Chapter 1

*Beeeeeeep Beeeep Good Morning It's abruptly 5 am with a beautiful day ahead of us!*

Every morning my alarm clock plays my moms voice recording she recorded for me to wake up to so she didn't have to tell me so many times in the morning to wake up. It's been almost 3 years since she died and almost 3 year since we moved to Lamina. A small secluded town with less than 1,000 people. Dad had a job offer to transfer and it was one he couldn't refuse.

*Knock Knock* "hey sweetie you up I heard moms voice" dad always happy to hear the alarm go off as much as I did. Something about mom was always the one thing me and dad could agree on was her lovely voice. Other than that it was like a war zone in this house! Mom was our Switzerland always keeping the peace never taking sides but always made everything better. Until we lost her and moved here to the middle of no where. closest mall was 3 hours away, my dad decided after mom died to have me home schooled so I wouldn't be bullied for being of native decent and the only thing in town was a bar, dinner,grocery mart and a movie theater with only one screen. Irene the elderly widow owned it and although I was to young to legally work she allowed me to watch movies there when ever I wanted in exchange I would help her by working the ticket booth on Friday and Saturday night and clean the lobby and seating area after the screenings were over. I pushed to finish my online schooling 2 years ahead and finished my last course 2 weeks ago so I could spend more time at the movie theater to avoid my father at all cost. I was headed to the theater and about to cross the street when a brand new car all black with what almost looked liked all black windows almost hit me. I hit the hood and flipped the driver off and continued on my way. But it just drove behind me as if tailing me. I got creeped out and began to run as fast as I could I ducked into the alley between the theater and grocery mart. And snuck in through the back door sure whoever was following me I lost. Probably was just another racist white person. As I walked up to the office to set my bag down Irene was there on the phone trying to order the movies for Friday and Saturday they usually arrived in the next day and I always got to watch them first. "Good morning doll I wasn't expecting you for another hour or so ,coffee must really be going down hill next door for you to be here so early?" Her voice was so soft spoken that if you didn't pay attention you would have missed what she was saying. "No some creepy car almost hit me when I was crossing main st. Then had the audacity to follow me so I ditched them in the alley so looks like I'll have to get my coffee later." "Well I have a pot in the lobby I just made 20 minutes ago if you want some ?" " oh Gma you are truly an Angel" I always referred to Irene as Gma because she was the closest person I had as a grandparent figure. She didn't look at my skin color and get disgusted or afraid of me. Partly due to her husband was native. They were unable to conceive children so she also enjoyed getting the chance to be called Gma just as much as I did to actually have one. I went on my daily routine to clean organize and watch movies.

The sun started to set so I knew it was time for me to get home. As I started to walk home I realized that the same all black car was parked across from my house.