Chapter 5: The Dark One

When Kyona returned from the portal with Lyonlu holding Anoyk's body she collapsed on the ground. "Kyona!" shouted Lyonlu. They were back in Larginia.

"She has used too much of her strength, she needs to rest." said Shirone. "As for her younger sister, I can still sense a little bit of power left in her, but she may be able to be revived and will also need a lot of rest." Megumi and Shirone both hurried them over to the nearest safe house.

Lyonlu thought, "This is the end. There's no turning back now. She and she alone has to finish this shit and save everyone. I don't see people around me. I just see puppets. You have to save us all Kyona, or this world will cease to exist." before slithering off to join with Megumi and Shirone.

A few days later, Kyona had healed and stood up. "I'm in a house. Is this a safe house? Wait, where's Lyonlu?"

As if on cue, Lyonlu burst into the room, with Shirone and Megumi not far behind. She hugged Kyona. "I'm so glad you're okay. You had me worried, dammit." she cried.

"It's all well and good that you are alright Kyona and that you can have a little reunion, but a more pressing issue still exists. The people outside." Kyona walked outside with the group to see everyone had been turned into mindless puppets with glowing purple eyes. "What is this… what happened while I was asleep?" Kyona asked.

"The shockwave did this. The one you and I both sensed earlier when you were fighting Beelzebub." replied Shirone.

A loud roar cried out. The sky turned a shade of blood red and two figures flew down from the sky and greeted themselves. "I am Mari." said one.

"I am Sera." said the other.

"And we are here to steal semen!" the both of them said together.

"How long did you practice that?" asked Lyonlu.

"A very long while." said Mari.

Mari and Sera are twins, they have more tanned skin and are succubi. Mari had red twintails, with black bat hairpins and wore a black crop top with a heart hole in the middle with red fabric and black underwear. She had red eyes and two upper fangs.

Sera wore the same clothes as Mari, except her heart shape on the crop top had purple fabric around it. She had purple twintails with black bat hairpins and purple eyes. She had two upper fangs like her twin sister. They both have black dragon-like wings and little black tails that end in a heart shape.

"We serve as the messengers from the mortals to the gods, but we both get a little hot sometimes. We are succubi after all."

"Sera! You didn't need to tell them that part!" Mari pouted.

"Just to let you know, the true evil of this world has awoken and there isn't much you can do about it. We're off back to Satan. See you later! Let's go Mari." Mari nodded and the two succubi disappeared out of thin air.

"That's it, isn't it, the cause of all this, everything that you have endured ever since you were born. The one that stole you from me, ruined our family. He is up there. I sense great overflowing power from heaven. You saw this journey through to the end, defeated all their minions, all their allies. It's only right you are the one to finish this. Your brother couldn't inherit the godly power, but you could." said Shirone, as she pointed to heaven.

"I'm bored of waiting. It's time to finish off this world once and for all, I wanted a challenge too, but I guess I hoped for too much." said a voice from the sky.

"Kyona go now! I'll be right behind!" Kyona nodded at her mother and transformed into her angel form and flew up to heaven.

"You did make it, huh?" said a voice. It belonged to a man wearing a white robe with gold fabric flapping from the elbows. He had black wings that looked like dead tree branches. He wore a white joker's mask with crescent shapes cut into it and they revealed his golden eyes and a twisted smile. His skin had turned black, almost like it had been burnt to a crisp and had black fingernails. He wore white armor to hide his hands and feet.

"I was wondering when you would show up, Kyona. Your mother has not been allowed access. I've barred it off for a one-on-one fight. The seven deadly sins never die, but only lose their physical forms if defeated, like your mother shall soon lose hers after I'm done with you. You may call me your god, or, I'm better known as, The Dark One. I was waiting for this moment, the moment I could test out your true power. I was just waiting for the moment when you would awaken to it, just like your grandmother did five hundred years ago. But, let's not waste any time and get straight to it, shall we?"

