Chapter 3

I hurried out scared of what might happen and as I opened the door the gorgeous kind man from earlier was in the opposite corner of my room staring at my family photos. But the me. Who barged in both held my dad beaten and bleeding badly. The 3 man from earlier stood next to me "what do you want" I said demanding answers for all this! He turned and smirked at me staring me up and down like he was caressing my body with his eyes I hurried and grabbed my robe to wrap up he chuckled and pointed at me. "I want what's mine!" Confused and scared now that I seen how badly dad looked I might have hated him but I never would wish for someone to hurt this bad. "Well I don't have anything of yours so.." he cut me off " Lokni you going to tell her or do I?" Dad tried to mumble but could all he could say was sorry. "Fine then I will but first got clean him up and leave us be" "yes sir and they all left the room he turned to me and before I could say anything he crossed the space between us and had me up against the wall with his hands on each side of my face making it to were I couldn't leave. " now where was I oh yes I'm here to collect what's mines, you see 16 years ago out tribe was dieing out our blood quantum was lowering in the offspring as they came out with less and less percentages. My parents, your parents and I were the only ones with 100% blood quantum. My father was chief and his 2nd in command was your dad. Well I was born and a few years later your parents had you the only 2 children with 100% native blood left our parents set into motion an arrange marriage which would make you my wife the day you turn 16. All was set and agreed upon. Well when you were 4 your family hit hard times and your mom got sick. So you guys moved to the big city for her treatments and all was fine till your dad couldn't afford treatment no more so he came home by himself and made it seem like you were the one Ill so my parents furious that they didn't tell them sooner and that he didn't bring you gave him the money and told him you must move back for us to protect you. He took the money and ran your mom got some what better and you guys stayed on the move. When your mom died she told your dad to put it down that you died instead but we seen the body before it was cremated and knew it wasn't you. He's been in the run ever since. Unable and tried to hide you from me so that he could keep you and your soon to be wolf away from me. But you see I haven't stopped day in and out I've looked and hunted you down to find you before you changed so I can be their and claim you as my mate the way it was supposed to be they way our parents originally signed in. The creators and god are furious and our people are depleting faster than we can reproduce. They need their Luna and I The soon to be chief need my mate and my Luna to end our people's misery so the gods would end their raft and bring hope to our people! I just want what's mine and I want you! I need you!" His words his me like cold blades piecing my skin. I just barely turned 16 and I was just one person I'm nothing special definitely no savior! " I'm sorry but you have the wrong person! I can't help you" " you can Hutaya or I will kill everyone you love and make your life just as hard as your father has made our people" " but I do t even know you definitely do t want to be with you and I'm free to choose who I want! Nobody and arrange anything for me!" " so then I will arrest you take you back to our land and keep you there till you shift then claim what is mines and make it all a living hell until then but you can be simple and come with me and we can be civilized? Your choice?" His face got closer to mines giving us barely an inch of space and our noses practically touching. "So either way I have no choice but what if I deny you and don't want you" his wolf deep inside felt the pain stab like a knife in the heart and he let out a growl "I can be nice or evil either way you are mines it's mated in blood and bonded before you could walk no changing it. I can always start by killing your father and then arresting you and still claim you or he loves and you come smoothly?" "Fine but he and no one else will be hurt ?" " I promise!" He leaned in even closer brushed the hair from my face and kissed my forehead " I knew you would obey now lets go!" "Can I get my things, change and say good bye first?" " No you will have what I need and you can see him again once your do the things your were arranged to do and bonded into existence! Plus why change I love the view I have definitely thanking the creators for how beautiful you are and we are excited to taste every bit of you!" His words were harsh and stern. He grabbed my arm and made me trail him until he opened the door and made me get in I wasn't fast enough and he buckled my seat belt as we went to drive off I began to get cold he looked at me with his beautiful eyes and put his jacket on me " it's okay I'll be fine !" "No it's cold a long drive and my men don't need to see my mate half naked!" "well they already seen me in a towel so I mean ?" his face gee angry "Bo call home and tell them their chief has his Luna and to prepare our room please I want the best" " yes sir anything else ?" "please turn the ac up" he stared at me with anger in his eyes and why turn it up I was cold enough and all of a sudden a woman soft voice came in like i was on the phone " child do as he says and make our life easier! The torture will be far worse and we need love I don't think we can take more pain!" " but why I don't belong to him he has no right to me it's not fair he is the one being cruel and torturing me already turning ac on knowing I'm cold for what ?" " my child he needs you and one day you will need him give in a take his hand ask for the coat for mercy or from here on out it will be harder and harder the farther you push you two are blood bonded you can't break that! " I will not ask for mercy leave me be!" He anticipated in hopes I would give in but my stubborn ways would prove him wrong I scooted closer to the door and farther from him and pulled my legs up. I stared out the window until I finally drifted off!