Chapter 4

The car ride lasted so long and by early morning I was freezing and in need of warmth but I don't want to give in he will not own me or control me ! I belong to myself! I looked over to see he tried to get as close as his seat belt allowed but I was to far for him I went to look out the window when I felt a warm touch on my thigh it sent tingles into the depths of my core again but it moved away quickly leaving me without that sensation but even more colder and he shifted in his seat to be closer to his window he was angry I could tell and I was scared. What have I done I'm only 16 and my love is thrown out to shambles for what a blood bond some lies and deceit from my dad. It was roughly noon and I wanted to ask how much longer but I didn't want him to think I was weak and that I was finally going to give in ! We went on almost 5 more hours until the car finally stopped I wanted to wake but I was terrified to fine where I was and to cold to move. My door opened "get out now! We are here" I tried to get out and stand up but my legs were jello and they buckled in I went to fall and he catches me " be careful mate don't want to get a scratch on that perfect stubborn skin of yours." He help me and the feeling inside me became to much to handle at once and I snapped " let go of me I'm not your mate or your Luna you don't own me I belong to myself! You can torture me or even kill me for all I care but I am nothing to you blood bond or not and tell whatever that's in my head to leave to !" He was angry from the amount of disrespect she had towards him when he had longed for her hunted searched high and low to have her! He has loved you since before they met he wanted what belongs to him whether she knew it now or late he wants to give her a chance but if not he will snap and take it! Only good news is her wolf is coming out now that her mate is close, maybe she could convince this stubborn woman to change and to eventually love him! She will urn for him soon enough! Even if this woman went almost 18 hrs freezing cold with nothing on to prove a point!

I tried to stand but couldn't I felt embarrassed to yell at this stranger in front of so many but I had every right to! I finally got up and the car moved to reveal the most astonishing house I e ever seen. I didn't move until he grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder and that feeling came back and as beginning to get over stimulated. Why is it every touch she feels this way "put me down you mad man" "No" "yes" "No" I went to fight it until the voice yelled at me" don't you no shame or dignity! You are a fool and people will pay until you accept your mate or you will pay eventually." I stopped kicking yelling and thrashing to replay her words why will I pay why will others why do I have to be his mate I never got to choose! He we t inside and turned to go up the stairs as we reached a door he walked in and dropped me on the bed "bo have food brought up here please we will be turning in so" "yes sir" he slammed the door as he turned and stared at me I began to feel small under his stare. He went to touch me but I moved away "don't touch me!" " or what !" We both stared angrily until a woman entered and set the table then brought food. She could feel the tension and tried to leave swiftly. He got up and walked to the table and pulled a chair out "join me now" he commanded and I didn't move at first until I smelt the food I walked over and sat down he sat next to me watching me carefully why was I even important to him! I was a nobody ? He tried to feed me but I refused which only mad him and the voice angry with me

His eyes burned red and orange like flames "why must you be so stubborn! I will not play games Hutaya you either become mines willingly or you become mine by force your choice but what you don't have a choice in is your going to eat then I'm going to take you to the bathroom and bathe you then we will go to bed we had a long night and day " I went to fight it but he shoved a fork full of food into my mouth he was serious and has a power trip vibe ! I only ate 3 bate which made him mad but hey I ate right!

He got up to the bathroom and I was scared a man has never bathed me or seen me naked or been anything my heart started to beat hard to the point that I thought I was going to die. He came back with only jeans on revealing his beautifully chiseled body. He picked me up and took me to the bathroom he placed me on a chair " will you undress or would you prefer me to!" He smiled and licked his lips as he finished that line. " I will do it don't touch me and I will wash myself!" "Fine but I'm not leaving !" He was stern but I wasn't discouraged at all " then I will not sleep and I will run away!" His face looked displeased "fine but then you will sleep in the same bed as I with the same blanket and sheets now you have 10 minutes !" Why was he so obsessed with me I didn't feel nothing for him but when he touched me? I got a feeling like no other one that made me get scared I knew nothing of this no one told me about being a wolf or theses feelings I get or even the voice in my head. And then she spoke " why are you so rude he is our mate and you treat him so bad we need him you need him" "what are you? Why are you in my head? Why do we need eachother ? Why does my body go crazy like that when he touches me ?" " I am your Wolf, I started to come out when our mate came around we could sense his presence and the moment he touched you I was triggered. And that feeling you get even as scary as it can be is your body telling you that he's our mate the moment you give into him and allow us what is our will be the moment you regain your self he doesn't own us and when the time comes you or he and reject each other but if he still wants you he will have you and his feeling for you are not going to go away easily. Just give him a-little of you allow him to hold you tonight your in control of what happens not him!" "Fine I will try but if I need help or have questions promise you will be here?" " sweetie I'm always here I can't leave you we are one." I hopped out the bath feeling so nice and relaxed like I was under a spell or something. But it did help with my nerves. I went to get dresses until I realized that he left me nothing but a short sexy

Night gown ? Was he trying something already I wanted to fight it but I started to relax even more and feel heavy so I hurried up and went to the bed and pulled the sheets back. He didn't say anything to me but I could feel his eyes on me he did the same on the other side . We both climbed in and I turned my back to him. I could feel his eyes burning into the back of my head until he finally made a move and wrapped his arms around me and went to sleep at first the feeling inside was to much but as I allowed it my body calmed down it just heated up to his touch and my cells and inside wanted to be on him next to him just there. The night flew by and i got the best sleep as I rolled over he pulled me closer I forgot he was there so I jumped and fell out of the bed. "Ouch" as I hit the ground he jumped so fast and ran to my side and went to help me up. " just leave me alone I'm fine damn it!" I don't know what happened but a hot spot burned anger within my stomach. I screamed out of pain and agony as I hit the floor again. Why was this happening? "Shhhhh it okay you wolf is preparing to come out in a few weeks" " no I don't want her to!" "It's a good thing ! And I will be able to claim you then!" "I belong to me and me only!" "Maybe but your body is mines" I felt one more tight pain and it stopped I got up and ran to the bathroom and locked the door. How could I stop her from coming out so he can't have me ?" Her voice came though "you can't my sweet child we need our mate now and the pack needs us even more!" " but he can't own me !" "He can and he will you will see it's a good thing!" I tried to ignore her but then all I felt was pain and sore muscles. I don't want him to own me. I can't even imagine the things he will do to me!