"All this time, you took me away from my family, sent countless enemies after me to hunt me down, ruined my life and killed most of my friends." Kyona transformed into The Light Goddess. "Now, you shall pay for all of that and more!"

"Yes! Fuel that anger and turn it into momentum and power! I did all that and more! Now hit me with everything you have!" The Dark One cackled. Kyona then shot a red beam at him. "Ooh, close one. We're getting right to it huh?" The Dark One shot a beam of darkness back at Kyona, which missed. "Ryo Nozomi and The Demon Lord, his assistants, the brain-washing devices, all of them were just pawns in my little game of cat and mouse! It was all so I could capture you!" Kyona flew toward The Dark One and shocked the Dark One with some red lightning power infused in her sword in response. "Ow, that hurt." He grinned as he grabbed Kyona and sucked her power from her. "My power... The power I have is increasing. Oh what a joyous day. To think I would taste some of Kyona's ultimate power. Ahahahahaha! This makes me so happy!" He then knocked Kyona back with a punch.

"This kinda hurts. But I have enough power now. It's time to drop you in the darkest place imaginable!" The Dark One then turned the ground of heaven from white fluffy clouds into a pit of darkness and Kyona fell through. She landed on a cold stone flooring, made of grey bricks. " This place is known as the Dark Realm. Any who go here who aren't born from darkness themselves, will have their power slowly drained from them." said the Dark One. "Remember that roar you heard earlier. I'll leave you to fight it." The dark one disappeared and a bloodcurdling roar was heard.

A massive creature stepped out of the darkness. A draconic creature. It had a reddish brown exterior with a white underbelly. It had 4 spikes jutting out of its head, and a purple gem on its forehead. It had four glowing eyes. One was red for Wrath, another was green for Gluttony, another grey for Sloth and the last one was blue for Pride. It had two long fangs jutting out from it's top jaw and had reddish-brown draconic wings and golden-yellow eyes.

"The Dark One, the demonic dragon, it's just like the legend, so that means..!" Kyona looked at the Demon. "This is Azekron Kaziera!"

Azekron let out another roar and then flew towards Kyona readying its claws for a charge attack. Kyona dodged it and flew away from Azekron. Azekron then let out an ear-piercing roar and started to charge its horns with a purple glow. Electricity was sparking in between it's horns. As Kyona and Azekron flew around the darkness, Azekron had charged up its horns and let out a purple tornado of lightning. Kyona got pulled into the tornado and got shocked a few times as she did her best to fly out of the electrified tornado. She stuck her sword into Azekron, which Azekron roared in pain and pulled it out, throwing it onto the stone ground. Kyona flew down to pick it up and as she did, she was met with some purple fire trying to burn her. She managed to deflect most of the fire by turning around in time and deflecting it with her sword, but she still got burned a little.

Struggling to get up, Kyona looked up at the dark sky. "What should I do?" she muttered. Then, she had an idea, the demon, although fast with its attacks, was very slow at flying and moving. Kyona took advantage of this thought. "If I go and fly around his legs, he'll be too slow and won't be able to reach me and then I can go in for the strike." Kyona then, with newfound determination, dashed forward and ran around Azekron's legs, while Azekron tried to breathe purple fire at her, slashing them with her sword. Azekron tried to kick Kyona, but she hung on. She cut Azekron's feet off and then ran around his back, slashing his wings to cut them off, after several slashes, she cut them off, making Azekron immobile. Kyona then kneeled on the floor, dripped in sweat. Azekron didn't have enough strength left to attack Kyona and was about to bleed to death.

The Dark One stepped into the darkness from the shadows. "I'm not surprised you beat him. You are the grand descendant of the one that almost killed me five hundred years ago. Glad to see you fit that standard."

"Who are you really?" asked Kyona.

"Alright, I'll take off my mask, just so you can see my face before you die." The Dark One took off his joker's mask and revealed his face. He had long flowing golden hair. "Remember me Kyona?"

"Boss… The boss of the assassins, you were the dark one this whole time? How could you… you deceived me from the very beginning!"

