2 Years Later

Daiyu and Baobao sat together, eating dinner, when the door to their room burst open. Both heads whipped around to see Imperial guards storm in. Daiyu stood and stepped in front of her brother.

"What is this? I've abided by the house arrest rules! I haven't done anything!"

A eunuch stepped forward and said, "His Majesty has proclaimed that as of today, Tang Daiyu shall enter the palace as a maid and serve the Fifth Princess of Chang. Tang Bao shall go to live with Lord Shuo and the Zhang family."

Her eyes widened. "No, please! He's my brother! Please, don't do this. Baobao's the only one I have left!"

Two soldiers stepped forward and wrenched her away. She watched in horror as the eunuch took Baobao by the hand and began to lead him away.

"Eldest Sister!" he cried.


Soldiers held her back as she began to sob.

"No! Please!"

Salty tears streamed down her face as her brother disappeared around a corner. Daiyu collapsed to her knees with the soldiers holding onto her arms.


Still crying, Daiyu was dragged from the room and shoved into the carriage outside the inn. The coachman flicked the reins, and the carriage lurched as the horse started to walk. The ride to the Imperial Palace was short, and soon, Daiyu was being led past the fortified watchtowers of the North Gate.

She was escorted into the Front Hall where Emperor Jianyuan sat on his gilded bench throne. In front of him was a table with various scrolls and documents. The pillars on both sides of the hall reminded her of her mother and father's red blood seeping into the ultramarine blue rug. The images of her parents' lifeless bodies haunted her thoughts.

At the bottom of the dais upon which the Emperor sat, Daiyu was forced to her knees. She kowtowed once out of politeness.

"Greetings to Your Majesty."

"Tang Daiyu, yes?"

She nodded. "That is correct, Your Majesty."

"Wrong!" Daiyu flinched and dared to look up. The Emperor glared at her. "There are no Tangs any longer. From this day forth, you will be Xiao Yue, a servant to my daughter, Princess Ling."

Daiyu looked down quickly. 'How can this be happening?'

She felt a kick by one of the soldiers and quickly said, "Many thanks to Your Majesty. I accept the position graciously."

Emperor Jianyuan reclined back in his throne and waved her dismissal. She kowtowed once more before being pulled to her feet.

As she was walking out, the Emperor called out, "No one in the Imperial Palace is to know who you are. For all anyone knows, the Tangs are dead. If they find out the truth, you will be severely punished. Do you understand, Xiao Yue?"

She turned back around and bowed, holding her arms out horizontally in front of her. Her left hand slightly overlapping her right. "Yes, Your Majesty."

He dismissed them, and she was led outside. The soldiers left her with two eunuchs who escorted her over to Chengming Hall where the Fifth Princess resided within the sleeping quarters of Changxin Hall. At the front doors, one eunuch knocked. A maid opened the door, and the eunuch bowed.

"This is Xiao Yue. The Emperor has sent her over here to serve Princess Ling."

The maid motioned for them to enter. Inside, Princess Ling walked over to them. Daiyu swallowed her pain and fury and bowed to the Fifth Princess of Chang.

"Greetings, Princess. I, Xiao Yue, will serve you faithfully."

Princess Ling looked at Daiyu and said, "I don't know of any Xiao family. Tell me, who are your parents?"

"I don't know, my Lady. They died when I was very young. I've been serving in Lord Shuo's household for as long as I can remember. He recommended me to the Emperor."

Princess Ling seemed satisfied with her answer and dismissed the eunuchs. She walked closer to Daiyu and gave her a more thorough once-over. The maid who had answered the door came into view.

"Hong Na will get you some clothes. She is also my maid-in-waiting, so you will answer to her if there are any problems or grievances. Don't bother me with trivial things, do you understand?"

Daiyu nodded. "Yes, my Lady."

"Good. Now, go to Yongzhou Hall and get cleaned up and changed. Hong Na will take you there."

Daiyu bowed again before following the maid-in-waiting out of the residence. On their way over to the washing and bathing hall, Hong Na explained Princess Ling's likes and dislikes and her schedule to her. Daiyu nodded along and took in all the information.

