World Reverse: True Ending

World Reverse True E-

"Kyona, wake up!" Kyona opened her eyes to Lyonlu shouting at her.

"What… happened here…? Those… were visions of my true power…?" Kyona rubbed her eyes. She awoke to see Larginia covered in flames and her mother, Shirone, fighting the ultimate version of Azekron Kaziera. "There's no time to explain, Kyona, we need to hurry!"

"Where's Klawe? She's alive, isn't she?" asked Kyona.

"What are you talking about Kyona?! She died a few years ago!"

"Where's the happy ending, Azekron Kaziera, was supposed to be dead…"

"Kyona, what has gotten into you?! Azekron Kaziera was alive this whole time!"

Kyona finally snapped to her senses. "So, this… is reality…" she muttered. "Of course, that could have only been a dream, not everything ends that perfectly. When did I start dreaming from, Lyonlu?!"

"When you had the power of the rainbow, you flew out into the sky, but then fell to the ground and slept."

"So, it still has five eyes of wisdom remaining?!"

"Precisely." Shirone had cut in. "I'll destroy them right here and now, this is my finishing move. You tormented me the most, took everything I had from me, both my daughters, my husband and my son and you simply just watch while it all happened. Your pawns, Ryo Nozomi, the demon lord. How many more people were killed by them? It all ends here. I'm sorry Kyona… Anoyk… you two are not strong enough to beat him yourselves… not yet… this is the only option left… I'm going to die soon anyway…" Shirone said as she grew weaker and splattered blood. "Goodbye, my daughters and hello, my beloved."

Kyona got up off the floor and tried to run. "Kyona, stop, its too dangerous! Are you trying to get yourself killed?!" Lyonlu yelled.

"My mother is about to die, Lyonlu, she's in pain! You know how that feels don't you, when your mom is on the verge of death and you wanna save her!" Kyona cried.

"I do know, and that's why I'm stopping you, sometimes the situation is too dangerous to approach! Sometimes there is nothing you can do! This is one of those times!" Kyona pulled her hand from Lyonlu's grip.

"I'm saving her, no matter what." Kyona walked towards Shirone, despite Lyonlu's warnings. Just then, a burst of light erupted from Shirone's body and a loud roar was heard from Azekron Kaziera.

"If I reveal myself now, it'll be too late, but, it's my duty to protect." said Megumi. She then rushed towards Shirone and jumped above her head, about to plunge her daggers into Shirone's head. "Tch, I'll be evaporated before I can strike her." Megumi backed away.

Kyona screamed. "MOTHER!" as Shirone burst into an explosion of light, with the screams and sobs from Kyona ringing out into the burning streets of Larginia. "He's still standing?!" Lyonlu exclaimed. Azekron Kaziera had lived with one eye of wisdom remaining. "Not anymore he isn't." Kyona's eyes turned a rainbow colour as she threw her sword into Azekron Kaziera's chest, destroying the final eye of wisdom. Azekron Kaziera let out a roar so loud it shattered windows and vibrated the entire kingdom. "He's dead." Kyona turned to Megumi. "You." She retrieved her sword from Azekron Kaziera's corpse. "Why didn't you help her! You're supposed to be the family's protector! So why… Why did you do nothing!" Kyona cried to Megumi.

Megumi's teeth grew sharp and pointy, she looked like a shark who had cornered their prey. Megumi dashed forward so fast, she was invisible, as a line of darkness split though Kyona. Kyona looked at Megumi with tears in her eyes, full of anger. Her eyes were fixated, like she was ready to go in for the kill.

"You want to kill me? We are the only three survivors from this kingdom you know? Are you sure about this?" Kyona grabbed Megumi by her neck, forcing her to drop her daggers. Lyonlu shouted for Kyona to stop. "Why should I listen to anyone now?! I've lost everything! From her and her dead master! She tricked us! I've lost my kingdom… My child… My own mother! She has to pay for all that she's done!" Lyonlu rushed over in time for her hand to stop Kyona's blade from stabbing Megumi's neck. Lyonlu grunted as she held her hand in pain, while the sword pierced through her hand. "Lyonlu, why… why did you…"

"It's because you aren't like this Kyona… where's the happy Kyona I once knew?"

"She's dead and she's not coming back! I will no longer be happy! Why… why did this happen to me and me alone!" Kyona's grip tightened as she pushed the sword further through Lyonlu's hand as her eyes turned a dark crimson red and she grew two arms with blood-red glowing veins and sharp claws.

"Kyona, stop it! " Lyonlu shouted as she freed her bleeding hand from Kyona's now blood-red sword and started to wrestle Kyona to the ground. "This isn't like you, your own hatred is corrupting you!" Lyonlu's eyes started to form tears. "Come back to me, Kyona, please!" Kyona swung her sword around wildly, trying to get Lyonlu off of her as she covered her ears. "Shut up, Shut up, Shut up!" she growled. Kyona screamed and her grip loosened on the black-cloaked Megumi, while she fell to the ground, on all fours, spluttering, coughing and gasping for air. "Kyona, you still have me, don't you? Your best friend. There's still hope. We can make a new life elsewhere!" She purely focused on Lyonlu as she ran towards her. "Don't get in my way! I will kill anyone who gets in my way of revenge!" Corrupted Kyona growled. Lyonlu stood there, unfazed, as she hugged Kyona tightly, while she was being scratched. "Welcome back, Kyona." Kyona calmed down and returned to her usual self.

"There is no hope. How am I to believe there is hope… Even with you Lyonlu, I can't, I can't… I even scratched you..." Kyona burst into tears as she sat down on the floor. Lyonlu helped her up off the floor. "C'mon Kyona, we have to go now, or this place will burn us alive!" Kyona wiped her eyes and took Lyonlu's hand. "Megumi, you too, even if you are evil, I don't give a shit! You can redeem yourself! I won't let any more people die!" Lyonlu grabbed Megumi's hand as they sped out of Larginia.

Kyona with tears left in her eyes said, "Goodbye forever, Larginia."

"You're quite fast at running, Lyonlu." said Kyona, hugging Lyonlu's back. "It's nothin' really." Lyonlu chuckled. Kyona cried as she smiled. "Maybe there is hope, after all."

Lyonlu stopped by a building with a carriage by it. Lyonlu slithered over to the person handling the carriages and asked to borrow it. The group of three climbed inside the carriage and they were off.

Lyonlu looked over to Megumi and lifted up her black cloak with purple cybernetic patterns on it. "When did she? She really can be nice huh… Seems she's loyal to her now and found a new master."

Anoyk's body was held tightly to her chest, as if she was taking care of a newborn baby.

"They'll recover soon." said Kyona, who had healed them. "Let's go Lyonlu. Megumi. Sister. To start a new kingdom."

Then, the burning remnants of Larginia slowly faded from view as Kyona and the other three's carriage had left and they set off to create a new kingdom, where Megumi swore to protect the others no matter what.

World Reverse True End