"I lured you to become an assassin to test your strength out at first. I was never friends with you nor your master. Yet you were foolish enough to believe that as well as my alias, Gregory! I'm done playing games now, it's time for the grand finale. Azekron Kaziera! Come to me! Let us fuse and become The Demonic God, Azekron Kaziera, The Reborn Lightning Demon Of The Underworld! Ahahahahahah!" A flash of white lightning came down from the darkness and emitted a bright white light. "Your fate is sealed Kyona! As well as this world!" He then stepped into the white light and it flew into Azekron Kaziera's struggling body.

Azekron roared while in pain as The Dark One took over.

Azekron's body was lifted up off the ground and its wings sprouted back as black and bony. It grew a black ring above its head, which read: "I am the new god of this world." His four eyes started to move around crazily and move as his feet regrew. Azekron grew 7 purple eyes, one for every sin the world has. 1 in each hand, 1 in each foot, one on the back of his head and one on its back, as well as one on its chest and grew purple crystals on its shoulders.

The Dark One, now having taken over Azekron Kaziera's mind had gained complete control of the beast. He had a deep, growly voice.

"I now have all the power. The power of the seven deadly sins. I stole the remaining physical forms, so all they'll be is entities inside the human conscious. You really think that the seven deadly sins can die?! They can never die, just experience endless torment under my hands, living on as the seven eyes of wisdom!" The demon then charged up a purple lightning beam and shot it at Kyona, which she deflected and sent it back into the darkness. "You're quite skilled, did anyone tell you that?" The Dark One then shot purple lightning beams out of all of the seven eyes of wisdom. Kyona managed to block three of them, but the rest electrified her, leaving her a shocked heap on the ground. The demon fired off lightning beam after lightning beam trying to kill Kyona once and for all.

Kyona then thought to herself. "I can't beat this thing, the seven eyes of wisdom? You have to be kidding me…" She suddenly heard a voice and then three. "I don't know where you are Kyona, but I know you got this!" it was Lyonlu. "Don't give up no matter what, you are my daughter, I know you have the strength to beat him!" her mother.

"Come on Kyona, who'll finish what your grandmother started?" it was Megumi.

As their voices rang out, more appeared. "You didn't forget me, did you? A hole in my wing isn't enough to kill me you know." said Klawe.

"I want you to be there for my concerts, It'll be lonely without you." said Aiko.

"Who'll supply me with fresh blood every now and then?" asked Daigha.

"Where are these voices coming from?!" exclaimed the demon. "Did they block the spell too? I thought the dragon was dead!"

"She almost was. We all thought that too. I now have the power. No, the courage, to take you on, head to head. I need to do this, not just for the people that believe in me, but to create a safe place for everyone to live." Kyona stood up.

"How will you create that safe place when you don't have me helping you rebuild it?! I helped rebuild Larginia every time it was destroyed for you to experience more pain and torment!"

"I'll create it myself with the power of the friends around me. It may take longer than the last times starting from scratch, but, my friends believe in me and I believe in myself!"

Kyona's hair colour changed back to white, and started to grow rainbow colored highlights and her sword instead of a red blade started to glow a rainbow color. Her left eye changed to a golden colour, leaving her right eye red. Her wings, even herself started to glow a rainbow colour and turned into rainbow glass like diamond shards floating underneath a golden frame. Her outfit turned into a white leotard with a diamond shaped hole where Kyona's belly button was. She wore white long sleeve gloves, white knee high socks and white high heels, with a red glowing line going down the sides of her leotard and her white knee high socks. Her chest grew and some cleavage was showing at the top of the leotard. The same red glowing line ran down the sides of both high heels and the gloves were black and had metallic claws attached to them which also glowed red. She wore two small black rings with a plus sign on each of them holding her twin-tails in place.

"And I won't let anyone… not even you, tell me different!"

The demon fired purple lightning from the seven eyes of wisdom and Kyona just stood there and took it.

