Chapter 5

I hid in the bathroom just taking cold baths and warm baths back and forth to ease my muscles it did help and the pain eventually stopped. I peaked my head out to be sure I was alone seeing how I didn't grab a towel or clean clothes. Cold nude and wet I decided to make a run for the closet and I made it and managed to wrap a towel around me when I heard his voice behind me " oh why ruin the view" fuck did he just see me naked ? I was to embarrassed to turn around so I got dressed with the towel around me grabbed my air pods to block him out I then went back to bed if I was going to be forced here against my will then I will not leave this room.

I ended up drifting off into a deep sleep and when I woke up I saw the clock said 5:45 I tried to move but I was being held down. I had to pee so badly but his grip was like no other and for a moment he even looked delicious to look at with his perfect body his skin of glowing copper and he long black silky hair but then I snapped out of it and wiggled out of his arms. I went to the bathroom and peed then started to put myself together. When I finished and walked out he was up at the table reading the magazine and drinking coffee or maybe tea? "Oh your done finally please sit with me" " it's okay I'm tired I will be going back to bed" " no you will get sick keeping yourself to the bed I have breakfast coming and I thought maybe we spend the day together getting to maybe know one another plus although my shirts look nice on you definitely need to get you some of your own." " it's okay if Im your property then we will stay here we don't care how we look!" "But I do and I wish to get to know you better if you just quit being so stubborn we could actually be perfect but instead you wish to make it hard but when you turn I will claim you then whether your ready for me to or not" " I rather not" "why must you be so damn annoying" " why did I get forced into things I never chose to be in or with why must I be treated as property or something you own instead of a woman with feeling and her own views on life trapped who knows where with a man I know nothing about but wants my body I think I am entitled to these feeling!" " entitled is one word to describe you" "see your so annoying I hate you " " I know but you only have about maybe 2 weeks and when you shift I will claim you and your wolf will allow it!" I was sick but o was hungry to so I sat at the table food came in and I had no shame I ate till nothing was left. He left for an hour then came back " let's go get your shoes!"