me this entire time. Beelzebub slaughtered him from Ryo's orders. I was kept alive to save the world, when really he was just using me for himself…"

"I guezz itz time to buzzt this out then since you won't kill her yourzelf." Beelzebub said. He then summoned a tiny spear and held it up to the red sky. "Zis iz the power of my mighty robot! The Exzterminator!"

A big robot then flew into the arena with black armor and red eyes, sharp teeth and an on button on its chest glowing red. It had sharp claws and held a massive sword with a black hilt, with the word Crusher engraved on the blade.

"He haz the sword called the Crusher!"

Then, the robot's free hand grabbed the disheartened Anoyk and opened its chest, placing her inside a cage, linked to its head and then shut its chest.

"Anoyk!" Kyona exclaimed, in fear for her sister's life.

Beelzebub opened the robot's head and flew inside. "Now, prepare to dance like ze little puppetz you are!"

The exterminator then sent one of their hands out to grab Lyonlu who tried to rush the robot. The exterminator then raised Crusher and was about to strike before the sword was melted by a red beam as the Goddess Of Light Kyona's holographic circle turned red and span really fast. The exterminator dropped Lyonlu and then sent both its arms in front of itself to grab Kyona, but she darted around so fast, that the exterminator had tangled its arms up into a knot, allowing Kyona to fly up to where the glass head was and shatter it.

"You foolz…" Beelzebub then activated a button. "Meet ze true power of ze Exterminator! Ze Ultimate Exterminator!" A scream came from inside the exterminator as Anoyk's power was drained. "The catalyst has been used! Prepare for ultimate destruction!"

Kyona felt a power surge going to happen. "Duck and cover your eyes!" she yelled to Lyonlu. They both covered their eyes just as a massive shockwave of purple light erupted from the exterminator and spread all throughout the planet.

The exterminator's hands then overheated and were destroyed and its chest cavity opened, disposing of Anoyk's limp body, before it closed again. It grew 8 glowing light blue mechanical tentacles on its back, which launched out of it one after the other. Kyona used a small concentrated red beam to destroy one of the tentacles and 4 of them grabbed Lyonlu. One for each limb. "It has me restrained, Kyona. There's nothing I can do now. You have to stop this bastard yourself."

In Larginia, Shirone felt the same power surge as Kyona did. "Megumi, cover your eyes!" They both covered their eyes too as the energy surge hit them. They opened their eyes to find everyone around them had purple eyes and were all chanting one thing. "The saviour is here. Our lord is here. The dark one has returned. All hail the Dark One." Over and over again.

"They've been brainwashed." said Shirone. "Kyona, please, you have to win this. I've done all I can for you."

Back at the battle, Kyona had three of the tentacles chasing after her, which she deflected with her blade. She then transferred some energy to her blade and sliced the four tentacles holding Lyonlu, which only left three. "Impossible!" screamed Beelzebub. The Ultimate Exterminator's three final tentacles chased after Kyona yet again with Beelzebub yelling "Kill her!" Two of the tentacles lodged themselves inside Kyona's two arms, but she threw her blade behind her from one arm to the other, slicing the two tentacles, destroying them. The final tentacle then stabbed Kyona through the back, making her bleed and cough up blood. She then hung there, held by the tentacle, almost lifeless, twitching.

"Yez, she iz dead! Now all that'z left iz her friend and then all obstacles will be out of my way!" Suddenly Kyona's right hand grabbed the tentacle that had pierced through her back and forced it backward pushing it out of her chest. "You have not bested me, but only angered me even further."

"What!?" screamed Beelzebub. "How is this possible, damn you, you cursed goddess!" Kyona then stuck her red nails, which had now turned into actual claws, into the last tentacle, making it burst blue blood. The Goddess Of Light, Kyona, then flew up to the top of the Ultimate Exterminator. "Abort, abort abort!" Beelzebub tried everything he could but could not escape. Kyona then flew to the on button and stuck her hand straight through it. "You fool, why did you juzt do that!" Beelzebub panicked, whilst flying into the top of the glass trying to escape, but kept hitting his head.

The Ultimate Exterminator's feet blew up, then its legs and arms and then finally, its torso and head.

A portal burst open from Beelzebub's defeat and Kyona walked up to it. "Lets go, Lyonlu." Lyonlu then recovered Anoyk's body and nodded her head and they left through the portal that opened up, leaving the destroyed Ultimate Executioner's remains as well as Beelzebub's body behind.