"Impossible! How can you still stand?! You were hit with the seven eyes of wisdom! No, it can't be it's impossible! You awakened to your power even further?! The Goddess To End All Goddesses… The Holy Rainbow Goddess… This was your true power?!"

"It's the power and the courage, to protect your friends, your home, everything you cared about! Something you wouldn't know!"

"You don't know how much I have suffered… You have no idea… Your ancestors caused me a world of pain… Just because I differed and they destroyed my home… everything I loved once my heart had turned black… I had suffered the guilt of killing someone… but then there was no turning back… I sold my soul to Lucifer and killed him, absorbing his power… killing everyone who stood in my way, everyone who caused me pain… angels, demons, you name it. It was too much! I suffered, just like you, everything was taken away from me by your family in an instant! THE GODS NEVER DID ANYTHING FOR ME! THE REST OF THE ANGELS BETRAYED ME!"

"You're a criminal, an evil deity, you passed the point of no return long ago, you said it yourself. You are nothing like me. Selling your soul to Lucifer. What a fool. You chose the path of darkness yourself once you killed that first person and you deserved what came to you after that." Kyona then, held her hands up high and a rainbow beam poured out of her hands and shot straight up, melting the darkness away to reveal the blood-red sky. The rainbow eventually cleared the blood-red sky and turned it back to normal. Kyona then grabbed The Lightning Demon Of The Underworld and flew up with them into the sky. The demon freed themselves from Kyona's grasp.

Kyona yelled with fury and chased after the demonic god and slashed the two eyes of wisdom on his feet leaving a rainbow trail behind her.

"She did it. She made it out alive!" Klawe exclaimed.

"Go get 'em, Kyona." Lyonlu cheered.

The demon roared loudly and Kyona and the demon traded blows. The demon was on the defensive blocking Kyona's sword slashes with his arms. Kyona cut deep into his arms and then she cut off the two eyes of wisdom on his hands. She then zipped around to his back and slashed the eye of wisdom located there, leaving only two. The demonic god fired off his two remaining eyes of wisdom at Kyona, but they ended up missing and destroyed most of the castle and the city. Kyona then dashed forward and slashed the eye of wisdom on the demonic god's head, leaving the final chest one as the only one remaining. With all of his remaining strength, the demonic god fired off a final purple lightning beam from his chest and tried to push Kyona back with its power, trying to increase it more and more, but Kyona pushed forward and although it was difficult managed to get close. "Any last words, Azekron Kaziera, The Reborn Lightning Demon Of The Underworld?"

Don't you dare mock me. Your speeds of mach 9 are not that hard to keep up with. I have one final… word… DIE!" The demonic god fired off another beam of purple lightning and Kyona pushed it forward still. "Very well then, you shall die." Kyona then stuck her rainbow sword into the final eye of wisdom and pulled it up, out of the demonic god's head. With a loud ear-splitting screech, the demon flapped its wings so desperately trying to fly, but its body weight kept dropping it down and it crashed to the ground, where Kyona landed on its head and stuck her sword through it, finishing it off. The Reborn Lightning Demon Of The Underworld, Azekron Kaziera, was dead.

Kyona then pulled her sword out of the demon's head and put it in its sheath, by her side. Anoyk had awoken by this point and had went to hug her sister. Kyona hugged her back. "Anoyk, let's stay together forever this time, okay?" she cried. Kyona ran off to Klawe and hugged her tightly. "I missed you, please don't ever leave me again, I thought you had died!" she wailed. "Everyone is here…" Kyona turned around to see some villagers coming out of their half-destroyed houses and walking up to Kyona.

"The city is practically destroyed, princess. How will we rebuild it?" a villager asked. Kyona wiped the tears from her eyes. "We'll create a new one someplace else. This place has been rebuilt too many times. We'll create a new Larginia, bigger and better than ever before."

"It'll be the best one yet. I'm sure." said Shirone.

Everyone then headed off as the sun was setting to find a new home. A new Larginia. That Larginia would become the biggest and best Larginia yet and thrive for generations to come. The world was finally at peace with itself.