At Yongzhou Hall, Daiyu took the clothes from Hong Ha and went inside. She headed over to the servants' section and bathed. When she was done, Daiyu dressed into her new clothes. The light blue silk uniform fit her perfectly.

Before going back outside, she sighed and thought, 'I'm so sorry, Father and Mother. I couldn't even protect Baobao. I'm such an unfilial daughter.'

Daiyu took a deep breath and calmed herself. Then, she walked out and followed Hong Na back to Princess Ling's residence. There, she was told what her daily routine would be. Daiyu followed along and started to work.

She cleaned and dusted the residence. After that was done, Daiyu sent Princess Ling's dirty clothes over to the laundry depot. Suppertime soon rolled around, and she went to go eat with the other palace maids. But just as Daiyu was about to leave, Hong Na stopped her.

"You have to go and bring Princess Ling her supper first. Also, keep her company."

Daiyu nodded and walked back inside the residence. She sat down at the table and watched the Fifth Princess eat. Once she was done, Daiyu scurried over to Yongning Hall where the servants ate. But by the time she got there, the other palace maids were leaving. Saddened, she went inside and ate alone.

After supper, she returned to Princess Ling's residence. On her way back though, she was staring at the ground while she walked and bumped into someone. She quickly looked up and realized that it was a man. And not just any man, but one of the seven princes of Chang.

Daiyu quickly bowed and rambled, "I'm so sorry, Your Highness. I wasn't watching where I was going. It's entirely my fault. Please, punish me as you see fit."

The prince leaned over and helped her up. As she stood, her eyes flicked up. Daiyu saw him smile at her.

"It's okay. You must be new to the palace. Everyone here knows I take a stroll around the palace at this time."

"Yes, Your Highness. I just arrived today. I'm sorry that I ran into you."

"All is forgiven. Tell me, who do you serve?"

"Princess Ling."

His eyes widened. "Who assigned you to Ling?"

"The Emperor himself, Your Highness."

"Well, what have you done to upset my father? He wouldn't have sent a new maid to Ling unless he meant to make a show of it."

Daiyu swallowed as realization dawned on her. 'The Emperor means to humiliate me. This is his punishment for me.'

"Why do you say that, Your Highness?"

He laughed. "Everyone in the palace knows Ling is quite difficult and troublesome. She treats most of her maids horribly and likes to pick on the newest."

'Great,' Daiyu thought. 'Just what I need.'

"I'm sorry, Your Highness, but I should be on my way."

"Of course. If my sister gets mad, tell her that I stalled you."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Daiyu raced through her memories to try and remember which prince she was talking to. She smiled and excused herself.

As she was walking away, he called out, "Wait! I don't know your name!"

Daiyu turned back around and bowed. "Xiao Yue, Your Highness."

Then, she faced back towards her destination and kept walking. On her way back, it popped into her mind.

"Prince Han," she breathed. "The Second Prince of Chang, and the son most likely to succeed the throne. Oh may Heaven have mercy on me."


Back in Princess Ling's residence, Daiyu got a talking to that she had never had in her life.

"Do you realize how late you are! Are you so stupid that you can't even tell time? Gah! Why did my father send you to me? You're nothing but a nuisance!"

"I'm sorry, my Lady. I accidentally bumped into Prince Han, and he stopped me."

The Fifth Princess whirled towards her.

"Jin? You ran into Jin?"

Daiyu nodded. "Yes, my Lady. He guessed that I was new and asked who I was assigned to."

"Hmm. Hong Na, go over to my brother's residence and see if this useless maid speaks the truth."

The maid-in-waiting left and soon returned with a positive confirmation and an apology from Prince Han. Princess Ling stared at Daiyu before finally sighing.

"Very well. But if you're ever late again, I won't forgive you!"

"Yes, my Lady. I understand."


Daiyu scurried from the room and headed over to the servants' sleeping quarters in Changxin Hall. She found an empty bed and curled up into a little ball.

'Baobao, wait for me. I will surely find a way out of here, and then I'll come for you. We can go south to Heping. That way, Emperor Jianyuan can't get us; we'll be out of Chang and free.'