
Over the next few weeks, Daiyu got used to her schedule. She made friends with another maid that served Princess Ling, An Mei. Never again had she run into Prince Han, and she was slightly saddened.

'He was the first person in the palace whose actually been kind to me.'

Then, one day, as she was walking back from the laundry depot, Daiyu noticed Prince Han. She knew better than to outright approach him, so she kept walking.

When he finally noticed her, he called out, "Ah, Xiao Yue!"

Daiyu look around, pretending that she hadn't noticed he was there. She finally laid eyes upon him again and let herself give him the briefest of smiles before bowing.

"Your Highness."

"I hope my sister hasn't give you too much trouble after that first night?"

"Just work, but she barely notices me."

He nodded. "You look familiar. Have we met before that night?"

Daiyu froze. Sifting through her memories, she remembered a time when her father brought her along to the palace. She had talked with one of the princes back then about court affairs and the disputes with Heping. Her eyes widened, and she nearly gasped when she realized it.

'It was Prince Han! It was him that I had talked to that day.'

"Uh, no, I don't think so. I've lived in Chang'an my whole life, but I'd never been to the palace before," Daiyu lied.

"Hmm, I could've sworn we'd met before. Oh, well, it was most likely someone else."

'Yes,' she thought. 'It was someone else. Someone who wasn't disgraced.'

"I'm due back soon. I just finished delivering clothes to the laundry. My Lady will wonder where I've gone."

"Of course, I won't keep you any longer."

Daiyu bowed quickly and walked away. She returned to Princess Ling's residence and cleaned the rooms. When she was done, An Mei walked in.

"Oh, Xiao Yue, good it's you. At first, I was afraid Hong Na would be here."

"Nope, just me. Hong Na is accompanying Princess Ling on a stroll while I'd been cleaning. I've just finished."

"Let's sit outside then. That way we can be quick to greet them when they return."

Daiyu agreed, and they headed outside. The two sat down on the top stair and began talk. When Princess Ling and Hong Na returned, they quickly stood and greeted them.

"Call for supper," Princess Ling demanded of Daiyu.

She left and headed over to Yongning Hall to ask for a meal to be prepared. On her way back, she once again came across Prince Han.

"It seems were are fated to continually meet," he joked.

"Perhaps," she said ruefully. "Princess Ling has just asked for supper. I should go and tell her that it's been asked for."

"Ahh, yes. My sister is quite picky about these things. The poor cooks know all about her specific eating habits."

Daiyu nodded slightly before quietly excusing herself. She returned to Princess Ling's residence and reported back to her.

The Fifth Princess waved her away, and Daiyu went with An Mei to go eat their own supper.


About a year later, Daiyu was massaging Princess Ling's shoulders when one of the Emperor's eunuchs entered the residence. The princess turned to look at him.

"Gao Zhen? What are you doing here? What does my Royal Father want now?"

"He's actually summoned Xiao Yue."

Princess Ling's eyes widened as she turned around to look at Daiyu.

"You?" she said in utter disbelief. "What does he want with you?"

Daiyu swallowed, uneasy.

She left her lady's side and followed Gao Zhen over to the Front Hall. Daiyu noticed Prince Han leaving the hall just as she began to round the corner. He looked startled.

"Xiao Yue? What are you doing here?"

She bowed. "Prince Han, I don't know. The Emperor wants to see me."

"Well, I won't keep you any longer."

She thanked him and entered the hall. Inside, she knelt before Emperor Jianyuan and kowtowed.

"Greetings, Your Majesty."

"Xiao Yue, do you know why I summoned you here?"

"No, Your Majesty. I hope I haven't done anything wrong."

"No, not yet."

'Oh, that's comforting,' Daiyu thought.

The Emperor waved for everyone to leave. Once it was just down to the two of them, he leveled her with a stare. She flinched. Daring to look up, Daiyu noticed his features soften. A little.

"I received word from Lord Shuo's household concerning your brother, Tang Bao."

"Yes?" she said eagerly. "What is it, Your Majesty?"

"He caught a fever and is very sick."

Her eyes widened in horror.

"The physician is worried he won't make it through the night."

She choked on a sob. "Please, Your Majesty. He's still my brother. Let me see him one last time."

"You may go to see your ailing brother, but some of my soldiers will go with you."

"Yes, Your Majesty. Many thanks!" Daiyu cried and she quickly kowtowed three times.

"Alright, alright. Go."

Daiyu stood up and left with three Imperial guards flanking her. Prince Han caught her outside.

"Xiao Yue, what is it?"

She bit her lip, knowing she was treading a very thin line. "Nothing. Everything's fine."

Daiyu brushed past him and started for the North Gate. Prince Han watched, confused, as the guards accompanied Daiyu out of the palace.


At Lord Shuo's residence, Daiyu entered and bowed respectfully.

"Lord Shuo, His Majesty has allowed me to come and see Baobao. Where is he?"

Zhang Shuo bowed back and said, "The physician said that his sickness is contagious. It's best that you don't see him today, Tang Daiyu."

Her eyes nearly flared with fury. "His Majesty might not let me come back. If my brother dies, I could never forgive myself for not being able to say goodbye. It would be unfilial of me."

Lord Shuo sighed. "Very well. Come with me."

He led her into the residence and over to a side room. Daiyu pushed open the door and walked over to her brother's bedside. Sitting down, she her his hand in hers.

"Baobao?" she murmured.

He weakly turned his head to look at her and blinked. "Eldest Sister?"

"Hi, how are you doing?"

He coughed and groaned. "I feel terrible."

Daiyu's eyes filled with sadness. "I wish I could help you. But the Emperor is constantly monitoring my movements."

"Eldest Sister, live for us. Avenge us."

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she closed her eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Baobao. I'm unfilial. I couldn't protect you."

"Don't blame yourself, Eldest Sister."

Daiyu leaned down and embraced her brother.

She murmured, "I won't forget you, Baobao. You, Mother, or Father. We are Tangs; we can't be broken that easily."

She heard him sigh and nod. Daiyu sat back up and watched as the life left her last family member. Then, she broke down.

Lord Shuo walked in to see her shoulders heaving with sobs. He gently pulled her from Baobao's bedside.

"Tang Daiyu, please, calm down. I understand this is hard. I know what you've gone through is difficult. Please, Tang Daiyu, your family would not want you to bereave yourself this way."

She spun around to face the official.

"My brother's dead! I have nothing and no one left! Don't tell me to calm down. You have your family, you have your home!"

Daiyu turned from Lord Shuo and ran. She flew out of the residence and pushed past the soldiers. They followed her back to the Imperial Palace. She marched into the Front Hall. Luckily, the Emperor was alone.

"Dead! My brother is dead!"

"You impudent woman! Do you have no respect for your Emperor? I could kill you now if I so chose!"

"Then do so!" Daiyu roared back. "I have nothing else! Nothing to live for! You made sure of that!"

"Announcing, Prince Han!"

Daiyu's head shot up. The Emperor glared at her once before looking beyond her. She quickly wiped her eyes and fell to her knees. She kowtowed just as Prince Han walked in to the room.

"Xiao Yue? Why are you here? I thought I saw you leaving the palace."

"Pardon me, Prince Han," she said as she stood. "I was just leaving."

Daiyu begrudgingly bowed to the Emperor and bowed to Prince Han before turning and leaving the Front Hall. She returned to Princess Ling's residence and plopped down in a chair, defeated.

'Live for us. How can I do that, Baobao? How can I right the wrongs done to our family? How can I bring honor back to the Tang name?'