Chapter 2

I Decided I wouldn't take any chances and hopped the side fence and go through the garage dad was gone still he usually got off work and went straight to the bar his favorite place since mom died. He would be home about an hour before the bar closes when Alyssa usually cuts him off and follows him home to be sure he made it safely. The house was dark so I just ran to my room and shut my door. I hopped in the shower then went to bed the next couple of days carried on and I still kept seeing the same car Irene even grew suspicious so she started to pick me up and take me home. It was Friday morning my alarm going off letting me know it's 5 am and dad knocking like normal. I waited for him to leave like normal figured he would forget my birthday. I heard the door close so I knew he left for work. I walked to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water from the fridge before I left for the dinner but when I closed the fridge I noticed dad was at the table. "I wanted to say happy birthday and maybe have breakfast at the dinner for your birthday?" He said with pain in his words. Probably the first time I've seen him since my birthday last year when I told him I hated him and couldn't wait to leave. "It's okay I'm just going to head in to the theater and watch mom's favorite movie" I lied. "Okay well I left you a present over there on the counter and some extra money in case you wanted to do something maybe Sunday with me if not that's okay we could go into town if you want" he never could look at me anymore "sure I'll think about it. He left and I got my bag ready and house key and went to lock the door when I saw the black car across the street again I decided to go still what could really happen? I walked to the dinner and the car followed me like it did all the other times I walked in and Rosie greeted me " Hutaya your 16 omg happy birthday but why you look like you seen a ghost?" "Hey Rosie and no just this black car seems like it's been following me all week" looking out the window cautiously while I take a seat at the bar. " I'd follow you to your just so gorgeous and don't forget nun of the kids in town know you cause you did that homeschool thing I bet you would have been prom Queen with all the boys drooling all over you" "thanks but i graduated 2 weeks ago so I'm done with school for 2 years until I get to leave for college!" "I wish I had your courage to leave" "just got to want it Rosie" she looked down but brought me my regular plus one of her famous birthday cupcakes. I walked to the theater to prepare it for tonight's showing we had an early show and an evening show our early one starts at 3. Time flew by and I was just about to open when 3 men got out of the black car and one opened the door and a gorgeous man with long braided hair and beautiful copper skin got out he was built so beautifully strong masculine sholders with a body that was chiseled by the creators them self he had a fitted black polo on and dark tinted glasses his jeans fit just right. He walked up to the window and we just stood there unable to say a word to one another Irene walked in and greeted him he had a deep voice that was cold and gave you chills but held great authority in it. "Hi can I get 4 tickets please" "uhhhhmmm mhm sure all aldult tickets?" He wouldn't stop staring at me and he took his glasses of to reveal the most beautiful amber eyes so unique they were almost like liquid gold. "Yes please 4 adults" "$20 please" he went to hand me a 50 and his hand touched mines and sent shivers down to the depths of my core "keep the change"he smiled then went to the show room as the movie was ending him and the 3 other men walked out and I smiled shyly at him something about him had my attention in a weird uncomfortable way that I didn't know if I liked or not liked. He walked up to the concession and before I can great him he asked for a water . "Here it's on the house" "well aren't you nice but I don't mind thank you and by the way happy birthday" he then turned and walked out. This was all to strange? I tried to puzzle it together but it never made any sense so I pushed it to the back of my mind I went to start getting tickets for the next show when Irene walked in with arms full of gift bags and a slice of cake "happy birthday doll why don't you take the rest of the night of and just enjoy your birthday you only get to be 16 once plus this old theater will be here tomorrow" "thanks Gma I love you" " I know dear enjoy" she unloaded off all the stuff she was holding and and gave it to me and before I could refuse she pushed me out the door. As I was walking I seen and elder man who looked lost and hungry and decided to give him the slice of cake it made us both smile. I got home and that car still followed me. Something is up. I knew dad wouldn't be home like always for atleast 3-4 more hours

So I decided to clean my room do laundry and open the gifts up. Irene bought me a couple new summer outfits and some cute tank/shorts night sets one was so silky I had to shower and shave and enjoy it she also got me a few new movies and a new book. I decided I would shower then read till I fell asleep. I was almost done showering and I all of a sudden heard a loud bang I went to shut the water off and get out as one of the men from earlier barged in and had a gun I screamed and wrapped the towel around me "excuse me what the hell are you doing in my house" one of the other men came in and cover his eyes and turned I was wet in nothing but a towel "get dressed ma'am" "and shot the hella are you to just break into someone's home and demand things!" The both walked out and I went to put the clothes on to only realize I had the night jammies Irene got me a cropped tank and shorts that were just a bit short definitely something for bed.